Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day to Day chapter 12

Damien put the notebook in the pocket of his jacket and closest the cabinet. Straightened everything up and unlocked the door just in time to hear Megan greeting the receptionist.

He was sitting at his desk as she entered smiling. “You are looking very chirpy” he said. Almost breathlessly. His heart was beating a million beats a minute knowing that he almost got caught.

She smiled back and said, “Yes I am feeling that way too. I had a very lovely lunch and a most enjoyable phone call. There is absolutely no reason why I would be feeling any other way. Oh and Damien”, she paused looking him in the eyes. “Next time Jon asks for my number you give it to him, you hear?” She smiled as the words came out.

“He is trouble Megan, I can feel it. You will be better of to cut him off now. No. not yet. Was the first though to enter her head as the words left his mouth. Not yet.

Damien, you and I have been friends for a very long time. Usually two people who work as closely as we do don’t get on as well as we do, or at least they have disagreements on a regular basis. We have been very fortunate to have never been in that situation. Lets not start now. I have known Jon for a long time and I like him as a friend and I intend to keep things that way. At least for now anyway.”

“Well its your life. But I’m telling you that man is no good for you. And I just don’t want to be the one left to pick up the pieces when he throws you away like last time. He said.

“Whhhoooo Buddy”. She said suddenly serious. “Firstly he is very good for me. I have felt more alive in the last few weeks than I have in more years than I can remember. Secondly, No one is asking you to pick up any pieces. And you did that of your own accord last time. And Thirdly, He didn’t throw me away it was my choice to ‘loose’ contact with him”

Megan left Damien and continued into her office closing the door behind her. Sitting at he desk she had an abundance of emotions running through her body. She wasn’t sure what it was she should be feeling. She was happy to hear from him, but was so afraid that it might go too far. He wasn’t in a position to pursue a relationship with another woman. Up until a week ago she wasn’t interested in anything serious, but after seeing him she needed something more in her life and came to the conclusion that she at her age wanted to be in a relationship. She wanted a family. She wanted a husband. Someone to snuggle up to every night. Someone just to share herself with. She has spent far too much time on her own. But Jon wasn’t able to give her all of those things. She knew in her heart as wonderful as it felt to be around Jon that he wasn’t the one that she would spend her life with. But the electricity that ran through her body when he was around was unmistakable.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Damien on the intercom letting her know she had a call from Krystal. She took the call still with her thoughts elsewhere. Krystal was still excited about lunch. “JBJ actually rings you up and calls you gorgeous, and says you owe him a lunch and you tell me there isn’t anything to tell? I didn’t come down in the last shower you know”

Megan smiled. She said to Krystal, “Alright then K, just to feed your over active imagination I’ll tell you”

“Hallelujah” Krystal said.

Megan continued “Jon and I had a sordid love affair resulting in a love child which obviously we couldn’t keep. Imagine the scandal! So we had it adopted by Madonna, no, wait I think it was actually Angelina. You know, it was so long ago now I really can’t remember which one of them it was. Well”, she shrugged. “That’s the story. Are you happy now?”

Laughing hysterically Krystal said “Yeah right! I think you and I know only part of that story was right. Maybe that part about you and Jon having as sordid love affair”

“Alright then Krystal. Just to prove to you that there is nothing going on between Jon and myself you can join us for lunch.”

“Well that’s gonna go down well with Jon. I don’t think he is going to want me tagging along somehow.”


Damien took the notebook from his jacket pocket and placed it in his drawer under some files so that it would be concealed from view. Hoping that at some stage during the afternoon he might be able to sneak a peak. One this is for sure, he couldn’t wait to get his grubby little hands on it when he was alone.

Even though they were getting busier by the day with up coming events the afternoon seemed to drag. Damien looked at his watch repeatedly. “Do you need to be somewhere Damien? Megan Asked.

“No”, he said

“You are looking at your watch as awful lot for somewhere who doesn’t need to be anywhere special.”

The day finally came to an end. Megan usually went home well before Damien and left him to do the locking up of the premises. However today she was working late. “I will lock up tonight Damien, you go.”

“No, No its ok I’ll stay and finish up. Where are you up to?” He asked as she was putting the remainder of the files away. Her being near that filing cabinet was almost enough to give him heart failure. Why had he not just left the retched notebook in his jacket pocket? If he had of done that he would no longer be here. He would have been long ago gone home and probably sitting doing some very interesting reading.

She looked at him quizzically and said, “You know I just can’t work you out today. All afternoon you have been looking at your watch as if you need to be somewhere in a hurry and now you are stalling? What’s going on Damien?”

“Nothing is going on. The afternoon was going slow and I just wondered what time it was. That’s all”

“It was going slow because you were looking at your watch all day. Now gather your things and go home. I will lock up.”

He got his portfolio together and his keys and phone and quietly left. Without further protest. Megan closed the door behind him. Leaning against the back of the door she thought to herself what a day it has been. She really should go home too and get some rest. She needed to sort out her emotions.

Another hour and she was done. She locked the door and drove home.

You are on Chapter 12 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 11

Damien interrupted the girls heated discussion about their secrets to let Megan know she had a call and asked if she wanted to take it?

Megan had her hands full so she put the phone on speaker briefly until she was free to hold it.

Damien informed her that it was Jon on the other end, and if she didn’t want to be disturbed during lunch he would tell him to call back.

“Of course I will take his call Damien, why wouldn’t I”

“Megan Johnson Speaking” she said suddenly in a cheeky mood.

“Hi, Megan. Its Jon”

“Jon?” she said playfully “Jon who?” Giving him no chance to answer she smiled and said “Hi Jon, how are you?”

“Excellent, Thank you.”

“Excuse me Jon. Damien, Please remove yourself from this conversation” They both heard Damien disconnect from the call transfer and continued their conversation.

“Hey Gorgeous”, Jon said. “How are you?”

“Can’t complain, have been very busy. What about you?”

“Good. I have a few weeks break starting next week to catch up with some people for the next album. I will be in town for a couple of days and I do believe you owe me lunch.”

Krystal, sitting opposite Megan with her mouth agape couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Oh my goodness, he just asked you out to on a date”

“No, he didn’t.” Said Megan.

“No, I didn’t”, said Jon before he continued with “Hello Krystal. I believe you had a most enjoyable time at the function the other night.” It was more of a statement than a question as Jon knew more than Krystal knew he did.

“Yes I did, thank you.” She said as her face changed to a light scarlet colour. She was thankful he wasn’t here otherwise she would have turned beet red. “Did you?”

“Yes” he said. It gave me a wonderful opportunity to catch up with some old friends. Isn’t that right Megan?”

“Yes Jon,” Megan said. Sensing that the conversation could become so that she could no longer safely have him on speaker she quickly said ““Now if you will excuse me, I am having lunch with my best friend and I will see you when you come to town. Give me a call a couple of days in advance so I can clear my schedule.”

“I would but General Damien wouldn’t give me your Cell Number”

She laughed and gave him her number before hanging up.

“MEGAN, JBJ just asked you out on a date! How can you sit there so calm? I would be bursting out of my skin if it was me he was asking out to lunch.” She sat for a few seconds smiling and shaking her head before she looked up at Megan and simply said. “You do know he is married don’t you?”

“Of course I know that”

If the truth be told Megans insides were bursting. She was in turmoil. She had no idea where all this was going and it sometimes scared her. There are so many people who could get hurt.

Krystal interrupted her thoughts. “Well all I can say is I wish I was a fly on the wall during that luncheon”

Damien had been searching for about one and a half hours when he found a file in Megans personal fling cabinet entitled ‘Jon’. He pulled it out of its place, being careful to place a marker in its spot so he could put it back exactly where it belonged. Laying it on her desk he opened it. There was a lot of paraphernalia about the band, where they were playing, and where they were going next, when a new album had been announced. When one of them got married or had a child, divorced etc. None of this interested him at all. He was just about to give up when he found a small white envelope that had yellowed slightly with age. It was one of those small enveloped that came with flowers. He opened it carefully,


Call me. Thank you.
I had a great time last night.


“That’s it?” he said as he finished reading the note twice. “That’s it? I have searched for all this time and I find this?” He carefully put the note back in its envelope.

Looking at the clock he saw that it was 2pm. Megan would be back soon. He removed the marker in the filing cabinet and replaced the file to its rightful place. He pushed the draw to close it, disappointed that his pursuit was as yet unsuccessful, but it wouldn’t shut. No matter how hard he pushed, it wouldn’t shut. It was stuck. Something was stopping it from shutting.

“Great “ He said. “This is just what I need. Good one Damien you idiot. The first time you snoop and you get your sorry self busted” He pulled the heavy draw out to see why it wouldn’t shut. His worst nightmare right now would be to drop the heavy draw full of Megans files that she has so meticulously filed in her own style of filing. One that no one else was ever able to figure out, or worse still to have her walk through the door with it in his arms. As he pulled it all the way out a small pink notebook fell from where it was lodged in the tracks of the draw. He picked it up and replaced the draw before he opened it. Upon opening it he knew he had hit the jackpot. This is just what he was searching for.

“Bingo” he said out loud. “Way to go D”

You are on Chapter 11 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 10

Day To Day Chapter 10

Megan woke the next morning with the sun shining brightly through the crack in the curtains. She got up and poured herself a hot cup of coffee from the pot she had put on the night before, while admiring the view. She never got sick of it. Jon was right about that.

She reflected on the night before. Surprisingly she really enjoyed the time she spent with Jon, and also the lovely wine. She could still smell his cologne. Her body willfully responded at the memory of being close to him again. It surprised her.

She showered quickly and dressed before packing her things. She enjoyed having one last look around the room before leaving. SO taking a moment after all her things were packed Megan just stood in the centre of the room and took everything in. It was almost like a second home to her now. Over the years she had been privileged to stay in some beautiful places. The Archibald however was always her favourite. It had a large array of facilities which suited and accommodated the foundations needs perfectly. Many fund raisers were held here over the years. She left the room closing the door behind her.

Megan entered the elevator and made her way down to the lobby where Damien and the other staff were waiting for her. After a brief meeting they made their way to the valet who already had their cars waiting. Damien was loading the bags into the trunk when he noticed Jon coming towards them. “Megan” he said “I think we have company. Hot man approaching”

She looked in the direction that Damien was indicating. She saw Jon Coming and went towards him. “Good morning” he said.

“Good morning Jon” She replied.

The conversation flowed easily. Jon thanked her for a lovely evening. The 2 became engrossed in conversation while Damien finished loading the car. Jon was surprised at how comfortable she was becoming in his presence. It was time to put the next part of his plan into action.

Damien, a little jealous that she was getting all of Jon’s attention, reminded her that she had a schedule to keep. She really needed to get going.

“Would you consider meeting me for lunch one day when I am back in town?”

“Sure, absolutely”, she said, “That would be lovely”

He smiled that dazzling smile at her and kissed her lightly on the cheek and she left the Archibald.

Damien was the one person who knew her best. He had spent 10 years as her personal assistant. Although she knew he didn’t know everything about her he thought he did. And he found this thing, whatever it was with Jon a bit disconcerting.

“Are you going to tell me what that was all about?” He asked her as the car drove away from the Archibald.

“No” she simply said as the corners of her mouth turned up as she quickly reminisced.

Damien knew he would find out one way or the other. He also knew he didn’t want Megan having anything to do with Jon. He just wasn’t sure why yet, but it gave him a bad vibe. There was obviously a history between them. He had already figured that out, although he didn’t know what it was. It was time to do some discreet fishing. Very discreetly of course. He couldn’t have Megan knowing what he was doing. He knew Megan’s schedule. So eventually he would get to the bottom of this.

The next few days were so busy for Megan and the Foundation. They had to arrange the payment and delivery of all the items from the last auction. Once that was complete there was the careful dispersement of funds raised. Megan was so busy that she hardly had time to think of Jon. She felt more relaxed and there was a feeling of inner peace. Kind of like closure. The time she had spent talking to him did her the world of good. She even felt as though they had a secret bond that only the two of them knew about. Damien was rather annoyed too at how busy they were. He really wanted to get his snooping done, but he couldn’t with Megan around. He knew she would be out tomorrow. She had an appointment for lunch with Krystal. He would have at least 2 hours then.

Megan met with Krystal at the Sunburst café on Main St. This was her favourite place to visit. She was very glad she made the reservation. The place was almost packed. Megan was sitting in a sunny corner of the garden when Krystal arrived.

“Hi Meg”, she said. Leaning in to kiss her friend. “Have you recovered from the big night?”

Laughing, Megan said, “Yes I think so. Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Yes I did” was her friends reply.

“You disappeared suddenly, where did you get to?” Or more to the point with whom?”

Krystal laughed and said, “Ah, that’s top secret.”

“You tell me your secrets and I’ll tell you mine.”

“And what secrets would you have that I don’t already know about?”

“Ha, if I told you Krystal you would die of shock”

As soon as Megan left Damien finished his work as fast as he could so that he would have plenty of time to snoop. She wasn’t due back until 2:15. So he closed and locked the door to his private office. He took the key from its hook on Megan’s wall, and began by opening the drawer to her desk. Looking through everything as carefully and as methodically as he could being sure not to mess anything. Megan was meticulous, she always had everything in order. She kept records of all the deals they had, she probably had receipts for bread and milk she brought in 1995. He knew there had to be something here to give him a clue. All he had to do was find it. He nearly jumped a mile and he is sure his heart skipped a beat when the phone rang.

“Hi Damien, This is Jon is Megan in?”

“No, she isn’t as a matter of fact” Thank goodness he thought to himself. Now hurry up and get off the phone I have very important work to do. “She is out to lunch with Krystal”

“lovely, would you mind giving me her Cell number so I can reach her?”

“Yes I do mind. I’ll take a message and pass it on to her.”

“Damien, please just give me the number so I can call her then I will be out of your hair.”

Damien realizing that arguing with Jon was seriously cutting into the small amount of time he had to search for whatever it was that he was looking for reluctantly gave in to his persistent demands and transferred the call to her cell.

You are on Chapter 10 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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