Friday, March 30, 2007

Chapter 6

Thankfully nothing incriminating was said, with the exception of course that he said that he had had a good night and that he really enjoyed it and wouldn’t mind doing it again sometime soon. He asked me several times if I would go over to his place, he needed a little bit of company. I told him that I couldn’t, that I needed to go to bed to sleep as I had to start work early. He was very adamant that he wanted me to go over. Jon told me that he had been drinking and couldn’t come and get me but he would pay for the taxi ride there and back. I repeatedly told him NO and finally I had to hang up the phone on him to get the point through.

And my mother listened to the whole conversation. As I said thankfully nothing too obvious was said but no doubt she knew what the conversation meant. She never said anything though. If the truth be told I would have been more than happy to go to his place and stay for as long as he wanted me to. I would have done it in a heart beat.

After the call I didn't see or hear from Jon again for sometime. Natasha and I continued to go to the Local but for whatever reason I never ran into him at all. And no one had seen or heard from him. I wondered if he had moved away.

During his absence I had become friendly with a guy by the name of Chris that I had known for years. We got very close and eventually became lovers. We were inseparable. There was no where we didn't go together. I even took him home to meet my parents!!!! Chris lived out of town and we only saw each other on weekends, which was hard on young love. But it made the weekends something fabulous to look forward too.

It must have been about 18 months later when my grandfather died. And considering that my family were all big drinkers it was no surprise that we all decided to go to the Local. I don’t know how long we had been there for but we had had a lot to drink. My biggest sister had wanted to go home much earlier – she was never one to drink much. Although if she wanted to have a big night she certainly knew how. But apparently this night she wasn’t in the mood. My other sister and I were party animals. Something I eventually grew out of with age. My other sister still to this day hasn’t grown out of partying.

One of the reasons I didn't want to go at the point was because I had just seen Jon walk through the doors. I noticed him and a good looking young guy called Rex playing the poker machines. Rex was the love of Natasha’s life. She had been in love with him for longer than I could remember. Probably longer than I had been in love with Jon. He was good looking enough but he was also younger then us, so he wasn’t someone I would be overly interested in purely because of his age. I was just not, and still aren’t into younger guys. After a few more drinks – a little bit of Dutch courage - and I managed to position myself in between these two lovely young men. Both of which seemed pretty happy about it. After a few minutes Jon put his hand on my leg and left it there for sometime before he began moving it around, and giving me a little squeeze from time to time. He moved it slowly up my thigh. I needed to remind him that I was here with my family. So unfortunately that was when he let go of my leg. I wore a denim skirt and white shirt that night.

Probably after an hour or so of my big sister whining we decided to shut her up and go. We called for a taxi and went outside to wait for it to arrive. The evening was cool but not too cold considering we were approaching winter. As luck would have it the taxi arrived at the same time as Jon was leaving with a few of his mates. They were parked directly in front of the taxi I was getting into. The taxi driver was a man I always considering a great friend, I had confided in him on many occasions. A few years after this night he was tragically killed in a car accident. That man took my secrets to his grave. I don’t know what I would have done without being able to confide in him the way I did. He always gave me sound advice.

Anyway just as I was about to get into the taxi I heard a few whistles and calls. One of them even called for me to go home with them. I can tell you I had no intentions of going home with them. I only had an interest in one of them and he knew who he was. When Jon called I immediately left the taxi and ran to his car. My sister was screaming at me to return but I didn't listen. This was an opportunity far too good to miss. The taxi driver told her not to worry and that I would be safe with Jon. I found out years later that my taxi driver friend had picked up Jon one night and for the entire duration of the ride Jon was given a lecture on me, and that if anything ever happened to me there would be hell to pay. That’s why he know I would be safe with Jon.

I got in Jon’s car listening to and laughing at the many heckles from his passengers. I remember him laughing and saying to them to shut up and get in the back, they lady needs the front seat. I did get in the front and he drove mentioning that he would drop his mates home first. That statement came with more heckles from the back. After he dropped the last one home he drove towards my house. It wasn’t until we got near my house that he told me he didn’t know exactly where I lived. He just guessed I lived in this general direction. He stopped the car on the side of the road and parked it at the end of my street for probably 20 minutes or so…….

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Chapter 5

How embarrassing!!!!

From the vacant land we continued on towards the train station. Gary lived over the train bridge in the next suburb, the same suburb as me actually. Jon lived at the end of the street that the train station was in and Natasha lived in a different suburb that we needed to get the train too.

Just across the road from the train station was a sort of vacant land park type thing next to a pre-school. Natasha and Gary didn't spend anytime getting acquainted in the vacant land. Thankfully Jon had a little bit more decorum. We kissed for a while before he took me around to the front of the pre-school where there was a garden that hid the front door to the building, to the point that it was really secluded. He wasted no time once we were in the privacy of the garden. My jeans were down so quick that I didn't even realize they were down until I felt him enter me and my backside against the hard ground underneath me. Although I had not much experience in the sexual area I knew what was happening to me at that point in time was something fantastic.

Its funny that when you are young and ‘in love’ with the cute boy from your youth, how you spend so much time fantasizing in your mind that if it ever really happened how wonderful it would be. And everyone always says that it is never as good as you imagined it to be. Well, I can honestly say that it was all that and more!! As I said, back then I didn't have a lot of experience in that department but up until that point in my life it was a dream come true and Jon satisfied all my fantasies. The event itself satisfied me more than I could ever have imagined.

The longer we were there in our little hide away, the more I became worried about Natasha. As far as I knew she was still in the vacant land at the front of the preschool. I protested a little so that I could get up, but to no avail. So I remember pushing him off me with an almighty shove so that I could get up telling him that I wanted to go check on Natasha. He told me that she would be fine as he leant me up against the wall and slide his tongue between my legs to the most heavenly feeling I have ever felt. As amazing as it was I had no idea how long we had been there and no idea where Natasha was so unfortunately I had to bring and end to paradise and go find her. He wasn’t happy about it but understood and agreed to call it a night on the proviso that I agreed to continue another time. Of course I agreed to that. We got up to find Natasha and once we did we said our goodbyes and all went our separate ways. Jon did ask us if we wanted a lift home but both of us decided against it. So we went to the train station only just getting off the tracks in time before a train came screaming through the station.

Natasha and I made it home safely that night. I lay awake that night. All night. As I listened to the sounds of the night and listened to Natasha snore I rehashed everything that had happened, step by step. I dozed off just before dawn only to be woken a short time later by the noises of the house arising. Natasha's parents were always early risers so any chanced of a sleep in were lost. I put on my robe and got up to go to the bathroom, as I did I said good morning to her parents. When I finished in the bathroom I went to the washroom to wash my face and hands. Turning on the tap and waiting for the water temperature to be just right I looked up in the mirror and nearly screamed. I had a love bite on my neck! I ran from the bathroom into Natasha’s bedroom and woke her to look at it. Immediately she said to put toothpaste on it. Apparently it makes them go away. I don’t know if it does work or not but by the next day it was gone. Thank fully! Thankfully also that my hair was longer now and I positioned it so that the love bite would be hidden.

I stayed at Natasha’s most weekends in those days. I think it was just so much better than being at home, and my parents couldn’t care where I was as long as I wasn’t in their hair. Which on this occasion was good because it gave that love bite a chance to go away before I had to face my parents. Heaven forbid if they thought I was having sex!

The next night when I was at home I went to bed early because I had to get up early to go to work the next morning. As I was lying in my bed thinking of the precious events of the night before the telephone rang. My mother who had also gone to bed early answered the telephone from her room. Calling out to me she let me know it was a call for me. So I went out to the living room to talk to who ever it was and to my absolute delight it was him. To my horror my mother did not hang up the extension and listened to the entire conversation….

Monday, March 26, 2007

Chapter 4

I didn't remember having any shoes on at the time. I probably took them off and put them with my handbag and stuff. I had spotted Jon sitting on the edge of the hall so while Kylie and I were dancing I ever so subtly moved over to that side of the room so that we were about 6 – 8 feet in front of him. We would have been there for probably ½ a dozen songs when I caught him looking at us from time to time. It gave me quite a buzz. He wore black jeans and a white T-shirt With his dark hair and blue eyes, very blue eyes he looked pretty darn good.

I did find it odd that he was alone. He was a very popular kid so I found it odd. Maybe they were out smoking or drinking. To my knowledge he has never been a cigarette smoker. And not a real big drinker with the exception of a couple of beers with his mates after work. So maybe that’s why he was alone. Well for whatever reason he was sitting alone. It gave me quite a thrill to be so close to him. He spent a little time checking out my white dress. Mind you it was very hard not to check it out. The dress was white and made of that crepe stretchy stuff that was around in the mid to late 80’s. It went down to just below my knees. Back then I was thin but had the curves to carry it off. It clung to every curve of my body and to top it off it had no back. Depending on my mood sometimes I would wear a belt around my waist. I am not sure if I wore one that night.

That dress appeared to leave quite an impression. Years later he actually told me that if he closed his eyes he could still see my erect nipples sticking out through the thin material of that dress and that he still thinks of it after all these years.

That same night I literally bumped into my best friend from school. As we were dancing in our jumping around fashion that we called dancing I crashed into the person behind me and when I turned to look at who it was, I screamed and she screamed and we almost hugged but changed our minds at the last second. After all it really wasn’t cool to hug in public in the 1980’s. That brought a huge smile to his face. And I remember his bright blue eyes and white teeth shining brilliantly. What a gorgeous young man.

The night drew to a close and we had to get back on the bus for the trip home. I always tried to get to the back of the bus only because that is where he sat, along with all the other cool kids. And apparently it was this night that I wore that dress it was rather cool in the evening and he watched me get on the bus, and he told me years later that it was this night that he could see my nipples through the dress. He said that that particular dress became his favourite outfit. Unknown to me he used to check me out regularly after that first time I wore that dress. It’s a shame I didn't know that until many years later. Especially considering all those times I checked him out as he walked across the quadrangle or when he was playing football or cricket at school. If only I had known!!

Anyway at school nothing ever happened between us other than what I have already spoken about. I left school in year 11 about half way through the year not long after our half yearly exams. Probably after I got my results. Heaven knows the results really weren’t worth hanging around for.

I guess it would have been about 6 months or so when I was down at the pub – our local hangout – when I saw him again. Once you get to year 11 you are too old to go to blue light discos. They are for the little kids not the grown up ones. Anyway down at the local hangout, my best friend Natasha and I, who reunited after that night at the blue light disco, had had a few too many drinks and we both felt a little light headed and under the weather so we decided to go out the side door of the pub for some fresh air. I am not sure how long we had been out there for before Jon came out with another guy we went to school with by the name of Gary. I always found him very obnoxious – an ugly redhead with very little personality. But apparently that was the only thing that was little! He was the type of person who always wanted to be somebody, but would never really be any body. Anyway Natasha and I were sitting on a log outside the side entrance to the pub when they came out and I honestly don’t know what happened next but Natasha disappeared with Gary and I soon found myself with my jeans down around my ankles and Jon on top of me. Hey, and believe me I wasn’t complaining in the least.

It wasn’t long after we began that Natasha and Gary came back and suggested we find a spot a little more private. So that we did. We left the pub and began walking the back streets in the direction of where we lived. Natasha lived in another town so we had to catch the train to her place. The train station was about 3 kilometers away from the Local. We kissed and fondled along the way before we stopped in a vacant lot and continued there for a while until obviously one of the neighbors called the police, because we saw car lights that stopped out on the curb where we were. Quickly we dressed and walked out of there as innocently looking as we could. I didn't look in the direction of the car for fear I would be recognized. My father was well known in the area so the last thing I needed was him finding out what I was up to. However, the boys and Natasha did look at the car and they told me it was the police……

Friday, March 23, 2007

chapter 3

Where we lived there was really only 3 hang outs. One was the Bowling Club which was really only for the “Old Farts”. Sometimes they had good bands on and concerts but it was harder to get into it if you were underage. Which we all were. They usually checked Identification and were a little more strict.

The second was the small hotel/pub in the town I lived in, this is where all our parents went. So it was more for the ones that were older than us but younger than the Old Farts. And besides we would never go there simply because that’s where our parents were.

The third was our hang out. It was in another town but still within walking distance. This is where all the young ones hung out. I have to say that most of the young ones were underage. Everyone knew the underage kids hung out there, even the police. I used to think that the police must have been getting a cut of the profits because whenever they were about to arrive the barmaids would go around to all the ones that were obviously too young to be there and tell us that we better get going because the police are on their way. And sure enough just as all of us young ones were waiting out in the car park for a lift home the police cars would arrive. But due to the fact that we had prior warning usually no one got caught.

I started going to this local hangout when I was about 16, not regularly though, only occasionally. I didn't start going on a regular basis until I was around 17 and pretty much everytime I was there so was Jon. We will get back to that later though.

Other than our local hang out, as young ones there wasn’t a great number of choices of functions for us to attend, but we did have these events called blue light discos. I think they were monthly. We would meet at the local community hall and a city bus would come and pick us up and at the end of the night it would drop us off. Mostly kids went to these discos to dance and have fun and also to check out the cute boys from other schools. Blue light discos are only for those under the age of 18. So when we weren’t going to the local underage we were usually hanging out at the Town Hall dancing. It was an awful lot of fun. I don’t know if they still have them now.

I remember one particular disco I went to with my friend Kylie. She lived in the same town as me, and we had become good friends since we both continued our schooling to year 11. I met her at the community hall and we waited for the bus together. It think it was about a 20-25 minute drive by bus to the Town Hall where the disco was held. The bus ride was always rowdy but a lot of fun. When the bus arrived it would pull to a stop right outside the front doors of the Town Hall. We would get off and there would be thousands of kids everywhere. After we got off the bus we lined up with all the other kids waiting for the doors to open. Once they were open and we were inside usually we would head straight to the locker counter and put all our bags and stuff safely in there so that nothing would be stolen while we were dancing and as soon as we had done that we would just dance all night.

There was one night I remember well. I hadn’t seen my best friend Natasha for a very long time. She left school the year before and I continued on without her. Which of course meant I had to find new friends. Which thankfully wasn’t a hard thing to do. I already knew all of the locals. I had been friends with Kylie for several years and we used to walk to school together, but for some reason we would never hang out once we were at school. Kylie and I had gone to the Blue Light Disco together and were dancing up near the front of the Town Hall and over to the side. We never ever danced in this area of the Hall. We always danced at the back of the hall so that we could easily go out for a cigarette.

I used to smoke in those days. Something I gave up not too long after I left school for good. I soon realised how bad it was for me. I honestly thought it was something I did because I thought it made me look cool. We danced up the front this particular night only because Jon was there. I don’t know if Kylie ever knew how I felt about him, she never mentioned anything. And he wouldn’t have as we were never an item, as in boyfriend and girlfriend.

I’ll never forget that night. I was wearing a white dress that later on I would learn had quite an impact……….

Monday, March 19, 2007

Chapter 2

Now back to the canoeing.

We were out on the Lake. I was in the canoe with a girl by the name of Tanya. She was a nice girl who I had known since primary school. She was not in our circle of friends in the last 4 years but she was a nice girl and we became friends as our education progressed. We were content to paddle around in the shallows until we were comfortable enough and confident enough to manouver the canoe in the deeper water. We paddled out a little deeper and the canoe started to rock slightly, making both of us scream rather loudly. And the calmness of the water made our voices resonate across the water for quite some distance. So it was very easy for everyone of the others to know we were a couple of scared girls.

There were the usual heckles from the boys who thought we were going to end up in the water. This happened a couple of times and after a while most of the boys stopped their heckling.

Feeling a little braver we went out a bit deeper where we could no longer see the bottom. Tanya expressed that she was getting a little scared and asked if we could turn back towards the shore. I really didn't want to simply because Jon Smith was out in the deeper water and I wanted to be closer to his boat than to the shore.

"Please" she said."Sarah I have a pacemaker and I am scared"

I didn't believe her at first but she showed me the little round thing under the skin near her shoulder. So reluctantly I attempted to turn the canoe around. Easier said than done I can assure you!! With a few more terrified screams that we were going to end up in the water we did manage to get the thing turned around. I don't know how long it took us but finally we succeded. Facing the shore and just about to start paddling we saw this canoe coming towards us from the right. Looking over at it, it was the canoe that had Noel, someone else and Jon. Tanya once again screamed when she realised their plan. I tried to remain calm and cool. After all this was Jon Smith!

Looking in their direction I locked eyes with Jon. For probably 10 seconds we looked at each other without saying a word. I had never seen blue eyes so vibrant. They were the brightest blue eyes I have ever seeen to date.

Breaking eye contact I looked at Tanya and yelled "GO"

The boys laughed and Jon said "I'm gonna tip your boat over Sarah"

They were the very first words he had ever spoken to me. Ever! We paddled as fast as we could and as uncordinated as we were we made good head way. The boys were laughing so hard at our attempt at a getaway they alomst capsized their own boat.

The boys eventually gave up and we made it back to shore safe and sound. Poor Tanya was a little shaken and her heart was visibly poundng. I could see her chest rising and falling along with the beat of her heart. My heart was pounding too but for a completely different reason. He spoke to ME.

We cleaned up and put away our canoe. Making our way back to our cabin to shower and freshen up Tanya settled and began to relax.

I realised at that point that I needed to be more conscious of other peoples feelings.

Tanya turned out to be a pretty good friend. However we were never close friends.

We were back down at the lake the next day, I'm not really sure why. It was later in the afternoon, maybe we were just down there rebelling. On the odd occasion while we were at the camp we went to the water simply because there wasn't anywhere else to go. Anyway whatever the reason we were there for I can't remember but I remember I was walking back up the river on the grass when I heard someone call out to me. When I turned and looked in the direction of the voice, there he was running up the hill behind us with some of his mates. Tanya and I were both wearing 2 piece swimmers and a T-shirt and we both got whistled at and told we had nice legs. Even thought I knew I was growing up nicely I had never really thought to long about myself in that manner so it was a bit of a buzz.

From that point on I always made a habit of saying hello, it kind of kept the lines of communication open.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Chapter 1


It was the summer that I was to begin my first year of High School. I was shy, I was ugly, I was skinny, I had glasses, I had a ridiculous hair cut – you know the type your parents gave you with the Tupperware bowl on your head? Yeah that one! And on top of that I had absolutely no self confidence what-so-ever.

I remember walking into this huge building, a very daunting time I can tell you. My mother was with me on that day, along with all the other mothers sending their kids to High School. As a typical young person I was embarrassed to be seen with my parents and at that time I thought my mother was just as ugly as me. But even worse, she was old fashioned, which made her even more embarrassing, and really daggy. Anyway we found where we needed to be and our parents were sent home – Thankfully.

As the days passed and we all settled into the new routine. Routine!! Something that was very different for us. I had made some new friends that later would become my rock for some time. One morning during our break I got to our seating area before the rest of my friends. While waiting I sat and got my food out, and as I began eating I looked up and from where we sat we had a pretty good view of the entire playground, an area that was called the Quadrangle, we simply called it the Quad. This is where most people hung out. As I said I looked up, and when I did the most amazing site was walking across the Quad. It was love at first sight. The very second I saw him I was in love.

I watched him go to his seat. He sat under this concrete area called the Bunker. In my opinion men or I guess I should say boys don’t get or didn’t get any better than him. He was lovely. Months later I learned his name was Jon Smith. Jon Smith was gorgeous. I knew he would never be interested in a girl like me. Especially when I saw all the other girls. And he had his choice of any one of them. They were out going and pretty. Many of which he would go out with during our school years.

For the most part of our schooling Jon Smith didn’t know I existed. But everyday I watched him, secretly whenever I could. Not even my best friend Natasha knew how I felt about him. I didn't tell her until many years later.

As our school years went on I became more comfortable with my self and hence gained some self confidence. I enjoyed those years very much. Even to the point of saying they were the happiest times of my life. If I could have I would have stayed at school 24/7. Anything would have been better than going home at the end of an enjoyable day. I guess I was really lucky to have had such great friends to make it so much more enjoyable than it was for many others. I guess too, that Jon Smith made it pleasant.

I watched him interact with his mates. I watched him in class. I listened to him read when the teacher requested it. I watched him play sport and most of the time his team won. There was nothing that I didn't love about him. I loved the colour of his eyes; they always had a determined look in them. Years later whenever I heard Jo Dee Messina singing I’m Alright it reminded me so much of him. I loved his freckles. I loved his dark hair. I especially loved the way he walked and he had the most amazing voice I had ever heard. His laugh just took my breath away. I knew then and there that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

Over the years there were many wonderful experiences where I had a glimpse of him or I heard his voice in the class rooms or corridors. Joyous memories.

I remember one day in the canteen line he stood next to me and my little heart pounded almost out of my chest. You know how some kids are just too cool to talk to so you don’t, although sometimes I am not sure if it’s that you don’t, I think it’s more the fact that you cant. Even if you did open your mouth to speak the words wouldn't come out. You are just far too nervous. Especially when the person is extremely good looking with the most amazing blue eyes, and is extremely popular with both the guys and the girls. Not only that, they are good at everything, and really intelligent. For some reason some people are just naturally talented or is it blessed, in all aspects of life and he was one of them.

I on the other hand struggled to achieve. I had to study hard to get good grades. And sport was just something I could never do. I was far too uncoordinated to do something like aerobics but that was always the cheapest so I usually ended up doing that and looking stupid. I hated cross country at that point in my life. I couldn’t run to save myself. One thing I could do was swim. Although I was a pretty good swimmer I never attended swimming events unless I absolutely had too. I was afraid I would come last. Not being a popular kid, and skinny with funny hair and glasses I was always conscious of what people thought. I had always had my fair share of criticism from the cool kids or the rich kids so it was nothing new to me, but it was still something that did bother me as a child and something you never got used to. And the last thing I wanted was for him to laugh at me along with the others. Anyway I lived through that time without any communication from this boy, who grew into a gorgeous young man over those 4 years.

I finished year 10 relatively unscathed. The following year I returned to school to further my education. For two reasons. First and foremost I wanted to be a nurse. From the time I was a small child I knew that is what I wanted to do. My mother had lost a baby when I was 7 so I decided that nurses were hopeless and I could do a better job. I never changed my mind and I would eventually go on to study nursing and yes I was good at it.

The second reason was that I knew Jon Smith would be at school. I had heard at a class meeting the previous year that he had intended to return to do his High School Certificate. I didn't have a job at the time that paid enough to support me so I thought “yeah, why not. I’ll do it”

To my total and utter surprise school in year 11, as a senior was an awful lot harder education wise but a lot more relaxed discipline wise. We were given more freedom apparently because we were older and more mature. We were seniors now. We didn't need baby sitting anymore, apparently.

With only a small number of students attending year 11 we got to know each other better in just a few weeks than we did the previous 4 years.

It was during this time that I actually got my first association with Jon. One on One.

About 4 weeks after we started school for the year we had a school camp for our year. After getting our itinerary we all boarded the bus and left for the hour long trip to get to the Bright Sunnywaters camping/cabin grounds. We alighted from the bus and assembled into the main hall for further instructions. After introductions were made and we were given our list of instructions, rules, routines and the like we made our way to the cabins that we were allocated. Bright Sunnywaters itself is located on the waters edge. Hence its name. The cabin I was allocated was with 4 other girls was on the waterside of the park. Which I really enjoyed. I have always been a water person so personally to wake up every morning with glorious views of the bright sun rising over the waters was something else.

Each day we had activities planned for after breakfast, but other than that it was mostly just a nice and relaxing time. Maybe that was the plan. Get us all nice and relaxed in preparation for the grueling time we would have once we got back to school.

One of the days we were there our activity was canoeing. I had never in my life been in a canoe before. So it was something new to me. We put on our swimmers and threw a T-shirt over the top. Over the school holidays I had become aware of the fact that I had a reasonably nice body. This gave me confidence that I didn't have before. I began to notice boys were looking at me.

At our local pool I had been asked out by a really popular, good looking boy from the private school by the name of Tony. Which I declined only because he had a reputation and I had no idea what to do with boys. At that time in my life I was still a virgin. I had only ever kissed one boy before. So I literally ran away scared leaving my 2 older sisters and younger brother there at the pool. Embarking on the 4 kilometer journey home alone. I was running as fast as I could. It wasn’t long before Tony’s friend came running after me. For some reason all the popular good looking guys have the little people that do their running around for them. Anyway, as I said earlier I was never very good at running as a youngster so it was easy for him to catch up with me. Grabbing the handle of my towel bag he stopped me and on catching his breath he asked, “What is wrong with you?”

“Nothing” I said

“Yeah right, do you know who that is?”

“Yes I do” I said, “and I don't care who he is. I am not interested in him.

“Why not? You would be the envy of every girl in school” he had said.

He was right I would have been the envy of every girl in school. Every girl that had not already been out with Tony that is. And to be honest I’m not sure if there were that many left. I really didn’t care what all the girls thought about me by this stage. And if the truth be told I was afraid of not putting out and the stories that would go around about me not putting out that stopped me even wanting to go out with him. But damn he was cute.

Taking on a cool casual stance now Noel said, “Oh so you’re interested in someone else then huh?”

“Yeah I am, but I’m not telling you who” I said on the verge of tears.

“That’s ok; I don’t need to know who. I know someone who likes you though”

I wasn’t in the mood for childish games so I kept on walking, ignoring him. I knew no body would be interested in me. I was never popular. I wasn’t pretty, although I did get better with age. I wasn’t out going, I was shy. I continued to walk. Noel stopped and yelled as I kept going “I’ve gotta get back but if you want to know I’ll tell you”

Just to humor him I stopped and turned to face him and said “Fine, tell me who”

“Come back to the pool and talk to Tony and I’ll tell you”

“No thanks”

Just at that point I saw my sisters and brother coming around the corner trying to catch up to me “I can’t go back now” I said, pointing to me family.

Walking the short distance between us he said “Jon Smith”

What!!!! My heart almost skipped a beat at the sound of his name. I remember thinking not even my best friend knew I liked him so there is no way this guy would know. Trying to keep my composure I said “What about Jon Smith?”

Oh my God did I just say his name? Out loud!!!

“Its him, he is the one that likes you”

“Yeah right “ I laughed at him

By now my siblings were close enough to hear the conversation. “Go back and tell him that I am not interested” I said speaking of Tony back at the pool.

“I will” he said, “but remember what I said. It’s true”

Not giving it another thought I walked home with the constant badgering I got from my sisters about how stupid I was not to go out with Tony.

Now back to the canoeing……………

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Hi everyone,

I have decided to put the JBJ story on hold for the time being purely because I dont have the time to devote to it what it deserves. I will strat putting up another story I have tomorrow. This next story is set out differently than your traditional story but i think you will still enjoy it. Its a story of a long lost love.
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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