Friday, August 24, 2007

Day to Day chapter 9

Jon stood as Megan walked into the dimly lit room. Being a good few inches taller than her he towered above her even though she wore her highest of high heels.

He watched her as she got closer and he felt that familiar stirring he got whenever she was around. She did things to him that he could not explain.

His initial instinct the closer she got was to take her by the wrists and pin her up against the wall and do whatever came naturally. He wanted to feel his lips pressed hard against hers. He wanted to feel the softness of her body on his. He wanted to take in her aroma, breathe deeply until he was totally intoxicated with her scent. But for now he simply raised her hand to his lips and kissed her softly.

Megan noticed the expression on Jon’s face change and was suddenly concerned that she had made the wrong decision. Immediately and as fast as lightening the thoughts went through her mind “I should not have come, I should not have agreed to meet him. What the hell was I thinking? Was he only being polite? Did he just invite me to supper because he thought he owed it to me due to our history? Why does he have that stupid look on his face? Is my hair alright? Does my butt look big in this? Maybe I should not have come. Oh well too late now”

The electricity that shot through his body as his lips touched her hand was enough to light a small nation. On the other hand She knew all he had to do was touch her and she would be clay in his hands.

The look on Jon’s face still concerned her. “Jon have I done something wrong?”

“No, of course not. Why?”

“You have a really unusual look on your face, that’s all.”

Megan had mistaken the look of lust and passion in his eyes for something else. He pulled her to him now and wrapped his arms around her. The feel of his chest hard against her breast was beyond comprehension. It awakened feelings in her that she thought had long been dead.

“No Megan’, He said as he held her for the longest time, “You have done nothing wrong. Nothing at all”

Releasing her from his grasp they both sat and enjoyed some very fine wine and good conversation. Before they knew it it was well into the wee small hours of the morning.

Every ounce of Jon radiated lustful sex. His manner, the way he walked, the crooked smile and cocked eyebrow, his mannerisms. Everything about him made her feel as though she wanted to run and lock the door so that she could ravish every inch of him in private. She was determined not to fall in love with him again – not so soon anyway.

Jon, although he had thoughts about Megan that were illegal didn’t want to push his luck just yet. He knew she would be in his bed one day soon he just had to be patient as to when.

Jon and Megan called it a night and walked together to the elevator. The small talk continued on the ride up to their respective rooms. She was higher up the building than he was so he would exit before her. Almost at his floor, Jon took Megan in his arms and kissed her long and hard on her soft lips. His tongue softly penetrated her lips and danced with hers as his hands found the small of her back. He pulled her to him so that there was no longer air between them. The two had become one. Megan responded warmly to his advances, she wanted this. She wanted him. The doors to the elevator opened and he let go of her as quickly as he took hold.

Touching the side of her face he said “Good night Megan, thank you for joining me.” And he was gone.

Megan rode the elevator to her rooms. Once inside she closed the door and just leant against it for several minutes not really comprehending what actually happened over the last two hours. She actually expected that Jon would put the hard word on her. But other than that kiss he didn’t, he could not have been more of a gentleman. In fact the more she thought about it she thought he was maybe a little too perfect.

“Ah Ha!! So that’s it. That is his game plan huh!” She said to herself as she poured another glass of wine and admired the amazing view. It took her breathe away everytime she looked out the windows of the Penthouse suite. She did have a giggle to herself that she was in the Penthouse suite. Although she was a very successful business woman in her own right she really wasn’t anyone special. Yet here she is in this beautiful room over looking the city lights of this beautiful city. And he, the most famous, not to mention the most gorgeous and sexy Rock Star in the entire world had to stay on a lower floor. “If that’s how you want to play Jon, I can play that way too. Let’s just hope you don’t get in over your head.”

The night with Jon was a beautiful one. They had a really nice time and the conversation flowed easily. There was tension in the air as both were attracted to each other, that was obvious. A little too obvious actually – but both of them had been on their best behaviour and neither made one step out of line. Megan found Jon incredibly attractive obviously – just like any woman would, by the same token though she didn’t want to throw herself at him. She knew she would eventually enjoy the grand pleasure of his body on hers. But she wasn’t going to give in that easily. He would have to work for it.

Finishing her wine Megan showered. She dressed in her night clothes and got into the soft satin sheets of the Archibald. She lay awake for hours. In the silence she pieced together the events of the night. Never did she believe that after all these years she would be in this situation. However she was very thankful she was her right now. She knew that if this were a few years ago she would not have coped. But with age comes maturity.

Megan had dealt with so many difficult and heart breaking things in her short life that at this point she knew she could deal with it. Never would she allow her heart to be broken yet she was willing to play for a while. As Jon obviously was.

Megan had to constantly remind herself that Jon had a family. Children. A wife – his high school sweetheart! She knew she wouldn’t be responsible for breaking up a family. She would never steal a man from his wife. But then again she reflected, if a man didn’t want to be stolen he wouldn’t want to play.

Megan thought back to her own high school sweetheart. She thought she had loved Michael. The two had been a couple for many months. All her friends told her that they looked great together. On a night when all of her girl friends were having a sleepover one of them had asked her what was he like.

“What do you mean", was Megan’s reply.

It wasn’t until the conversation progressed that Megan understood what was infact being spoken about. Megan had been a virgin at the time and of course never having done anything other than kissing had no idea what Michael was like in that area. The room was absolutely stunned with the exception of Krystal because she knew all of Megan’s secrets – so she thought anyway. Michael was considered a great catch, he was the King of the pride. The stud muffin! And he had had a bit of a reputation with the ladies. The question on everyone’s lips was “How could the two of them have lasted so long if she wasn’t putting out?”

Megan explained that she was saving herself for the right time and person.
She never did become intimate with Michael.

Smiling to herself as she lay in the comfort of the Archibald all these years later, she would love to have those girls in her room right now and tell them the story about the right time!

If they didn’t believe her then they sure as eggs wouldn’t believe her now. “Ah Jon, who would have thought it would be you?”

Sleep finally too hold. And Megan drifted off.

You are on Chapter 9 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 8

"No, not yet anyway. So how have you been Jon? I was in too much shock this morning to really talk to you. It has been a long, long time."

"Yes it has, and I have been well"

There was a silence between them for a few minutes as they both admired the view from the window. Jon also admired her radiant appearance in a black floor length Emmeline satin gown. Breaking the silence Jon said "Have supper with me?"

"Tonight? It’s getting late Jon"

"Yes tonight. Now. Just one night cap Megan, for old times sake" He looked at her with his crooked smile and one eye brow cocked. She couldn’t resist. "Meet me in the private dining room in 20 minutes"

Damien was still in the process of saying his goodbyes. So she told him that she too would be leaving. She made her way around the remaining guests and said her goodbyes and thanked them for their support again.

Megan turned and walked out the door.

The Archibald was one of the most amazing places in this country she thought as she walked up the hall to the elevator. However it didn't hold a candle to the Piermont. She always loved coming back here though. They had everything she needed. And looked after her as if she were royalty. She was staying in the penthouse suite tonight. A room she never really felt overly comfortable in but it was one of the perks of the job. She often spent many nights away at a time on business that was one reason she was never in a serious relationship. The other was Jon. There would always be a piece of her heart that belonged to him and she had never found another man who made her feel the way he did.

As she stepped onto the elevator she let her mind drift back all those years. She was an out going but nervous young woman. She was very happy to be alive and enjoyed her life. She remembers that night at the concert and the next day as if it were yesterday. Everything was still so clear in her mind. His touch, his breath, his scent. She could still smell him. She could still feel him. It was as if someone had wound back the clock. Then she remembered all the things that have happened in that time. The death of her parents, her own sister becoming a greeny and now on a boat somewhere trying to save the whales. She hadn't seen her or heard from her in many years. Having to give up school. Something she dearly loved. It was almost heart breaking and for a long time she hated her father for dying. If he didn’t die her mother wouldn’t have become depressed and she wouldn’t have needed Megan to look after her. She would have been able to continue her studies. Megan knew it was a selfish thought but the grief of losing two people you love so much in such a short space of time really clouded her judgment. In time she got past that hurt and focused on her future. She remembered when she first started with Mrs. Partridge. She was a good helper and very good at her job.

She remembered attending her first BIG function it was about 3 years after her first encounter with Jon. She had met "famous" people before but not the likes of who were going to be at that function. She remembered pulling up in a limousine with the rest of the staff and made their way along the red carpet. She was awestruck. The flashes from the cameras were blinding and she wondered how people got used to this? She was almost blinded by them. She had to hold on to her bosses elbow as they continued to walk. Finally they made it in and were taken to their seat and enjoyed the night. She will never forget that night. It was a huge education. As always she was allowed to take a friend. And as always she had taken Krystal. Mrs. Partridge understood the need to feel comfortable in public so she always allowed all her staff to bring their partner or if they didn't have one a friend.

She had looked around as more guests arrived; they both giggled and pinched each other just to make sure everything was real. Tom and Nicole were there. Hugh and Liz, Prince, a representative for Michael Jackson and the list went on and on. Prime Ministers, Royalty. The room was full of the who’s who of the famous realm. The two girls could hardly contain their excitement. However they were always held in check by the fact that they were representatives of the Company. It was a very well known chartable organization that was renowned for the work it had done and the money it had raised. Megan had finished looking at the guests on the left side of the room and turned to the right to see who had come in while she was looking the other way. And then there they were. All of them in the one room. Megan wondered if they were the after party entertainment. That would have been something pretty special. She also wondered if he would remember her.Her mind flashed back to that concert only a few years prior. At 18 she had not a great deal of life experience. She had not been to many concerts or theatre productions or out that much at all really. Too many years looking after her mother had an effect on her social life. So she stuck her head in books, especially when she became serious about the Company. She preferred to study than to party. This is probably why she was so excited and had enjoyed it so much, and the fact that it was Jon Bon Jovi. As a young girl she had posters over her bedroom walls and now here he was he was still the same for the third time in her life. He hadn't changed a bit. He was still the lead singer of a rock and roll band and he was still magic to her. Life did not get better than watching him walk or listening to him sing. She knew it wasn’t just a high school crush; she knew it was much more than that. She knew that right from that very first meeting after the concert. She has all his records. Turned the radio up whenever he was on. Her parents, god rest their souls, would yell for her to close the door or turn the music down. They always referred to it as racket and him as a long haired lout. Who would never amount to anything. Coming back to reality for a second she thought if only her parents could see him now. She drifted back…But she didn’t care. She smirked at the memory. Ha, she thought look at him now. He was gorgeous and didn’t care what any one thought. Now here he was, sitting two tables away from her. Megan got up to go to his table just as she saw his wife being escorted to her seat. She sat and tried to put him out of her mind.

That night went off without a hitch like all of Mrs. Partridge's events. Items were sold for exorbitant prices and a very large amount of money was raised. All of the proceeds of that night’s auction were going to help in the research into childhood cancer. Megan learnt a lot that night.

That night at the after party she kept a close eye on Jon and she caught him looking in her direction from time to time. As it turned out to Megan’s extreme disappointment they were infact guests not entertainment. As the night wore on and the two girls had a few champagnes in toasts they were feeling a little more relaxed. Megan was not a big drinker of alcohol and thankfully she always knew when to stop. Krystal on the other hand was much more out going than Megan and she often had a few too many, which drew attention to herself. Mrs. Partridge had been watching the girls and noticed that Krystal was getting rather boisterous so she organized for her to be escorted home.

Nothing ever escaped Mrs. Partridge. She was one savvy old lady. She saw everything. Even stuff that wasn’t there. She saw it all. Megan just knew there would be a lecture about proper conduct at work on Monday.

Megan escorted Krystal to the car that had been organized to take her friend home. After she was safe and sound buckled in she turned to make her way back to the function.

Jon had noticed her very early in the night. He knew instantly who she was and wished tonight he had come alone. The other guys had left their partners at home.

She made her way to the bar to ask for a glass of iced water. "Megan" he called.

She was standing at the bar waiting for the bar tender to return with her water when she heard a voice. Megan took the water from him and she turned to face the direction the voice came from.

"Megan" he smiled almost breathless. He wanted to catch her before she went back to her table. "I see you are on the hard stuff now huh"? Making an indication towards her iced water. Trying to make light of the situation.

Raising her head she looked into the most amazing set of blue eyes she had seen in a long time. Like a 16 yr old school girl who had come face to face with her idol she was awestruck. She dropped the water, it hit the floor and the glass broke, the contents of her glass spraying all over him and herself.

She immediately apologized, picked up the glass and mentioned to the waiter that he needed to clean up the mess. Megan was mortified that she had just literally thrown a glass of water all over him. She abruptly excused herself and made her way to Mrs. Partridge and explained the situation. Mrs. Partridge, who had a very soft spot for Megan understood and dismissed her immediately. Megan ran to the elevator pressed the button, entered and cried as she leant against the back wall. She waited for the elevator to stop at the 7th floor.

When she got there she took the key from her purse and entered it into the lock. She opened the door, removed the key and turned to close the door.

"Oh no can this night get any worse? She said leaning against the back of the door.

First Krystal, now him.

It was Jon. Oh my god it was him.


The lift jerked to a stop bringing her back to reality and to the present. She exited the lift and entered her suite, she smiled to herself. All of that was ancient history now. She began laughing at the memory. None of it mattered. And she had lived through it all. No matter what life had thrown at her to date she had lived through it all. Even the stuff that was so embarrassing it almost hurt to remember. And several times on the lift ride to her rooms she had cringed at some of the memories.

That was the last time she had seen or heard from Jon until now. Although he had infact been invited to numerous functions it appeared throughout the years that he was either on tour or out of the country.

Whatever his reason he was always unavailable. He never called or tried to make contact with her in anyway. Other than his PR people telling her that he was unavailable at the present time.

Age was a wonderful thing Megan thought as she took off her gown she had worn for the function, it gave one the time, the good sense and the maturity to deal with things and the older she got the easier it was to deal with issues that had arisen. She knew if Jon had asked her 10 years ago would she join him for Supper she would have said no and probably ran away as fast as she could. But today the answer to that question wasn’t as difficult as it would have been then. She changed in to a black linen skirt that sat just above the knees, and a lilac colored sweater, toping the ensemble of with her black knee high boots that laced from her ankles all the way to her knees.

Would she go and have supper with Jon Bon Jovi in the private dining room?

Hell Yeah!!!!!

You are on Chapter 8 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Monday, August 20, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 7

The guests were arriving at the ballroom. Megan had freshened up in the ladies room and stayed there long enough to regain her composure before entering the party. Making her way around the room she picked up a glass of her favourite Shiraz along the way and greeted guests and thanked them for their donations and for purchasing at the auction. Everyone congratulated her on how successful it was, and were thankful that she had put the evening together. It was always a huge success.

Megan spoke with Actors, Singers, Producers, and Authors. You name it they were there. She always tried to get around to everyone. There were always the odd few she missed, but she would follow it up with a thank you card or a basket of goodies if she missed speaking with them. There were paparazzi snapping photos of the A list. She was used to that now.

It was almost 10 and there still had been no sign of Jon. Where the hell is he? Why is it that he doesn’t show up to these things until late? Does he do it deliberately to make a grand entry, to see if his arrival still makes an impression? Which it obviously still did by the response he got this afternoon when he arrived at the preparations. Whatever his reasons she had no idea but still wondered where he was. Thankfully no one commented on the stumble on stage with the exception of Damien. Or if they did they certainly didn’t mention anything to her. She had a little giggle to herself and couldn’t help a small smile forming on her lips as she remembered.

Megan stopped by the window over looking to city. She paused for a moment reflecting on the nights events while she took in the breath taking view. What a beautiful sight she thought, all the neon lights, the cars, it certainly was a sight to behold. It reminded her so much of home. She longed to be back there. She thought of all the places she had been, all the places she had lived around the world, imagining their cities, their sights, their people, the overall vibe. And she came to the conclusion that not one of them were as beautiful or as pretty as home. Her next main event was scheduled in Sydney in the next little while, she could hardly wait. There truly was nothing like going home. Dorothy and Toto were right, there was no place like home.

Megan had moved to Europe to further the Foundation a few years after she took over from Mrs. Partridge due to her retirement. It seemed like the best option at the time and certainly helped its success. She had also spent alot of time in the U.S.A. It was a move that had paid off handsomely for her. And one she would never regret but she still missed home.

Damien was by her side when Jon entered the room. He was facing the door and broke the news ever so subtly that he had finally arrived. "Megan," he said "Hot man walking towards the bar"

Laughing at Damiens subtlety. Turning to look in that direction she saw him. He smiled. The second she saw that smile she had butterflies in her stomach. She was annoyed at herself for reacting like a school girl. He is just a man she told herself; don't let him know he does this to you. You have to prove him wrong Megan. At least let him think he is wrong for a little while.

Damien continued to look in his direction and thought to himself if he wasn't with Steven he would give Jon a run for his money. Damien had heard the rumours and would liketo be the one to find out if they were infact true. Although he suspected like everything else that was said negatively about Jon that the rumours would unfortunately be just that - rumours.

Jon stopped to speak with some friends; he scanned the room before continuing on his way to the bar. He ordered a glass of wine and waited for the bar tender to bring it to him. As he turned to face the crowd he brought the wine glass to his lips and as he took a sip he looked her straight in the eyes over the rim of his glass. Jon looked in her direction for a long time before turning away. He knew she would eventually succumb to him. He just had to give her time. He just had to play the game and he knew he would win. Jon made no attempt to go towards her yet. Patience is a virtue.

"Are you ok Meg? You're looking a little flushed. Some one is a little excited by the hot man huh? Do you want me to get you a cool washer? Your face is burning up" Damien asked

"No, Damien. That won’t be necessary" she said smiling, and still flushed "I’m fine. Or at least I will be when I get control of this situation. I'll play along with him for a little while longer, and when he is least expecting anything he will be surprised. The night hasn't that much longer to go now anyway. I'll stick it out. And can you please stop calling him Hot Man"

Damien, looked at Megan, studying her face and that look in her eyes, asked her "What went on between the two of you Megan?"

"Nothing that concerns you Damien. Jon and I are just old friends. We have known each other for almost 20 years. And if the truth be told we haven’t really seen each other for about that long. He is just teasing me. That is all. Don't read more into it than there is".

Damien in his infinite wisdom said "Megan I know there is more to it than that. I remember a time when you were devastated by him. Just old friends don't ignite such a fire, especially after 20 years. There must have been something there to begin with. I also know that what went on between the two of you is none of my business, and I would never stick my nose in where it isn’t wanted, but woman you're killing me. Just tell me what it was. What happened?"

"There is no fire and it is none of your business Damien" she said smiling as she fought the flush she felt rising on her cheeks.

"I read the note he gave to you. It was full of song titles what did it all mean?"

"He is just playing a game that’s all, and for the moment I’m pretty happy to play along" she said. "I kind of want to see how it all pans out ... to see what happens."

"Its almost 11." He said pointing to his watch. "I'm pretty beat. I might call it a night" Just at that moment Jon made his way to her. "On second thought I'll wait a moment longer. Megan how’s the hair? Hot man approaching"

She looked in the direction of the large clock on the wall by the main stair case. It was 10:55. Scanning the dwindling crowd she saw Jon making his way to her.

Laughing she said "Damien he is going to hear you one day"

"Like I really care! And I can live in hope"

"Hello Megan" leaning in to kiss her cheek and lingering a little longer than he needed to.

"Hello Jon. How lovely of you to finally grace us with your presence".

Damien was waiting patiently for an introduction. Putting him out of his misery, finally, she introduced them. Jon politely extended his hand for Damien to shake. However Damien seizing an opportunity that he would probably never get again he took hold of Jon’s hand tightly and instead of shaking he pulled him into him and gave him a rather long and tight embrace. Damien finally let him go and this time it was Jon that was flushed instead of Megan. She could hardly control herself. However she realised Jon needed rescuing so she asked Damien if he could get her a glass of iced water from the bar before he called it a night.

"So it appears that I have won a fan" he said.

"Oh Jon let the ego go." she said mockingly "Not everyone is a fan you know, that was just part of my game plan" She said with a glitter in her eyes.

Laughing he said "Yeah? Well you’re gonna need more than Damien to scare me off. If that’s what you want to do"?

You are on Chapter 7 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 6

"No, Not at all", she smirked, "sit, and enjoy the show”. Still holding her hand he sat and brought it to rest on his leg. "Just when I thought you weren't so cocky anymore you prove me wrong." She said removing her hand.

"Oh Miss Johnson I'm full of surprises, you just be prepared". He said placing it right back on his thigh.

"Is that a challenge Jon? If it is, two can play your game. And I enjoy a challenge; I don’t play unless I know I can win. I’m up for it. If you think all it takes to get me I your bed is a kiss on my hand, you can think again. I'm not eighteen any more." She gave him a challenging glare. She wasn’t even sure what she would be winning but she knew she would win. There was so much tension between then she was sure everyone in the room felt it.

"What will it take then?" He said rising to her challenge.

"Who says I want to end up in your bed?"

"Oh I know you do, I'm very intuitive.” He smirked. “Besides you didn’t need to say it." he said raising one eye brow. ”It’s written all over your face. You want me, you find me irresistible. "

Laughing almost hysterically she asked him "Did you come on your own Jon? Or is there someone I should be watching out for while I sit here with my hand on your lap." Meaning his wife. Megan wanted to play a little, enjoy the moment but didn’t want to get caught in the process or get him in trouble.

"Yep, I brought Rich with me. But there was only one chair so he is over there by the bar sitting on a stool up the back" He indicated to the back of the room and she saw Richie sitting there.

"We can't leave him there" Megan motioned for the waiter and asked "Mitchell, Can you please bring another chair over here, we are expecting someone else at this table. Thank you"

"Put him next to Krystal, he is a sucker for a pretty blonde" Jon mentioned laughing. Even Jon could see that Krystal is exactly with Richie would go for.

"What about you, is there anyone I need to be concerned about?"

"No" she said and he almost felt sad for her, but at least it made the game a little easier on her part. He would handle it from his side. "It’s just me, think you can handle that?"

Looking at Jon, she could never get enough of it and she must be the envy of every woman in the room tonight, she asked him if he wanted to go hail Richie or would she prefer him to get the waiter to do it. Seizing the opportunity to put his little plan in motion Jon got up and fetched him.

All the while Krystal was making a determined effort to win Jon’s guitar and was totally oblivious to the game that was going on around her. She raised her hand to let the auctioneer know of her expression of interest. Another bidder was now in the running and Krystal got pretty excited when she noticed with whom she was competing. The price was now $5000 she raised her hand and called $10000. Keith Urban raised his hand and called $15000. Krystal was very successful in her own right. She was a very strong and independent wealthy woman. Yet she knew her bank balance didn’t stand a chance next to Keith’s, but it was fun and for a good cause. She raised her hand again and said $20,000. The auctioneer expressed satisfaction that at least now we have covered the actual cost of the Guitar. Keith was not to be out done. He stated $25, 000.

Jon returned with Richie and the 2 made themselves comfortable again. Krystal was about to raise her hand again when Richie sat down beside her. With her eyes popping out of her head and her mouth once again agape, sitting between both Jon and Richie Krystal was frozen in the moment before she let out a loud "Daaaammmmmnnnnnn" and she raised her hand called Keith’s bluff and said $30,000. He gave in, she was thrilled. Megan on the other hand really wanted that Guitar. She thought she would be able to let it go but she couldn’t. “K, “ she said “You know I love you but that guitar is mine.” She shouted $50,000.

Krystal was of course disappointed but the night went on regardless.


Krystal and Richie had an instant connection. And soon became engrossed in conversation.

Finally the night came to a close; and it was time for Megan to be called to the stage to make the closing remarks. No one knew at this point how much was actually raised. But she would find out and tell everyone once she got up there. Damien made his way over to the table to hand over the details of the night. As he was handing the folded note to her it slipped out of his hand with a little help from Jon and fell under the table. Being the gentleman he is, Jon of course picked it up for her. In the process he slipped his own little note inside Damien’s and handed it back to her. Standing from her seat and in the dim light of the auditorium she placed her hand on Jon’s shoulder ever so gently, she felt him react to her touch as she continued to caress his shoulders as she ran her hand across his shoulder blades before it came to rest on his other shoulder at which point she leant in to whisper in his ear "I told you, two can play your game". He could smell the perfume she was wearing and it intoxicated him. Along with the wine he had been given he was high on the moment. It was as if no time had gone between them. It was as if it was 18 years ago and they were just 2 kids having fun. Teasing each other to see who could hold out the longest or more to the point who would give in first.

She was hoping for the night to be a record. As she made her way to the podium she greeted and thanked as many people as she could as she may not get around to them later. This was her favourite part of the night. She enjoyed letting everyone know then and there how much help they had given, it always made the after party a little more upbeat. Almost at the steps to the stage now and the crowd were becoming anxious, they couldn’t hold out any longer. They wanted to know now. She felt they would all be impressed as Damien was pretty excited when he handed her the paper, and Damien was such a stick in the mud he never got excited about anything. In fact she was flat out just getting him to smile. "Ladies and Gentlemen", she started "Before I let you all know how the evening has gone I would firstly like to make mention of a dear beautiful friend of mine for a few minutes. If it wasn't for this wonderful person I wouldn't be where I am today. And in all honesty I shudder to think of where I would be now if it weren’t for her." Megan took a breath. It was a truly emotional moment for her. She had loved Mrs. Partridge so. "I received a call this morning informing me that Mrs. Amelia Partridge and her Husband George are missing in the Himalayas.” A hush fell over the crowd. “They had been on safari and were due to come home today in time for this event tonight." The audience responded with sorrowful sigh, and an exclamation of disbelief. Everyone knew of Mrs. Partridge's antics. And how she traveled everywhere and that nothing would stop her from doing something exciting. It was as if she were reliving her youth. Megan continued “Mrs. Partridge taught me everything I know. She showed me how to all make my dreams come true. She showed me how to build a life that I would be proud of. She showed me that nothing was impossible, and if it seemed as though it was impossible she showed me that there was always a way around it somehow. She told me how important it was to never give up on something I believed in. She was a wonderful friend and a wonderful lady. I would have been both honored and proud to have her in this room with me tonight and sharing in this memorable event. Before we move on I would just like to say to Mrs. Partridge that I will forever be thankful and I love you dearly."

Jon felt a little uneasy now that he had slipped his note inside Damien’s. He didn’t know she was going to become so emotional. He realised he would have to be more careful in future if he was to continue this game. He didn’t want either of them to get hurt.

Pausing again to regain her composure she continued "Thank you to all of you for attending. I am so thrilled that we have support such as this.” She gestured to the 500 people sitting in the audience. ”Also I would like to thank those who year after year donate items for us to auction. Once again we would not achieve what we have without that. The 100’s of people behind the scenes also need to be thanked. Their time, their cooperation, their patience, their passion for helping others is remarkable. The hours I have taken them away from their family and friends is something I cannot give back and I thank you all for your sacrifices. This foundation would not be able to do the things it can and has without support that we get from everyone who is involved. I could not have dreamed all those years ago that I would be here today with a foundation as successful as this. Thanks to the many people who have helped us help so many others. We have changed lives. We have saved lives. I thank you all from the bottom of my heart."

Taking a breath she continued, "Who would like to know how we went tonight?” The audience erupted with screams and cheers. Megan was watching the audience’s response as she asked the question. She began to speak. “Tonight we had a huge evening planned. By all accounts we expected it to be outstanding. WE wanted this to be our biggest night ever. It has been widely publicized how successful these fundraisers can be with your help. Tonight I am happy to announce.” She opened the piece of paper and looked down to read it. She stopped talking and just looked up at Jon.

The note read "I 'believe', You want to 'Lay Your Hands On Me' 'Everyday', so I’m gonna 'Keep The Faith' and pray for a 'Miracle', cause Baby 'You Give Love A Bad Name'. And if you’re not careful you might just get 'More Than We Bargained For'!!"

She immediately realised she had opened the wrong piece of paper. Looking in Jon's direction still she could hardly control her laughter. The quick change in emotions was almost too much to bear. She felt faint. Her stomach was in knots. Poor Mrs. Partridge would be turning in her grave is she were infact dead. Megan’s face must have been bright red, she certainly felt as though it was. And no matter how she tried she just couldn't get it together. She wanted to run down there and slap him but her legs were heavy and her feet wouldn’t move. And besides that the press would have a field day with that one. "I’m sorry" she said as controlled as she possibly could. "I can’t go on".

Damien was mortified and came and stood by her side. He had no idea what was going on but came to her rescue. Of that she was thankful. Damien had been by her side for the entire time the foundation had been running. They both knew she wouldn’t survive without him. She was still looking in Jon’s direction when Damien followed her gaze. He saw him too then. Damien was the only person who knew that something went on between them all those years ago, although he has never been told exactly what. He was kind of jealous though, he along with Megan thought Jon was pretty hot. And the two of them had spent many hours listening to the latest CD or music video together. He was the one that pulled her through. He was the one that sat and held her hand and hugged her, it was him that helped mend her broken heart. It was also him that spoke for her now. Damien began Taking control of the situation he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears that tonight’s successes have taken our host by surprise, and obviously speechless. Let me tell you that does not happen too often." The audience laughed. He took the paper from her hand and read. "Tonight I am honored to announce we have far surpassed our previous record. I am also honored to announce that you have collectively risen just over $1 million. We could not have asked for anything more wonderful. You can all be so pleased to know that this amount of money can help so many people. "He continues, "On behalf of Megan and the entire Johnson Foundation Thank you so much for your support. Its nights like this that makes all the hard work worth it. You are all welcome to attend the party that will be held in the main ballroom starting in about an hour from now. Thank you again."

Damien took hold of Megan’s elbow anxious to get her to off the stage. She was still having difficulty controlling her laughter. She would slap him when she got a hold of him. He offered her a chair, and a glass of water.

"Megan what the hell happened up there"? Damien asked her.

"Oh nothing, it’s just a private joke between friends. Nothing for you to worry about Damien"

"Nothing to worry about? If that was me behaving like a silly school girl up there I would have been fired, but its ok for you huh? You know that kind of behaviour isn't acceptable. What about our reputation?"

Right now she didn’t care about the reputation of the Johnson Foundation. She was having the most fun she had had in a very long time. She felt young and vibrant, and intended to enjoy it for a little while longer. "Oh Damien, settle down. Its just fun. If you had some every now and then you would know how darn good it feels to laugh, I mean really laugh"

"There is a time and place Megan......."

She cut him off "Let it go Damien. Not tonight please. I promise to behave myself for the rest of the night." She said laughing before she took a moment to actually remind him of who the boss is. "Its party time. Lets go we have guests waiting" She said laughing again.

You are on Chapter 6 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 5

Could he actually remember me? Does he? No! Megan dismissed the thought immediately. Don’t be silly. You were just a sequin on a Liberace vest to him, just one of many, nothing more. Its all far too long ago. Ancient history.... But he must, he must remember me. To say that he must remember. "Do you remember me Jon?"

"Oh yeah I remember you. There are some things a man never forgets you know.....especially with a body like that" he mumbled softly. Damn he was sexy when he looked at her like that.

Ha!. He remembers me who would have thought. Not knowing exactly what to say she smiled slightly embarrassed at the memory and said, "It’s nice to see you again too. And no, some things don't change. But I am rather surprised you remember me. Its been a long time"

He was just about to open his mouth in response when Chris came over to speak with her again. He had no choice but to hold his thought for the time being. She spoke with Chris for about half an hour, cutting her eyes back to Jon periodically. He caught her looking a few times and just gave her a smile and a wink, that beautiful smile was more than she could take at times. It certainly did make things hard to focus on. It’s a sin to be that good looking.

"Too long” He said carrying on their conversation where it left off when she got back.

"What’s too long?" she asked, and both of them broke out in laughter at the amount of avenues he could have taken that question. Blushing she asked him what he was referring to.

"You said its been a long time, and I said its been too long".

"Oh, Yes your right, but life is busy now. Your career has been incredible and you have a wife and family now." She felt the need to at least try to keep it on the straight and narrow between them until she knew his motives, and also what hers were. It wasn't as if he had been the only man in her life. She was a lady but she certainly wasn't a saint. Megan found him irresistible and knew it really would take all her self control to not become intimate with him especially given the fact that she had no commitments. "My life is so busy I don't have time for anything else. Always rushing here, there and everywhere. And that my dear Jon is how the time has gone by so quickly. It certainly doesn’t seem like 18 years. We are all too busy to stop and smell the roses. Speaking of time, it’s about time I went and got ready. The show is about to begin"

"Need any help?" He asked with a smirk.

"NO"! She said walking away shaking her head.And before everyone knew it the time was gone. Where had the day gone? They say time flies when you’re having fun, and Megan thought how right ‘They’ are because the afternoon flew. It was less than 2 hours before the show was to begin. She knew this was going to be one of the most substantial fund raisers she had ever hosted. There were some very rare and exquisite treasures up for Auction tonight. It was by far one of the most important nights in the foundations history.

She said her goodbyes to everyone including Jon and left to get ready. 'So he does remember me, wow'. She smiled victoriously. I made such an impression on him that he still remembers me after all these years she thought to herself as she rode the elevator. Bit of a shame he is married though. But hey a girl can have a little innocent fun right? But if I made such an impression on him why did he marry so soon after? Questions, there were too many questions.


Megan arrived at the event at the same time as some of the other guests. She had brought her best friend Krystal along with her. Krystal and Megan had been friends for more years than either of them could remember. She loved these events; it was always an exciting night. One never really knew who they would be lucky enough to run into. She loved the spotlight. She loved seeing Elton John’s glasses, or Marilyn Monroe’s dress. Or a pair of Imelda Marcos shoes. On more than one occasion she would grab Megan’s arm as they were walking in the grand entry and say 'holy cow Megan there's Meryl Streep, or Clint Eastwood, Tom Cruise, Bill Clinton, Julia Roberts........etc.' along with an excited giggle. They didn’t affect Megan like that anymore. She was used to it.

Often just to give Krystal a thrill she would go up to someone just to see the reaction on Krystal’s face. It was always worth it. Megan remembered the year she took Krystal to see John Travolta; she stood there with her mouth open and was unable to speak. Krystal was envious of Megan’s life at times. On the other hand Megan was envious of Krystal’s.

She cast her eyes around the crowd but could see him no where. He still affected her; she knew that and unfortunately couldn't deny it. Lets face it she thought he was hot. And for a man of in his 40’s he is extra hot. Yep, she knew he is married and for a second there she felt a twinge of guilt, but hey she wasn't going to jump in his bed so it was ok to look right? A hot flush ripped through her body at the thought of it. "How can he still do this to me after all these years?" Back then she was young, she was innocent, and she was impressionable. Now she is older, she is wiser, well she should be anyway, and she has life experience. She should be mature enough not to allow him to do this to her. But the man has so much charisma, he is simply irresistible. However she should be mature enough to control it. But damn he is so cute. The man oozes sex appeal for goodness sake. No other man has ever affected her in such a way. Not even Michael and he was her first real love, and her second. Almost her 3rd too, but she drew the line and put a stop to it. Jon's mere presence takes her breath away.

Megan made sure all of the night’s proceedings were going according to plan. They have over 100 items up for auction that had all been donated by various musicians, actors, actresses, singers, dancers, sports men and women. And by all accounts it should be a great night for the foundation. A guest list of 500 people all paying $500 a head to get in the door, which already meant the foundations night was off to a good start. And too with so many people invited and with just over 100 items it meant that more than one person would be vying for the same item, ensuring it to go off for a good price.

She took her seat at her table. At this stage there was still no sign of Jon, she took a deep breath, although if the truth be told she was disappointed her eye candy appeared to be AWOL. Maybe something more important had come up or he may have simply forgotten. She couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed. It was so nice to see him again face to face, and had so very much enjoyed secretly keeping tabs on him over the years.

The night was going off without a hitch, she smiled to herself. She was known for organizing events with such professionalism. Megan was very proud of the name she had made for the Foundation. She remembered back to the early days, there was so much to learn but she had learnt quickly and had enough knowledge to make the business work and in just a few years they were running at a large profit. Yes, she was proud of how successful she had become.

Her thoughts were brought back to the present when the next item was announced. It was Jon's guitar. She looked at it for a minute. It truly was such a beautiful instrument. She closed her eyes and envisioned him playing it. She remembered back to just a few hours ago when he placed it in her shaky hands. The auction started at $1000. Krystal was nearly wetting herself when the item was shown on the projector screen. "I know that guitar" she paused to try to remember "Isn't that the one he played at the concert we went too?” She had always been a fan of the band. Megan had never been able to tell Krystal what had happened between her and Jon; she knew it would break her friend’s heart. "And what a concert it was hey Meg? I'm sure that's the guitar"

"Yes indeed it is Krystal" Jon said as he approached their table. "It’s very nice to see you again after all this time." Turning to Megan he said "Do you mind if I sit here?" Looking straight into her almond shaped eyes as he raised her hand and brought it to his lips. Using her other hand Megan gently reached over and closed Krystals mouth.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Day to Day chapter 4

Megan saw him the second he entered the room. Every woman did and every woman fell in, love with him on sight. He certainly did give love a bad name. It was as if there had been an announcement of his arrival. Although he certainly didn’t need one. All present stopped what they were doing to observe him as he entered. His very presence commanded attention. She had known he was coming, and had hoped to have her work finished long before he got there. She longed to see him, but there were still emotions that she had not dealt with. She needed more time to psych herself up for a face to face. She had subdued them and vowed never to let them rise again. He really was still such a good looking man. The years had done him well. The older he got the better looking he got. And she had never seen a man ooze so much sex appeal. Yet he did, and as he matured he became oblivious to it. Either that or he was just used to it now. When he was performing it was different. He knew he captivated women then, he knew how to put them under his spell.

Had it really been eighteen years since they had spoken? So much had happened since 'that' event. Although it was a big deal then and took her sometime to deal with. It seemed so trivial now. So many other things had gone on in both their lives that although it was special to her it paled into insignificance now.

The last time she saw him his hair was longer. He was younger, they both were. And he was cocky, so full of attitude. But Megan liked him just the same. She watched him as he walked over to the table where she was working. She enjoyed watching him walk. The corners of her mouth turned up as she enjoyed the pleasure and reminisced. And thought there was something oddly erotic about it. Maybe it was the way his feet turned out at the toes, or maybe it was just that he walked with such confidence. He didn’t have to prove he was a somebody, his body language told everyone he was. Megan couldn't decide if she liked the view from the front or the one from behind when he was walking the best. Either way he was easy on the eyes. He was with the Managing Director of The Archibald and they continued to converse as they got closer. His tight blue denim clad legs and black button up shirt, clung to every finely toned muscle on his torso. She remembered the last time she saw him in black shirt similar to the one he had on now. Would he remember her? Probably not, she thought. There was nothing to remember. It was all too long ago. She was just a girl who gave him something special to her.

Letting her mind wander back she treasured the memory. Although he was kind and very considerate of her he wouldn’t have given her another thought and after he had left the country she would have been out of his mind.

Still remembering, she couldn't believe her luck. She smiled to herself as she treasured the memory of sitting just 2 rows from the front of his concert. She remembered sitting there thinking she couldn’t wait to get home and get straight on the phone to tell her friends how gorgeous he was. She had suffered terribly from nerves and had no idea how to respond to his obvious flirting. Even breathing was difficult. He had watched her throughout the night and on several occasions she had caught him doing so. He had thought she was an attractive young woman, with almond shaped eyes, hazel in color, olive skin, and not too thin, with golden brown hair that went to the shoulders. He was also well aware of the effect he had on her. But that was then. It was a very long time ago. He had wanted her to stay the night with him. She had to get to her class.

She was a successful business woman in her own right now. Would he still have the same effect on her? She had been doing fund raisers for a long time, and had dealt with many famous people in that time. It came second nature to her now. At her age she no longer needed to rush home and call her friends to let them know with whom she had been associating. Or whose old jeans, sunglasses or piece of jewelry were being auctioned, or whatever it might be. They could read about it in the gossip columns. She was no longer impressed by them. They were just people. Very rarely did any of them make her heart flutter, regardless of how famous they were. With the exception of him.

She had kept tabs on him over the years. Each time his name was mentioned her ears would prick up and she always paid particular attention. When ever she saw him on the television screen she stopped to watch. Heard him on the radio, she always turned the volume up. Whenever the band brought out a new CD she got it for her collection. She even had his entire movie collection. She couldn’t help herself. She had to. In just one night she had become so fond of him. She knew it was crazy. He was a married man now. With children no less. A very famous married man with children. She knew there would never have been a future for them. Did she even want a future with him?

With only meters from her table she decided she needed to get out more, and making a mental note to herself to organize something with friends. She was too old to be remembering things that really should be left forgotten.They had reached her table now. Her mind was still miles away when the introductions were being made. She shook her thoughts from her head and paid attention.

"Megan Johnson, this is Jon...." The second she looked into his eyes she was 18 yrs old all over again. “I'm sure you know who he is. He has some goods here to be offered up for Auction." Chris had said. Oh I know who he is alright. I know a lot more of him than many of you in this room would believe. I know a story that would knock all your socks off

"Hello Megan". He took her hand and shook it. He looked at her as he spoke; she saw something in his amazing blue eyes. Was there anything there or was it her hoping there was something there? He continued, "I would like to donate this to you for the auction." Megan gasped at the sight of the guitar. "There is a certificate that comes with it, just proving its authenticity, which will hopefully fetch a higher price. I hope it will help. This is for a great cause." His voice had changed he spoke with great confidence now. And maturity. I apologise for not getting it to you earlier but we have literally just finished our tour and used this instrument in the line up. It’s been around for along time and we couldn't think of a nicer way to have it retire."

Megan took the guitar from him, with noticeably shaky hands. She said "Thank you" and asked him if he was sure he wanted to give this particular guitar away. He nodded. She looked at the beautiful guitar and remembered when she first saw him playing it, all those years ago. It was every school girls dream, and ironically here it was now all these years later in her hands. It was the very same guitar she saw him play at that concert she attended 18 years ago. She thought it was still a school girls dream. She smiled back and thanked him again and admired the guitar in silence for sometime before putting it down very carefully and continued with what she was doing. Expecting him to go off with Chris.

Jon stood in front of her table with an uncomfortable silence growing between them before he said, "Is there anything I can help you with?

”She looked up at him. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I said, can I help you do anything? Do you need help with any of the organizing? This is a big job and I have nothing to do so if I could be of assistance, I would love to help". He paused to take a breath, "But if you have everything under control that’s fine, I'll go ask someone else" She noticed the hint of sarcasm in his voice as he spoke. Damn he was gorgeous.

"Well in that case we can’t have you're time going to waste can we now. I would love a hand. You're right, it is a big job".

She handed him a small box with labels in it and instructed him on how and what needed to be done. He listened intently. Her hand touched his as she handed him the items and the electricity that flowed between them was amazing.

Megan felt the thickness in the air between them as the silence grew longer. For her own sanity and to get her heart beating again she needed to break the silence. "Thank you so much for your donation, we really appreciate all that we get", she continued almost breathlessly, "The money that is raised from the auction goes to a very worthy cause, and I cannot thank you enough ".

"No, that’s ok. I'm glad to help." He flashed that amazing smile at her and she melted like chocolate on a hot plate.” I’ve read alot about the Johnson foundation and what it stands for over the years and you should be very proud of what you do".

Before she could reply they were interrupted by another Patron who was also donating goods for auction.

She knew that Jon was heavily involved in community assistance programs and such. She admired the fact that he was so conscious of the needs of others. Given who he was she was also impressed that he used his fame and power to do well in the community.

They had been working side by side for about half an hour when his stapler had ran out of staples. He had noticed that the box of refills was just on the opposite side of Megan. He excused himself and reached in front of her to get the box. In doing so he brushed her arm with his. The warmth of his skin on hers shot through her body like a lightening bolt, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Her breath caught in her throat, which made a soft but audible involuntary noise as she sucked it in.

He looked at her then, smiled at the knowledge that he still affects her and said softly “It’s nice to see some things don’t change. It’s good to see you again Megan".

Monday, August 06, 2007

Day to Day chapter 3

Megan met up with Krystal the next morning for the journey to work. "Meg are you ok to be going to work? You don't look so good"

She was a little pale; "Yep, I’m fine just a little tired" She hadn't been able to sleep once she got home last night. And lay awake for hours thinking about what had happened, and with whom. It was so surreal. This sort of thing only happens in movies or in her case in her dreams every night. Not in reality. She could still feel Jon's warm breath on her skin. She got chills up and down her spine just thinking of it. The things he did to her were beyond comprehension. She could smell him. Her body willingly wanted to be near him.

The train arrived at the station and the two girls exited the train and walked the short journey to work. Megan made a determined effort to put the thoughts of Jon out of her head so she could focus on the task at hand. She succeeded for most of the day to do so. He didn't enter her head again until she was alone on the train going to her class.


The next 5 years were very tumultuous for Megan.

Her father worked in the city and was waiting for his train on the crowded platform when 2 thugs broke out in fight. He was pushed from the platform and landed in the path of the 6:30 express. She had to give up the School of Performing arts after his death to look after her mother who had slipped into the depths of depression. She took on a job as an assistant to a woman by the name of Mrs. Partridge. The job paid more and she worked less hours so it enabled her to be there for her mother. Mrs. Partridge was a woman of around 55 who ran a business called Fundraising For Fun or more commonly Triple F. She was extremely successful and taught Megan everything she needed to know.

There was a function, her first big one with Mrs. Partridge. Where she spilled the iced water over Jon. This was the first time since ‘that day’ that Megan had seen Jon. She was so nervous that she ran. He said he would call, and she waited.

The hours turned into days, the days turned into weeks, the weeks turned into months, the months turned into years and she longed to hear from Jon. She had read about 12 months after she spent that memorable day with him in his bed at The Archibald that he married his high school sweetheart. So after 5 years Megan finally gave up. It was a fantasy, a one night stand. Probably his last fling before commitment. Nothing more. She had to come to terms with that. It was just one more thing she chalked up to experience and moved on.

Sadly 3 years almost to the day after her father died her mother slipped away in her sleep. She was diagnosed as having a broken heart. Her parents were so close they just couldn’t live without each other. At 23 she was on her own.

Megan drifted from day to day. She knew for the first time in her life what it felt like to be her mother. She was depressed. Megan floundered for about a year before the opportunity came for her to take over form Mrs. Partridge. Before taking on the roll full time Mrs. Partridge traveled with Megan and formally introduced her to everyone she needed to know in order for her to carry on the work. She threw herself into the work to get her mind of past demons and with hard work the foundation continued to be successful. After a few years Mrs. Partridge took a back seat finally and let Megan take the helm on her own. And after another few years she retired completely. Confident that Megan knew what she was doing. She was retiring to travel with her husband. She might take in a cruise or climb Everest, she wasn't exactly sure.

When Megan took over from Mrs. Partridge she changed the Foundations name to The Johnson Foundation. Megan hosted many a successful fundraiser over the next few years and was proud of her achievements. She had planned a rather large function to be held at the Archibald and was in the midst of the preparations when she got the call that Mr. and Mrs. Partridge were missing. They were on an African safari and were missing, feared dead after a stampede of wildebeest ripped through their camp. It was just one more thing Megan had to deal with in her life. But if it were any consolation Mrs. Partridge was doing something she loved. She was on an adventure. She would have preferred to go that way that be hit by a train the way her own father had gone.

After an announcement to the rest of the staff and a prayer of respect had been said the preparations went on without much of a hiccup. They were on a deadline now. With only 1 day to get everything ready and have it transported to the Archibald the pressure was on. She would make a note to have Mrs. Partridges name mentioned and dedicate this particular event to her. Most of the items to be auctioned had already arrived and had been valued, but Megan knew there would be some that wouldn't arrive until the day. They had to be prepared for that. She always enjoyed the last minute rush, it gave her a buzz. A hit of adrenaline. And she knew this one would be no different.

Saturday dawned bright and sunny. Megan skipped her morning workout to get to work early. She arrived and got the last minute things done while she waited for the rest of the staff to arrive and the transport truck to arrive. 2 Hours later everything was all organised and she drove along behind the truck enroute
to the Archibald.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 2

As she dressed for work at 6am the next morning Megan wondered if he would call her. As she traveled to work with Krystal he was constantly in her thoughts. As he had been all night. As she rode the train and as she walked from the train station to work. She couldn't get him out of her head. Not only did she meet him but he kissed her. He kissed her! She loved the thought of that. She hadn't been kissed by anyone since she broke up with Michael some six months prior. Taking a toilet break she went to her locker and checked her phone. Sure enough there was a message from Jon asking her to meet him at his motel room when she was free. He was staying in the city about 45 minutes from where she was now. Suddenly feeling very nervous as to what she should do. After all, this is Jon Bon Jovi, should she just brush him off or should she behave in a manner familiar to any young girl in the presence of her fantasy man, her music idol? Her rock god! The decision was already made she knew. So faking a major headache and very upset stomach Megan went over to Krystal and told her that she would going home early because she didn’t feel well. She had never lied to her friend before and it wasn’t an easy thing to do. However it did make her performance more convincing though. After speaking with the boss she signed herself out of work and caught a taxi to the train station and boarded the next train to the city. An hour later she found herself standing outside the magnificent Archibald International Motel Complex. Impressed at its size Megan walked up to the entrance where a man in a black suit with tails and a crisp white shirt wearing gloves said "Good morning Miss" as he opened the door for her. Making her way to the elevator she made her way to the floor Jon specified in his message and as she came to a stop outside his door she felt as though there were butterflies the size of jumbo jets in her stomach. Too scared to knock she stood there for a few minutes. "What the hell am I doing here?" There was a noise coming from the corridor and she didn't want to get caught so she finally knocked. The door opened and she came face to face with Jon.

"Hey gorgeous, I thought I heard a noise. What are you doing out here all by yourself? Come on in" Taking hold of her elbow he guided her inside flashing his brilliant white smile at her. Instantly she was mesmerized, and once again under his spell.

He thanked her for coming as he made her a drink. He had enjoyed her company last night and he was a sucker for a pretty girl. She enjoyed spending time with him and decided to ride the rollercoaster for as long as it lasted because she knew it wouldn’t last forever. She relaxed and they conversed for about an hour. He seemed interested in her as a person and showed interest in her life. To her, her life was boring she didn't have a lot of time to socialize which is one of the reasons why she broke up with Michael. She worked Monday to Friday and went to school in the evenings. Although it was nothing compared to the life he lived never once did he lose interest. He was captivated by her. Taking her in his arms he kissed her and led her by the hand to the master bedroom. The room was enormous and there in the middle was a king size four poster bed with a canopy. The kind Megan had always dreamed of having. She knew one day she would buy herself one. In the heat of passion they removed each others clothes and lay down on the bed. Jon touched her body in a way that no other man had ever done. As she lay on the bed angled slightly in Jon's direction he placed his leg between hers to open them for him. When his thigh came in contact with her wetness he moaned. He was kissing her neck and began traveling ever so slowly and softly down her body, to the valley between her breasts. A mixture of emotions flooded through her body all at once and she was confused as to what she should be feeling. Her sense of right and wrong had flown out the window the minute she walked in to the room. She was lightheaded, She was scared, she was nervous, she was excited. She was a virgin.

In a brief moment of clarity she said "Jon".

Kissing his way back up to her mouth he simply replied "Yep"

"Stop, please. I need to tell you something before you go any further" she took a deep breath and said "There is no easy way to say this and I never dreamt I would be telling you, but I'm a virgin"

Pulling himself up to look into her eyes he said "Ok." A little bit shocked, he certainly wasn’t excepting this little revelation. "What do you want to do then? I won’t force you to do anything you aren't ready for, and I certainly won’t make you feel uncomfortable if you don't want to go through with it. It’s entirely up to you" he said placing an arm around her. He had the most amazing eyes. The brightest blue when they caught the daylight. Mesmerizing blue eyes. That’s all she needed to succumb to him. She kissed him and said "I'm ready". Besides she thought quickly if things didn’t go according to plan he wasn’t likely to make a fuss out of it the way the young men she knew would. It would just be something he would brush off and never think about again. She wouldn’t ever have to endure the embarrassment. How many young girls would get this opportunity. To lose their virginity with the sexiest man in the world?

Jon kissed her again and asked her if she was sure she wanted to go ahead. "Yes" she replied and he positioned himself on top of her and slowly entered her. She winced in pain as he did so, but after a minute or so the pain subsided and she relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of his warm, naked flesh on hers. He was a perfectionist. The feel of his body moving in rhythm of her own, although she knew she had nothing to compare him to made her body feel incredible. She made noises that she didn’t even know she was capable of. He pleasured her over and over again.

Megan had no idea how long they were joined in this romantic union before Jon rolled off her and lay silently on the bed next to her. Finally he spoke "Baby, You are so beautiful" he said running his hand over her flat, youthful stomach. He had had his fair share of beautiful women. But Megan was up there well above many of the others. She rolled in his direction a little shy at what had just happened and kissed him on the lips and as she did she read the clock on the bedside table, it was almost 5 pm. She had to be at school by 6. Jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom to clean up and wash away the evidence of their passion. She returned to the bedroom and frantically gathered her clothes as Jon said "Megan what’s wrong, I'm sorry. Whatever it is I'm sorry"

"Its not you. I just have to go."

Laying on his side propped up on one elbow with his beautiful bronzed chest in full view. Laughing at the comment he said "Ah, they all say its not you as they jump out of the bed. And run outthe door. What’s the rush can't you stay a little longer?"

"No, I have to get to school. I've got a class in an hour".

Sitting bolt upright in total shock at what she had just said. "What? School? Oh no, how old are you?" He said running his hand roughly through his long unruly hair. Instantly he thought of her being underage and the trouble he would be in. Why didn’t he read the signs. What is the age limit in this country? Oh no! Holy crap, she was a virgin. Kicking himself that he didn’t ask earlier he said "Megan how old are you? You are of legal age aren’t you?"

"Yes, I'm legal. I have a class to get too. I told you that, I attend the school of performing arts and if I miss this class I’m in deep and I’ll fail this semester. I've gotta go. If you want to see me again before you go just give me a call". She said as she put the last of her clothes on and ran out the door.

Megan was 5 minutes late to her class but at least she was there. Although she didn't take in much, she was so distracted. The events of the last 24 hours were beyond comprehension not even she could have though it up, not even in the best of her dreams.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Megan first met him when she was just 18 years old in 1988. Her sister gave her concert tickets for her 18th birthday. Having just turned 18 Megan was so full of life, so full of energy. A naturally pretty girl and somewhat out going and so looked forward to the excitement of a concert. Thankfully the concert was a seated one as they had tickets for the second row, other wise they would have been in the mosh pit, and more than likely been pushed back by those people who always insisted in getting themselves to the front row no matter what. Megan took her best friend Krystal as usual. For as long as Megan could remember her and Krystal were inseparable, they were almost joined at the hip.

The 2 young girls had fits of giggles as they progressed in the queue to get in the door of the arena. Finally making their way in they got their seats and waited very impatiently for the show to begin. The stage area was huge, with lights and speakers, Jon’s white microphone stand Richie’s guitars, David’s keyboards and Tico’s drums along with other instruments. Any minute now their fantasy man would be on stage not 10 feet in front of them.

As expected the concert was the highlight of their life to date. Jon was gorgeous there was no doubting that. He wore tight leather pants and a very pale almost faded in colour muscle top, with boots and a long coat. He had long unruly hair which just added to his sex appeal. He made eye contact with Megan many times during the night. Even giving her a wink on the odd occasion. At 26 he was every school girls dream. And he knew it.

The show ended much too soon, to the extreme disappointment of everyone present. It wasn't long before the chants were going up for more. Everyone wanted more. Megan was no exception. She wanted more and began to shout out along with every one else. Everyone began jumping and the seats were vibrating from the noise that was made. Minutes went by and there was still no appearance from the band. The lights had not come on yet though so the audience knew something was going to happen.

Krystal saw a torch light in the darkness coming from the wings in front of the stage. She nudged Megan to ask her if she saw it too. Which she did. They watched the light get closer and closer, before it stopped right in front of them. A rather large tall man gently grabbing Megan’s hand and placed a small note in it while he shone the torchlight so she could read it. The note had directions on how to get back stage after the final song had been performed. Showing it to Krystal both girls jumped up and down with excitement. The crowd were still screaming for more. They were chanting and clapping, and just when it seemed like they weren't coming back out Richie silenced them all by strumming his guitar at the same time as Tico hit the drums in the darkness quietening the audience in an instant. The lights came back on and Jon finally ran on stage to the horrendous applause of the entire boisterous crowd. He had changed his clothes. Grabbing the microphone he launched into song pleasing the crowd immensely while keeping eye contact with Megan for long periods as he sang. He sang two other songs which she can't even remember now before taking their bows and exiting the stage. The girls watched him as he walked off the stage and just as he got to the edge before he was out of sight he looked back and raised his arm and pointed at her in acknowledgement.

The lights came on and nervously the girls remained where they were to allow the crowd to leave before they made their move. Taking the note out of her pocket they followed the directions carefully. Coming to a room marked employees Megan knocked. A loud, "come in" was called from the other side of the door. Not really sure what they were getting themselves into both girls did a silent giggle and pushed the door open. They found the entire band still hi-fiving each other and congratulating themselves on a great show. Turning in the direction of the girls Jon stopped and said, "Well hello ladies" Making his way over to them he continued "Thanks for joining us. I'd introduce us all but I think you already know our names. Taking hold of Megan’s hand he said, "What might your name be lovely lady?" He was smooth, very smooth. And she absorbed it all.

However, feeling greatly intimidated she struggled to find her voice, "Megan Johnson and this is my best friend Krystal Falcon" she said still holding with Jon's hand in hers.

Introductions were made to the others while the girls sat on a sofa and waited for a drink to be handed to them. Thankfully both were just old enough to drink alcohol legally. They enjoyed getting up close and personal with the guys and had to pinch themselves from time to time to make sure it wasn't a dream. Megan had dreams like this all the time so she needed the pinch to let her know it was reality. Most were dreams of the imaginary kind. Nudging her friend she said what do you think the girls at work will say tomorrow?

Giggling Krystal said "They won’t believe this that’s for sure".

Over hearing their conversation Jon got the guys together for a photo so they would have evidence. He loved this extra time in the spot light. Something he had enjoyed for the last few years. He was used to catching the eyes of young women and had had his fair share of them over the years too. They all had. It was the lifestyle of a rock star, wasn't it?

It was getting late and both girls had an early start tomorrow. And Megan had a long day she had a few classes herself over the next few days. They decided to call it a night. Making their way around the group to say their goodbyes they expressed how much they had enjoyed the show and how great it was to meet them all. Shaking hands and kissing cheeks as they went. Megan leant in to kiss Jon's cheek the same way she did everyone else and just as she was about to plant one on his cheek he let go of her hand and grabbed her face and kissed her lips.

Coming up for air he said "So Megan Johnson do you have a phone number?” Still catching her breath she gave him her phone number and left shortly after.
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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