Monday, April 02, 2007

Chapter 7

We talked for a little while mostly about the mother of his girlfriend and my boyfriends mother. How tragic it was to waste time talking about the two of thm. Apparently his girlfriends mother was a real cow. So was my boyfriends mother. Jon ended up breaking up with that girl, it wasn’t until years later that he told me that he really did love her and regretted breaking up with her. Unfortunately for me I married that boyfriend and hence am stuck with his cow of a mother. It’s not unfortunate that I married him its just unfortunate that now I am stuck with her. They, whoever ‘They’ are always say that your love is the person you married and not their parents or any other members of their family but any of us who are married know that that’s not always the case. If either of you have a family that does not meddle or interfere then your relationship will flourish. But if you have a mother that still controls her son no matter how old he is then the relationship is bound to have problems. As far as I am concerned though, it is my husbands choice to a still allow his mother to control every aspect of his life then that’s his problem. I will go more into detail about this old bag later but now I want to get back to that night.

Jon told me that he needed to get going as it was really late. So I redirected him so that he was only a house or 2 away from my house when we once again stopped the car and continued to talk, all the while his fingers were lightly brushing against my leg. I had positioned myself so that I was now sitting sideways in the passenger seat of his car; I was facing him instead of facing towards the direction of the car window. The area his fingers were covering gradually became larger. The longer he brushed against my leg the higher he went so that eventually he was quite high on my thigh before he stopped and lingered there for sometime. I am not really sure now to be honest but at some point I ended up in the back seat of his car with him on top of me!

The pleasure I felt that night was like nothing I had felt in my life. I was totally satisfied in every sense of the word. It seemed to me that we were the only two people in the entire world. At that time no one else existed. The world could have come to an abrupt end right then and there and I would have died so very happy.

This was the very same week my grandfather died. So I remember it well. When I got home – finally, my parents were furious. As expected my mother went off. She was a very tall woman and when she spoke one listened, and listened well. I remember she said something and I guess feeling the jubilation I was feeling I spoke back. Something you just did not do to my mother. She was never a meddler in peoples lives but when she spoke you did listen and you did not talk back. She ruled her household with an iron fist. She raised her hand to slap my face. I don’t know what possessed me to do so, but I grabbed her wrist in mid flight and I’ll never forget what I said to her. I looked straight up into her eyes and said “Don’t ever raise your hand to me again.” I let go of her hand and walked out of the room and up the hall to my room on very shaky legs. I, needless to say didn't sleep well that night. Probably a combination of the events with Jon and what happened with my mother. I had never done anything like that before, and am still not sure what possessed me to act like that.

It was that night at eighteen years of age that I decided I would leave home at my earliest convenience.

It was now late July and the weather had turned cold. Life in my house was strained and very uncomfortable at times. By September I had made plans to vacate. It was the last day of September that I finally moved my things out. I moved in with my boyfriend Chris – yes the same one with the awful mother. That boyfriend later became my husband.

It was only a matter of weeks after leaving home that I discovered that I was pregnant. I had no doubts that the child was my boyfriends as I would have had to be pregnant for 12 months for it to have been Jon’s child.

Once I left home life was pleasant. My boyfriend and I enjoyed each others company and loved our new life together. With the impending delivery of our baby life couldn’t get any better.

I didn't hear from Jon again for a few years. I had heard that he became a Solicitor and that he was working not far from where I lived. Infact it was in the very same street. I lived about 3 kilometers from his work. It was a very long street in the city. I wondered what it would be like to see him again now; our lives had changed in so many ways. I knew I couldn’t see him though. I deliberately avoided going anywhere near that end of the street simply because I knew what would happen if I did. At that point in my life I had no intentions of jeopardizing my marriage, not even with Jon.

The time passed and Chris and I moved house, still in the same area but a different town. Our family was growing and we were about to add another member. This was the next time I saw Jon. It was purely by accident.

Natasha and I were both pregnant at the same time and so we decided a girls night out would be a pretty safe adventure. Considering neither of us would be drinking, we could hardly get ourselves into mischief. She suggested we go back to our Local. I had not been there for about four years and knew that he worked away so I really didn't expect to see him. However sometimes our expectations go beyond our wildest dreams………..


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