Friday, November 12, 2010

Chapter 3


The Doctor entered the room and picking up Melody's chart he said, "Hello Mrs Stephens, welcome to our world. How are you feeling?" Placing her chart on the end of her bed he took his penlight from the top pocket of his coat and shone it brightly into her eyes. A nurse entered with a small machine to check her vitals. A few minutes later and they were done. The nurse asked her if she needed anything for her pain. Melody nodded slightly and the nurse gave her some pills along with a small glass of water. Then she was gone, leaving Melody with her family and best friend.

"When I spoke to the Doctor this morning he said You will be moved out of the ICU today." Her mother said.

Melody nodded. Her mouth was so dry. "Mum, can I please have a drink?" she managed to mumble out so softly her mother had to bend close to her in order to hear.

The lady's spent the next half hour or so making sure Melody was comfortable and doing Ok. They told her everything they knew about Brad, and her mother said when the time comes that she would like her to come home so that she could be looked after properly. Melody agreed. She wasn't in any hurry at present to go back to the home she shared with Brad. Not just yet anyway.

The same 2 Officers that had interviewed Sarah and Richard had been notified that Melody was awake and had arrived to talk to her.

"Hello Mrs Stephens. How are you doing?"

"I'm ok. A little bit sore but I think I'll be alright."

"Thats good to hear." The officer said as he struggled to hear her. He looked down at the mangled wreck that was her body. "Mrs Stephens are you up to answering a few questions? If not, thats ok. We can come back tomorrow. "

Melody nodded she knew it had to be dealt with eventually.

"Ok. Thank you. We will just take it slow then. If at any time it gets too much just say so and we will stop immediately. Ok?"

Melody nodded again.

"What happened?" "Had there been a lead up to it?" "Is your husband having an affair to your knowledge?" "Has he ever been abusive in the past?" "How long has this been going on?" "Does he abuse drugs and alcohol on a regular basis?"

The questions went on for over an hour before the older of the two officers thanked her for her assistance and wished her a speedy recovery.

"Officer," Melody muttered in a voice barely an audible whisper, "Whats going to happen to Brad?"

"Well that will depend a lot on you Ma'am. He will be charged but the extent of which will depend on whether you wish to make a formal statement. Only then will we know exactly what went on and charge him accordingly. I want you now to just get some rest. I will be back later on this afternoon with a female officer to take a statement from you. We will sort it out then. Ok?"

She nodded as they left the room. He mother picked up the water cup and placed the straw in Melody's mouth. "Mum will you stay with me when the Officers come back? I'm not sure I can do this on my own."

"Of course I will sweetheart. I'll be here for as long as you need me." However not really sure she wanted to hear what happened to her daughter, but she knew she had to be there for her. She had to show her daughter she loved her enough to go through this with her.

Melody slept for a few hours, waking to an empty, quiet room when the nurse entered to check her vitals. "You are doing very well Mrs Stephens."

"Am I?" Melody asked. Not sure she was doing anywhere nearly as well as they thought she was.

"Well put it this way, you are doing well medically. You are healing well and responding well to treatment and medication." The nurse touched her hand and held it. "Melody unfortunately I have no control over your emotional and mental state. What you have been through has no doubt been horrific. That is painfully obvious by the extent of your injuries. I will give you all the support you need, as will your family and your wonderful friend who has literally not left the hospital since the day she brought you in. But that support may not be enough. One day in order for you to deal with this you may well have to talk to a professional. We can organise that for you here, you just say the word. Give me the go ahead and I will do it immediately. You're road to recovery will be long you need to understand that. Your heart may even take longer, and you will need to be prepared for it to never heal completely. Right now," she said as she placed Melodys hand back on the bed, "I want you to get some more rest. That is something you cannot get enough of at present. The police will be back later on this afternoon. I'll be back in to see you then too. Rest now."

The nurse left, and Melody thought about what had been said as she closed her eyes to sleep.

She woke again sometime later to the sound of the door to her room opening and laughter from her family entering. "That is something I haven't heard in a while," Melody joked. "What is so funny?"

Her sister was the first to speak up. "You will never guess whose gorgeous butt we just watched walk down the hall!"

"Oh Louise," Melody herself laughed. "You never stop perving do you?"

"Aren't you even going to try to guess Mel?"

"No", Melody said, "I have no interest in anyones backside and much less a mans. Hell, I might even start batting for the other team after this." They all laughed and for the first time in days the dark cloud in the room had lifter, if only for a brief moment.

"I'm sorry Mel. I shouldn't even have suggested it. But if you don't mind can I leave the door open so I can see when he goes back past?"

"Sure, go ahead we could use some fresh air in this room anyway."

(C) Bonjovioz 2010


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