Monday, March 10, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Megan showered and went to bed. Completely forgetting about Michael. The next morning when she awoke and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water she saw Michael sleeping on the lounge.

“Michael, what are you doing here still? I thought you left last night?”

“I didn’t know if you would need anything so I stayed.”

“Well that is very sweet, but honestly I am fine.”

Feeling a little embarrassed Michael got up from the lounge and ran his fingers through his graying hair, tucked his shirt in and said, “Well I guess I should get going then.”

“No, don’t be silly. Stay for breakfast. It’s the least I can do.”

Megan prepared some food for Michael and made herself a hot coffee.

“You’re not eating?”

“No, I can never keep anything down after treatment. I will be fine by lunch though. I’ll have something then.”

“How are you feeling Megan?”

“Pretty good really. Just the day after treatment is usually not good. I am tired and I feel unsettled in the stomach. Sort of like motion sickness. It’s not usually too bad. That’s all really. Other than that, I am fine.”

Michael finished his mouthful and said , “No. That’s not what I meant. I meant how are you feeling emotionally? Are you coping ok?”

“Yes I am.” She lied. She longed for Jon to be here with her. In the privacy of her own home he could comfort her and hold her and make love to her without anyone knowing what was going on between them. “I am doing the best I can. I will be much happier when Krystal comes back. She has been my rock during this whole ordeal. Well one of them anyway.” She corrected.

“Who else has been your support network Megan?” He was fishing for information. He wanted to know if there was a man that would be standing in his way.

“I have a friend who has also been there for me when I needed it. She didn’t want to tell him yet that it was Jon.

“A male friend?”

“Yes, a male friend.”

“A serious male friend?”

“No, not anymore.” she lied once again. “He is just my friend, that’s all”

“So he isn’t a boyfriend or someone you are romantically connected with.” He was fishing, not to be nosey but for his own satisfaction. He wanted to know if she was available or not.

“No”, she said taking a sip of her piping hot coffee.

“So does that mean you will have dinner with me anytime soon?” Michael could quite happily pick up their relationship right where it had been left off 20 years ago. He knew he had made a mistake by the way he treated her all those years ago and had kicked himself for many years afterwards.

“No, Michael thank you but I am going to say no. I have just come out of a coma not too long ago and have worked really hard on getting my memory back due to the amnesia and now this.” She indicated to her breast cancer. “And on top of that I am having vivid recollections of an affair I have had with…..” she nearly said his name before she stopped herself and said “with a wonderful man.”

“Is this wonderful man the mysterious friend?”Megan nodded.

“Ok. I guess that is a lot to have to deal with in a short space of time. But Megan it is only dinner. I have to eat, so do you. Is there any harm in us eating at the same restaurant at the same table on the same night?”

“No” she said putting her coffee down. “I guess there is no harm in it at all. I am just not ready for anything other than dinner at the moment Michael.”

“Ok, then. How about tomorrow night 7pm at the Sea Breeze?”

“Sounds perfect.”

*** *** ***

Megan dressed in a nice dress for dinner. Her figure was something to be admired at her age and she studied her image in the mirror for sometime until she heard the door bell ring. Collecting her purse she walked to the door. Her long hair falling behind her.

Dinner was delicious and she enjoyed Michaels company. Afterwards he took her home and after a night cap he left quietly without even pressing Megan for anything more.

After he left she retreated to the back deck with a glass of wine picking the phone up on her way. Sitting down in the cool night air she dialed the international code followed by the number and waited for Jon to answer. They talked for an extended period with him telling her that he would be there for her next treatment so that she wouldn’t be alone. Her next treatment was only 6 days away but as each day passed it seemed as though it was a marathon. She longed to see him. She longed to feel him. She longed to have him hold her. She longed to have him make love to her. Would that ever happen again? Megan felt that the time it happened in the hospital bed is something Jon may have regretted. He made no attempt to touch her intimately since. At this point in time she really had no idea where they stood. She would play it by ear and wait to see what unfolds.

*** *** ***

You are on Chapter 63 of Day to Day

(C) 2008 CINDI - TODAY


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