Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 32

Mrs. Hopkins answered the door and was greeted by Krystal’s radiating smile. “Hello Mrs. Hopkins. It’s so nice to see you again.” She kissed the older woman’s soft cheek as she entered the house. Mrs. Hopkins too noticed the change in Krystal.

“Welcome Miss Krystal. Welcome home dear. You look very well. You will find Miss Megan out on the deck. You go on through and I’ll get you a nice hot cup of tea.”

Megan turned toward the door when she heard it open. Her faced beamed when she saw who it was. “Krystal,” she exclaimed “What a surprise. What the heck are you doing here?” She said as the two embraced for a long warm hug.

“Wedding plans my dear, I can organize a shindig for 40 or 50 people but I can’t do something like this on my own”

Laughing she said “You came all the way home for wedding plans? Surely they have wedding on that side of the country Krystal. Actually they do and I know they have very good wedding planners. You didn’t need to come home just for that”

“Yep, I know there are good ones over there but I want the best. I want someone I know and trust. Someone who knows my tastes and someone who will respect my wishes. Someone who knows how to organize something down to the very last minute detail. I want a perfectionist. And finally, I want someone who will dedicate herself to this until she gets it perfect”

Laughing, Megan said “That’s a big ask. Who did you have in mind?”


Mrs. Hopkins arrived with her tea.

Snorting at Krystal Megan said. “You have got to be kidding. No way thank you very much. I’ll be able to put you in contact with someone good, but I’m not going to do the job” Knowing she certainly could, but infact didn’t want to for obvious reasons.

It felt so good to laugh. Something she hadn’t done in a long time.

“I don’t want someone good, I want someone exceptional. You know you could do it. You're just choosing not to. Megan I want you to do it. There is no one else I would trust to do the job properly or as good as you would.”

Putting her tea down she said “Krystal I’m flattered, I really am, but I just don’t know I could do the job justice. It takes weeks to organize something as enormous as this properly. I have work commitments. I can’t just forget about them. I run a business remember? And on top of that I have not been well. I don't need this right now. I have a rotten head ache, I'm sorry but I can't do it."

Changing the subject Krystal said “Have you spoken to Jon since you’ve been back?”


“Why not? I know he’s called”

“Yes he has. Everyday infact." She paused before continuing "He has called. Richie has called. You have called. Even Dorothea for heaven's sake has called. He has sent chocolates and flowers. I have enough chocolates to open up my own shop on Valentines Day. I have enough flowers to put a fresh bunch on every tombstone in every cemetery in this country. I don’t know what to say to him. So I guess it’s just easier not to say anything at all”

“And not talking to him is making it easier for you to cope? Not talking to him is making everything alright? It’s taking the pain, the hurt away. Helping you to deal with the shock of it all? Yep, I can see your strategy is working well, you look like crap.”

Megan rubbed her temples as she rose from her seat out on the deck. The same deck where Jon kissed her before she took him up to her room where they made love. “No. its not." She said, pausing while she took a deep breath and got her thoughts together. "I miss him so much. I just don’t know what to do”

“Neither does he Megan” she said coming to her side “But at least he is making an effort” she said. Megan knew she couldn’t run away forever. But making that first step would be the hardest. “You know they are on tour now?" She nodded “So if you came back with me to assist with the wedding plans you wouldn’t even see him.”

“When does their tour finish?”

“Not for another 4 weeks. And they won’t be home until then.” She could sense that Megan was warming to the idea so she kept talking. “They are in Tokyo at present and will be there for the next 2 weeks, and then they have 1 week in Australia, then they are back to the US doing their last concerts for this tour here. If they last that long that is.”

“What does that mean?"

“We have never minced words Megan so I’m not going to start now. I’ll get straight to the point. The concerts have been pretty crappy. Jon’s putting in a half hearted attempt at a performance. Richie rings me almost everyday and remarks that he isn’t going too well. He doesn’t seem to have the joy or the energy he had last time round. It appears as though he just doesn’t care anymore. They are playing to half filled stadiums.”

Megan could relate to not having the energy. She was exhausted everyday. And lacked the motivation to keep going. “Maybe 20 years is long enough” she said trying to find something to blame other than their situation, "Maybe he needs a holiday. I know I do.”

“Maybe he needs you” Krystal said.

Ignoring Krystal’s comment Megan said “When have you guys decided to legalize this happy union?"

“The week after they come back”

“What? That’s quick. Oh my, you’re not pregnant are you? Have we got a little shot gun wedding happening here?” she said with a quirky tone to her voice.

“No” she said laughing “I am not pregnant and there’s no shotgun wedding. We just don’t see any point in waiting”

“Ok." She said accepting the challenge. ”I’ll come with you to help with the organizing so long as we are completely finished before the boys come home. And I don’t want to see Dorothea at all while I’m there. So if you can assure me of these two things I’ll do it. When the boys come back,” she continued, “I’ll go and stay at a nice motel and come back on the day for the wedding. But not the reception. Understood?”

“Understood” she said laughing. “There is just one problem with that little plan. I wanted you to be my chief bridesmaid”

Megan was touched that she asked her to be part of her wedding. Although she expected it, after all they had been best friends for a long time. Megan would have been devastated if she wasn't asked. “Who else is in the wedding party?”

“Richie is of course having Jon as his best man and Tico and David will also be groomsmen. I am having you to stand next to me, Carina from work and Dorothea” She said in a muffled tone.

“Oh my life stinks. How many ants have I stepped on to have so much bad luck? So that would mean I am partnered with Jon.” She said matter of factly.

“Yes it does”

“You’re not doing the old fashioned traditional stuff are you? Like waltzes and the like?”

“Richie wants it fairly traditional. And I’m happy to keep him happy. So you and Jon would have to be comfortable with each other for everything to come together. So you either need to kiss and make up or have some good acting lessons in the mean time, but there will be no bridal waltz." She said jokingly. "Megan we have been through so much together. I need you with me for this. You are all the family I have. I don’t want the most special day of my life to happen without you. Please Megan don’t make me beg”

Seeing the desperation in her friends eyes she knew there was no other choice. She knew the decision was made for her. She organized her life again to be away for over a month. Thankfully she was in a position to do this. She put Damien in charge of all Foundation operations, and hired him an assistant. For no other reason than to stop him whining. She gave her home employees time off again, with full pay. Larry got a bonus because he still had to come twice a week to ensure everything looked fabulous. Megan spent the next two days working flat out to ensure everything was ready.

Finally she was packed and ready to go. Larry kindly drove her to Krystal’s to pick her up for the trip to the airport. Four hours later they touched down.

You are on Chapter 32 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi-today


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DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

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CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

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