Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 22

Jon took control of the audience and looked at Megan and said “Do you want to count us in so you know when to begin or shall I.?”

Shaking her head nervously she said,”No Jon, you count. I’ll be fine. I sing along with you everyday. I’ll just pretend you’re stuck inside my CD player while I’m driving. Instead of standing up here right next to me. You won’t mind if I sing like this will you?” She pretended to buckle herself into her car seat and grabbed the steering wheel with her hands.

Laughing he said “Do you need the words we had them printed especially just incase I forgot them, but I’ll let you use them.” He smiled at her.

She laughed again and said “No, thank you. You keep them. I know the words. You just make sure you don’t make a mistake, it’ll put me off.”

Feeling a little awkward, she took a deep breath and indicated that she was as ready as she would ever be.

Jon counted, 1, 2, 3, 4 …….. And they began.

Diamond Ring; wear it on your hand
Its gonna tell the world I’m your only man
Diamond Ring, Diamond Ring
Baby you’re my every thing, Diamond ring…….

She began quietly at first but he encouraged her and she relaxed. She had a beautiful voice and even he was noticeably impressed. By the second verse she was relaxed and enjoying the moment. Never in her life did she think she would be doing this. She had missed performing so much. After she left high school she went to the school of performing arts but when her father was tragically killed she dropped out in her final semester and got the job with Mrs. Partridge in order to look after her sick mother. The opportunity had never presented itself again until this very minute.

The song finished all too soon. She thoroughly enjoyed it, hugged Jon and quietly left the stage to an enormous roar of applause.

She assumed that the band would be finished after that song, however Jon announced, “We have just one more song for you tonight. This song I want to dedicate to that special woman in my life. This one is for you baby”. He concluded as the music to Bed of Roses began.

Although Megan had many favourite songs this had always been her
all time favourite The first time she heard the song was on a video at a friends house in the early 90’s. It was a live performance and she had tears in her eyes at the end of it. Much the same as she did now. Jon sang so passionately. He glanced at her only occasionally while he sang. He didn’t want to make it too obvious that it was dedicated to her. But he had to look in her direction and when he did she was crying. This would be a moment she would never forget. The auction may not have been as successful as they had hoped but right now she didn’t care. This was infact the night of her life. Nothing could ever top this, nothing at all.

Krystal came up to Megan and congratulated her on the performance. And told her how awesome it was. She appeared to have mellowed in the presence of celebrities since she had been with Richie. She realized people are just people even if they are beautifully talented. The song finished and Damien announced the gathering to take place in the main ballroom immediately following.

You are on chapter 22 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – Today

Monday, October 29, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 21

Megan had just one more week of solitude before the crazy rush of the next Johnson Foundation Event began. She lived on the adrenalin, thoroughly enjoyed the rush it still gave her. It was one of the best natural highs she had experienced and even after all this time she never tired of it. Being a perfectionist Megan tried to out do herself at each event. Most of the time she was successful. Even if she didn’t manage to out do herself she always put on a good show.

They always began their preparation long enough in advance to ensure that it gave them enough time to get the guest list organized and the invitations sent out. There was also the items that were being auctioned, a great deal of organizing was involved there. They were usually donated by collectors or by the individual themselves. When an item was donated it had to be valued which then gave them a ballpark figure of where they would like the auction to go. And also where they might end up at the end of the night financially. There was also accommodations to cater for. The list went on and on.

With all of this going on she barely had time to thin of Jon. He on the other hand was thinking of her constantly. No matter what he did he couldn’t get her out of his head. It didn’t help either that Krystal was always around. She provided just one more memory of what he had left behind. To Jon Megan was like a drug, he was having difficulty living without. As if he was having withdrawals.

The two girls organized to speak every Monday and Thursday. They had worked out the time zones so that they could catch each other awake. This was difficult for both of them considering they used to see each other everyday. Megan was enjoying hearing all sorts of stories about life on the road. What it was like to be going from one place after another, a new town every night living out of a suitcase. She spoke about the after parties and dinners with celebrities. She was enjoying herself but missed Megan, she missed home, and she even missed her job. But she was truly happy for the first time in her life and right now she wouldn’t trade with anyone.

Megan asked about Jon on each and every call. The answer was always the same, “He is good. He said to say hello”. They had only spoken twice since he went. She missed him, and believed him when he said that he missed her.

“You should come over for a couple of weeks Megan; he would so love to see you.” Krystal had said on her last call.

“I would love to see him too Krystal but at present I can’t get away. Not with the next event due. I promise I’ll come over after it’s all done”, she paused and thought for a moment, “Tell Jon I miss him too and can’t wait to catch up. But unfortunately I won’t be able to get away for a little while yet.”

“I know you’re busy, but just make sure you clear your schedule after this one alright?”

“I will” she said, “Can you just explain to Jon how it works and why I can’t get away. I still have a few weeks before the night then there is around a month of sorting everything out afterwards. I can’t get away any earlier than that“. She had told her.

*** *** *** ***

The night finally arrived. Megan arrived at the Archibald at 3PM on the afternoon of the 10th. She loved the Archibald and could never tire of it. So much had happened in her life since she was there last. It was so nice to be there again. She always got a warm feeling when she walked in the door. It was almost like coming home.

“Good afternoon Miss Johnson, how pleased we are to have you join us again. May I take your bags?”

“Hello Steven, Yes you certainly can, and thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.” He took her things and placed them on a trolley to take them up to her room.

Megan took her time checking on the preparations in the Main Ballroom. Everything was on track and looked a million dollars. It should she thought to herself considering that’s how much this particular event cost to put on. Pleased with everything she made her way up to her room. The night would begin at 7 sharp. She had just over two hours to be ready.

*** *** *** ***

Damien picked Megan up at her room at 6:45PM in order to arrive on time. He complimented her on how beautiful she looked. Megan had exquisite taste in clothing. Tonight she was wearing a pale blue evening gown with an embroidered lace corseted bodice, with shoe string straps made of fresh water pearls and a plunging neckline that was just low enough without being too low. The Hollywood take was getting a work out tonight ensuring that everything remained hidden from view with the plunging neckline. She prided herself on how good she looked at her age. She worked out every day as well as going for a run. And the fact that she had not had children also had a hand in her flawless physic.

Megan always wore her hair swept up in a French Roll at functions. Tonight she wore it loose, which just added to the elegance of the outfit as it fell down over her shoulders.

The night went extremely well. Megan was happy with what they had up for auction, and was happy with they money that got for each item. The night was by no means as successful as the last one but they still did more than OK.

As usual the guests were to be informed of the totals of the evening. Megan and Damien made their way up to the stage, which Megan thought to be odd. He rarely accompanied her to the stage. Tonight he was right by her side. She began to speak while she unfolded the totals. She remembered the last time she did this with fond memories and smiled to herself. “Ladies and Gentlemen”, she said. “Thank you once again. As you know its customary that we tell you how much money you have spent”, she said with a smile. Megan spoke for around 10 minutes. The audience listened and clapped where appropriate. “This brings this part of our evening to a close.” She concluded. “Damien will inform you of the events to follow. Thank you once again”. She folded her paper ad prepared to leave that stage.

Damien grabbed her elbow ever so lightly and said “Megan would you be so kind as to stay here with me for just one more minute”. He said. Looking out at the audience he too expressed his gratitude on behalf of the Johnson Foundation. And once again he told the audience that the Foundation would not have had the success it has if it weren’t for those who gave so generously. Addressing the audience but looking at Megan he said, “Tonight we have decided to do something a little differently that we normally do.” She looked a cross between puzzled and worried. Looking back out to the audience he said, “I have a surprise for you all but I think the biggest surprise will be for this beautiful lady beside me. Ladies and Gentlemen please put your hands together for Bon Jovi.”

The curtains behind them opened and standing centre stage behind the white microphone stand was Jon. She laughed before slapping Damien on the arm and said, “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

The audience erupted, the noise was deafening. Standing in this same spot just a few months ago her legs were too heavy to move when she saw him. Tonight they were as light as a feather as her body voluntarily glided towards him. She kissed him on the cheek and he hugged her tightly whispering in her ear. “It’s good to see you baby. You look so beautiful tonight. But you’re gonna have to let me go”, remembering that they were still in front of 500 people, “I’ve got work to do here before I have some really important work to do later”. He gave her a little wink before she left the stage and watched him from the wings.

Jon started with the up beat ‘Its my life’ which really got the audience pumping. Followed by ‘Everyday’. He knew these were two of Megan’s favourite songs.

Jon addressed the audience before his next song, with Richie softly strumming his guitar in the back ground as he spoke. “I attended my very first fundraiser many many years ago now and that was the first time I met the beautiful Megan Johnson. I have it on good authority that she is a big fan of the band and I believe two of her favourite songs are the ones we just played. And another is Diamond Ring”. Megan laughed and stood there is disbelief. She spotted Krystal and mouthed the words, “Wait until I get my hands on you.”

Jon continued, “How many of you here would like to hear the beautiful voice of Miss Johnson up here alongside me?”

The reaction from the audience was unbelievable. It was hard to comprehend that there was only 500 of them out there. She shook her head in protest. There was absolutely no way she was getting up there to sing with him. It was just not going to happen. She turned to make a run for it, but he figured she would try that and knew she couldn’t get too far in her $500 Manolo Blahniks. He strode off the stage and grabbed her on the elbow and simply said, “This way young lady”.

Megan reluctantly joined him on the stage. He positioned her in front of a microphone with a white stand into which she spoke very clearly, “I have no intentions of singing here tonight. I am sorry to disappoint you all but I am not a performer and I cannot sing. There is no need for me to destroy one of my all time favourite songs”.

It was Jon’s turn to speak up, he said, “Ah, but you can sing. I have in my possession a video, yes ladies and gentlemen a video so we are obviously going back a little ways here of a young Megan taking the lead in her school musical performance of The Sound Of Music. Now if I have to play it I will, its queued and ready to go”.

The audience were beginning to chant now they wanted to hear her sing. To which she defiantly refused.

“Ladies and Gentlemen”, she said trying to control her laughter. “I do apologies for this, but I had no idea that this was going to happen. And I can tell you if I did I would have had a few things to say about it. Which is exactly what I will do when this night is over. Damien, Krystal I do hope you have your running shoes on. I’ll leave you now to enjoy the beautiful voice of Jon Bon Jovi and 4 of the nicest men I have ever met in my life”.

She began to leave the stage much to Jon’s disappointment when Tico rose from his seat behind the drums and said that he would donate $50,000 if she was to do this one song. He knew her well enough to know that he at that precise moment had talked her into it.

She knew she was defeated. And everyone knew she would do just about anything for one of her charities. She took her position before the microphone, which matched Jon’s. Jon’s smile was about as big as a persons smile could possibly be, and she was almost blinded by it. She leant in to say to him, “You just wait until I get you away from here”.

“He laughed and said, “I’ve been thinking about that all day”

You are on Chapter 21 of Day to Day
© 2007 Cindi - Today

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Day to Day chapter 20

Megan was waiting in her usual spot at the Sunburst Cafe on Main Street when Krystal arrived. She got out of a black BMW similar to that of Megan’s. "Where's your car?"

"Um....it’s at home in my garage. Megan I have something to tell you, and you know I have never been one to mince words so I am just gonna come right out and say it. I'm not sure how you're going to take it but here goes." Krystal took a deep breath, exhaled and said, “You know the other day at your house when all the guys were there?"


"You mentioned afterwards that Richie and I were getting on well?"


"Well we were, and the truth is Richie and I ..... Um..... Well the thing is.....That wasn't the first time Richie and I had spent time together.........um .... There is no easy way to say this," She too a breath once again and proceeded to speak faster than usual not giving Megan the opportunity to interrupt.. "I left the auction with Richie. That’s where I disappeared to. I took him back to my place. Where we spent the night.......and we have spent every day together since then.......we have been having a sort of relationship."

"What?" Megan was very confused. How could all of this been going on and she know nothing about it? "What do you mean a sort of relationship?"

"Um well, for the last few months -- since your last auction we have been seeing each other."

"What?" she repeated. "You are an item with Richie Sambora? And you were going to tell me this when?" Not waiting for an answer she continued. "You have a go at me just yesterday because I didn't tell you about Jon and now you have done the same thing with Richie. Oh this is too much. Sit and we can have a cuppa and talk more. I want to know all the details."

The car stayed where it was while Megan and Krystal conversed. They waited for the waitress to leave before they continued their conversation.

Oh my God what’s happening to us Krystal? Who would have thought we would be romantically linked to these guys? Certainly not me that’s for sure." She answered her own question.

"Hey matey, me either." she laughed out loud. "Not on your life would I have thought I would be falling in love with Richie Sambora. But I guess that’s just the way life is. It throws us a curved ball sometimes. Its up to us if we decide to catch it."

"What did you say?"

"Life throws us a curved ball." she repeated as she sipped her coffee.

"No, you said you were falling in love with Richie.” Megan smiled at her and could tell for the first time she saw Krystal really happy. She was beaming. "Are you really falling in love with Richie?"

"I think I already have. I have other news for you too. I'm not sure on how you will take this either."

"Well to be honest I don’t know if I could take anymore news today."

"I know it’s been a big day, but i have to tell you this now. Because I wont be here to tell you tomorrow."

"Why wont you?" Megan asked while she sipped her coffee.

"I’ve decided to go to Europe with Richie."

Megan nearly chocked on her coffee when she exclaimed, "WHAT?" You can’t do that. What about your job? You can’t just up and leave it."

"I’ve put Maisey Sutcliff in charge until I return. She will hold the fort for a few months. She has all the necessary qualifications and capabilities. And besides, I need this."

"Months? How long had you planned on going for?"

"I'm not sure yet. Indefinitely at this stage. I have never been so happy as I am now with Richie. I want to ride this wave for as long as it floats."

"What about me, us" We have been friends for years that will change if you go to the other side of the world."

"No, it won't. There are these ridiculously intelligent people out there who invented things like telephones and email. We will be in constant contact. I’ll miss this place," she said gesturing to the beautiful place the two of them frequented, and I’ll miss our girly nights, I’ll miss Mrs. Hopkins. But we will still speak. And besides, it’s not going to be forever."

"What if you and Richie really do hit it off, and get married? Your whole life will change. Are you prepared for that kind of life?"

"I haven’t thought that far ahead and at this stage I don’t intend to. This is just a bit of fun at the moment. And miss Jon lover, I don’t think you are in a position to pass judgment on what I do for fun." she smiled at her friend before she mentioned that she would have to go soon. Richie was waiting for her in the car. They were on their way to the airport, and flying out today.

In just a matter of weeks everything she knew to be normal in her life had changed. A sadness came over her then. She looked up at her friend who was so excited to be on this next adventure in her life. Megan got up and hugged her. Told her she loved her and wished her every happiness.

“Do you want me to come with you to the airport?”

“No, thank you though. I would have loved you to be there but we have to take a commercial flight. Jon and the others flew out yesterday on their private jet. Richie stayed with me until I could tie up all the loose ends so that we could fly back together – he is so romantic. We will be escorted directly to the plane, so unfortunately I wouldn’t even be able to hug you goodbye.”

As the tears flowed down Megan’s cheeks she hugged her best friend one more time before she went over to the car and reminded Richie that he had precious cargo and he was to look after her. Or else! He agreed that he would take very good care of her.

Krystal got back in the car with Richie, closed the door and drove off. Megan watched the car until it was out of sight. She went back to the table and collected her things. She paid the bill leaving a rather large tip and made her way back to the office. She was still wiping the tears from her eyes when she got back to the office.

“Megan, what’s wrong? Why the tears?” Damien said as he hugged her, trying to find out what was wrong with her. It’s him isn’t it? I knew nothing good would come out of it.” He said still hugging her. “Didn’t I tell you he was trouble? I did. Didn’t I?”

“It’s not Jon, Damien. It’s Richie.”

Damien was well and truly puzzled now. “What does Richie have to do with anything? Damn woman I can’t keep up with you.”

“Not me. It’s Krystal. Krystal and Richie are an item.”

Damien laughed. “You’re kidding right?”

“No I’m not.“ She said wiping the last of the tears from her face. “They are infact a serious item.”

“How serious?”

“Serious enough for her to be getting on a plane right now with him to go to Europe, indefinitely.”

“You don’t say.” Krystal and Richie? Lucky girl. I wouldn’t have picked that one. They don’t even look right together.”

You are on Chapter 20 of Day To Day

© 2007 Cindi – Today

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 19

Damien had spent the afternoon in his office worrying about what Megan would say when she emerged. This was infact Megans plan. She intended to stay in her office for as long as she could. She wanted him to feel guilty about snooping and stealing her diary. It was none of his business and he should not have done it. But as far as she was concerned it was all over and done with now, Krystal knew and accepted it incredibly well, but she would till get some pleasure and satisfaction out of letting Damien sweat it.

Packing up at the end of a long and emotionally charged day she locked the door to her private office, something that she would never have done before, placed the keys in her pocket and walked out into Damien’s office. He tried to speak to her as she exited she raised her hand to silence him and just kept on walking and stated she was going home. And that he was not to enter her office during her absence. Megan had no intentions of speaking to Damien regarding the book.

*** *** *** ***

Megan called ahead to let Cookie know that there would be a visitor again tonight. Krystal followed Megan for the 30 minute drive home. She parked her car out front while Megan took hers around to the garage. They met in the living room. Mrs. Hopkins already had a glass of wine waiting for them. She handed Megan with a Red and Krystal with a White. The meal was unusually quiet for the two normally very chatty women. There was a strange feeling in the room that night. With the skeleton out of the closet so as to speak Krystal wasn't really sure what to say. She was surprised, and jealous to say the least, but she was also very hurt. Not at the fact that Megan had been intimate with Jon but the fact that they had known each other forever and she didn't tell her. She thought they knew everything about each other. How wrong can one person be? She thought shaking her head.

Megan looked up at that point and said, "What are you shaking your head about? What’s the matter?"

"I'm just shocked that’s all. I thought we knew each other."

"Just because you didn’t know how or with whom I lost my virginity doesn’t mean we don't know each other. Krystal we have been friends for longer than I can remember but I dare say there would be things about you that I don’t know. We all have our secrets, our skeletons. Not all of us tell everyone, everything." She took a sip of her wine while reaching out to touch Krystals hand. "Do you think we will get past this? Will you ever be able to forgive me? Please let’s not allow this to spoil our friendship.

Krystal agreed that they needed to move on. However she just wanted to make it clear to her friend that she wasn't upset at the fact that she had slept with Jon, but the fact that she didn't tell her until all these years later.

Pouring another glass of wine for them both Megan said, "Didn't you say earlier you had something you want to talk about?"

"Um, yes I did. But maybe one shock a day is enough. We will talk about it tomorrow." She finished her wine and bid her best friend goodnight and said they would indeed talk tomorrow. They agree to meet at The Sunburst Cafe on Main St. for lunch the next day.

After a nice meal and a hot chocolate on the deck Megan soaked in the bath tub for a long time just trying to piece together the events of the day. Reflection time was good for her. She enjoyed just giving her mind a really good spring clean. So much had happened in the last 24 - 36 hours. She was taken by surprise at how things had occurred.

The water was getting cold so she got out and dressed in her white terry toweling robe before going to her room. She dried her hair and crawled into bed exhausted. Sleep didn't come easily for her despite the fact that she was exhausted. She could still smell the scent Jon had left behind the night before on her pillow. She relived the events of last night over and over again in her mind. Closing her eyes she could smell him, she could feel his hands on her body, she could feel the warmth of his skin on hers, his breath on her neck, and she could still hear his breathing while he slept.

He would be in the air now. On their private jet. Heading to Europe. When would she see him again? Would she see him again? It would be months before he would be back in the country for their next tour. After that who knows? Maybe the time and distance between them would change his mind. Life goes on was the last that that went through her mind before her body gave out and she slept.

You are on chapter 19 of Day to Day
© 2007 Cindi - Today

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 18

Megan felt the colour drain from her face when she saw it. The flood of emotions that ripped through her body at the precise moment was absolutely overwhelming. She wasn’t sure if she needed to cry or become furious. “Oh my God Damien. How could you do this to me? How could you invade my privacy like this?”

Damien stood still not saying a word.

Megan continued. “Did you read it?”

“Yes” he said after a long pause. Suddenly feeling guilty and ashamed.

Megan trying to speak in a calmer manner said. “That note book has my inner most thoughts in it. The minute you opened it you would have known that. And that alone should have told you to close it and mind your own business. Calmer voice was not working. “It’s not something you would have just stumbled across Damien so that must mean you have gone in search of it. It also means that you have gone through all of my personal belongings. When did you get it? How long have you had it? Did you find what you were looking for?” She was thinking faster than she could speak. Obviously talking in a calm manner was clearly working – not.

Krystal who had been quietly standing back so that hopefully Megan would have forgotten she was there was about to get her turn. Turning towards her Megan said. “Were you in on this too? I suppose you know everything now too huh?”

“No” she said shaking her head. She had never seen Megan so riled up. “I have just found out about it now. I have never laid eyes on that book before in my life and by the sounds of it I hope to never see it again.”

Not allowing Damien to answer her onslaught of questions she took the book and removed the keys from her purse, unlocking the cabinet she returned it and said. Damien, get out of my office now. I do not wish to see you again for the rest of the day. And I tell you, may God himself help you if I do.”

Damien headed for the door and Krystal started to follow. She didn’t get too far before Megan said “Krystal. I would like you to stay please.”

Once Damien had shut the door Megan sat down and looking up at Krystal with a smirk on her face, taking a breath she said “So, do you think he thinks I’m angry with him?”

“Um yes I reckon he does. Aren’t you? You sure sounded like it to me. I haven’t seen you like that in more years than I can remember.”

“No, not really. I just don’t want him poking around where he isn’t wanted. We have been great friends for 10 years but I am still entitled to my privacy. He should have respected that.” Thinking out loud she continued “If I had of found out a week ago he had read that note book I would have had his head on a platter. But I really doesn’t matter now”

“What was in it if you don’t mind me asking?”

Megan got it back out from the cabinet and handed it to Krystal. “Before you read it can you promise me that at the end of it we will sit calmly and talk about it? I hope you will understand why I haven’t told you until now.” She paused to take a breath. “I also have other news when you have finished.”

“Ok, I’ve got something I want to talk to you about too.”

Krystal sat and began to read. … WOW! What an amazing day. I am still trying to comprehend what actually happened. Jon is absolutely the most sexiest man in the entire universe. I felt like a silly school girl when I ditched work to meet him. I knew what Jon would expect of me when I met with him. Was I ready for it though? Yes! No! I don’t know! I couldn’t think of anyone else worthy of losing my virginity to. ………….. The motel was absolutely awesome. Very impressive. It was huge. The excitement pumping through my veins was incredible I knew what would be expected of me if I continued through the entry doors. I really didn’t know If I could go through with it, but I had no intentions of baking out now. The doorman opened the doors for me. He called me Madam J. As I rode the elevator I endured a mixture of emotions. As each floor came and went my nerves became more intense. Was I doing the right thing?My goodness, It was Jon Bon Jovi for heavens sakes. What am I thinking? Exiting the elevator I stepped on to the red carpet, how appropriate!. My legs were feeling weak. I somehow walked to Jon’s room and raised my hand to knowk. I hesitated. Not really sure if I wanted to go through with it.

“Oh my God megan. Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

Not giving Megan the opportunity to reply she read on.

……….He was kind, gentle, sweet and very understanding. The minute his hands touched my body I knew there would never be any turning back.His hands were soft but firm. He touched me with tenderness but with a passion that I had never known. His lips, oh those warm soft lips! He brought his lips to mine and he kissed me. A kiss the likes I had never experienced before. Jon is so mature and worldly. He was obviously a man of great experience when it came to women. He was leaps and bounds ahead of the boys I have gone out with, even Michael.

Megan watched her intently noticing her reactions. She would gasp, or she would put her hand up to her chest or her throat, or touched her lips the way women do when they are feeling emotional or chocked.

“This was written more than 10 years ago for goodness sake. We tell each other everything. That’s what friends do. Why did you not tell me?” she pleaded before reading on.

When she had finished Megan sat opposite her and said, “Are you ok with this? Does it need any further explanation?”

“Yes it does.” Krystal said placing the book on the desk. “It needs a lot of further explanation. Why didn’t you tell me about this before now? Why have you kept this a secret for so many years? I thought we were best friends, best friends tell each other everything”. Krystal felt betrayed, yet somehow excited by what she had read.

“Krystal, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t know how to feel, for goodness sakes I was a virgin. I didn’t expect it to be with him. I hoped it would be but certainly didn’t expect it to actually happen with him. I didn’t know how to stop it or even it I could, I didn’t know that I wanted to. It was a long time ago now. All I can say is I’m sorry.”

“Megan”, Krystal said taking a breath and leaning back in her seat, “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me about this.

“I didn’t tell you for fear of how you would react. You have no idea how much I wanted to share this with you. With someone. Writing it in this book was the best I could do. I didn’t have anyone to talk to. I’m sorry

“Megan lets not misunderstand each other here ok? I’m not mad at you for doing it. I’m damn envious. I can’t believe you did this and left me in the dark. If it were me I would have taken a front page ad in the local paper. No, a billboard on Main Street.” She said smiling. She laughed to herself. Shaking her head in disbelief then and said. “You on the other hand, not only manage to have sex with the sexiest man to have ever walked the earth, but you lose your virginity to him! And then keep it a freaking secret.” Krystal began to laugh so hard she had tears in her eyes. Megan had tears too but not from laughing. It was just the relief of being able to talk about it to someone after all these years. Krystal continued. “You let Jon Bon Jovi nail you and you tell not a single soul”

The two girls hugged and continued to talk for several hours. Megan filling Krystal in with all the details.

Finally Megan said, “Its 5pm how about we call it a day here and you come home with me for dinner and we can talk about everything else there?”

Krystal sighed and agreed that it was a good idea.

You are on chapter 18 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Monday, October 15, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 17

Slipping it off her shoulders he kissed each one as it was exposed, letting the blouse fall to the floor behind her. Coming back to kiss her lips his hands found their way to the waist band of her tailored pants. He ran his thumbs along the inside of them until he came around to the button which he undid with very experienced hands. She wondered how many times those hands had opened a woman’s pants, other than his wife’s But quickly put the thought right out of her mind when he slid her pants down over her hips and let them fall to the floor also. Standing in front of him in nothing but her lace underwear she surprisingly felt no shame. She was as eager and as hungry as he was. She forgot who he was and whatever the past held needed to be left there. This was the time to move on. She focused on the minute. Jon undid her bar, kissing his way down as he removed it completely. She felt his warm breath on her breast gently teasing her nipple and moving from one breast to the other and back again. Sending shivers right through her body. Her legs were growing weak; she knew she wouldn’t be able to stand for much longer. As if he sensed it he removed her lace panties and lifted her in his arms before placing her in the centre of the big bed. She lay there waiting for him to join her and for the first time she saw that he was shaking.

He knew this was different for both of them. She wasn’t just some girl or groupie that he had picked up after a show. She was one classy lady who meant an awful lot to him. His fingers fumbled with the buttons on his shirt as he undressed and came to lie next to her. His hands moving softly over her body, the heat and the passion between them was almost overwhelming her. She felt as though she was drunk, drunk on the moment. Intoxicated by his scent. Jon took her to places she could only imagine of going. He was meticulous when it came to her satisfaction. He never once thought of his own. He wasn’t prepared to finish the job yet, not until he knew she was well and truly satisfied. Bringing her to climax twice with nothing but his hands and his glorious mouth. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore. And he positioned himself to enter her. He needed to feel her body under his. He needed to feel her wrapped around him. She moaned with the feel and the warmth of his skin on hers. She was still coming down from the last orgasm when he entered her. The feel of him inside her body was incredible. He filled her completely. He slid rhythmically in and out of her body, slowly, methodically, then faster. He would bring her to the brink before slowing down again and at times pulling right out of her, only to hear her moan loudly as he entered her again. Kissing and pinching her nipples as he continued. Her breathing became faster and she moaned as she said to him “Oh, Jon….” And that was all he needed before he pushed into her deeply as he moaned in absolute ecstasy. His eyes rolled back in his head before he exploded deep inside her. He could feel her body squeezing him, milking him for every last drop. He collapsed on top of her, breathless for what seemed like an eternity before he rolled off of her and they both fell asleep. Not waking until the early hours of the morning to have a repeat performance.

*** *** *** ***

Jon left early the next morning. He told Megan that he would call her later in the day. He kept his word and called her.

He knew it would be a while now before he would see her again. He had a promotional tour to under take in Europe. He would be on one side of the world and she on the other. He felt a great sadness knowing that.

Megan too was a little down when she got into work that morning. She tried her hardest to guard her heart but knew it to be futile. She still loved him there was no doubting that, she also knew that there was no way she could ever have him. It was just something that she had to deal with. And get over.

*** *** ***

Damien was all over his mystery illness. Having two days off really did him the world of good --- apparently!

After two fruitless hours of work Megan decided to lift her spirits so she went and did some retail therapy. After all a girl can never have too many shoes. She wasn’t gone as long as Damien had expected her to be. He and Krystal were in her office when she got back.

Walking in the door to Damien’s office she could hear voices coming from her own office. She stopped to listen.

“I don’t know what to do. I can’t find the darn keys anywhere.” She heard the desperate voice say. Obviously she knew it to be Damien.

“Well you’re going to have some explaining to do if you don’t get that book back in the cabinet before Megan gets here. I tell you now Damien, I’d hate to be in your shows when she finds out.” Krystal said.

“When Megan finds out what?”

Both Damien and Krystal jumped a mile when they turned in the direction of the voice and saw Megan standing in the doorway. Neither of them had heard her enter. “What are you two doing in my office? And what book are you talking about?”

Neither of them spoke for the longest time. Both were a lighter shade of pale. “Well? What’s going on?” Megan demanded.

“Oh nothing I was just looking for something for the Heart Research Foundation” Damien said looking in her direction.

She knew him to be lying. “No you were not Damien. Don’t lie to me”, she said as if speaking to a child. “I have known you long enough to know when you are not being honest with me. Now, I will ask you one more time what is going on before I get so cranky that it will scare the hell out of both of you. And you of all people know that won’t be pretty.

Megan was usually always in control of her temper, but Damien had had the misfortune of being on the receiving end of it once or twice and she was right it really wasn’t a pretty sight. Damien reluctantly lifted the small notebook out of his pocket and handed it to Megan.

You are on Chapter 17 of Day To Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 16

Jon arrived at Megans shortly after she did. She opened the door herself, greeting him with a broad smile and a warm kiss on the cheek. Taking his coat she guided him into the living room and offered him a glass of wine. They spoke about nothing of any importance for a while until they were called for dinner. Jon sat down to a lovely meal that he had to agree was equally as good as anything he would have had at the Archibald.

After picking up their coffees they made their way out to the deck, he was immediately impressed at how beautiful it was of a night. Both of the sat on the comfortable deck chairs looking up at the night sky while Megan pointed out various aspects of the galaxy. He was surprise and impressed at her vast knowledge.

“I bet you never get sick of this view”. He said.

“Definitely no. This is where I come when I’m stressed out. Or if I’ve had a hard day at work. If I need some down time. For whatever reason, I come out here usually with a hot beverage or a glass of wine and sit here for half an hour or so and I’m a new person.”

She got up from her seat and went over to the railing at the edge of the deck. Looking over at the city lights in the distance. Gesturing at the view she said, “This is something I enjoy. It changes every second of ever day. Sometimes its bustling with traffic, at others there is just a few cars, or sometimes there isn’t any vehicles at all. No matter what it always looks beautiful. The neon lights, the high rise buildings, the planes and helicopters overhead, the ferries out in the quay, the boats.” She gestured to them out at sea. ”I certainly hit the jackpot when I got this place. I never thought I would be so lucky twice.”

He admired her from behind fro a few minutes before getting up to stand beside her. He agreed that it really was an amazing sight. “What do you mean twice?”

“I have a beautiful place at home in Australia. Right in the heart of Sydney. It truly is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. And nowhere that I have visited or lived has ever come close to its beauty.”

Jon felt so comfortable in her presence. So relaxed and at ease. He felt like this with no one else. It was a bazaar feeling to him. There were very few people in his life that made him feel as comfortable as she did. There had not been a day in all the years since that memorable day that he didn’t think of her. He wondered how she coped with the events of that day. It was something that troubled him for a long time. It was something that taught him a lot about himself, and who he was, not to mention the fact that he was only human. He couldn’t treat people as though they were all the same. He had learnt that the hard way. She was definitely different to all the others who let themselves fall at his feet and undoubtedly into his bed. Only to rush off and tell their girl friends all about it the next day, as though it were some kind of victory on their part. From that point on he vowed never to let the fame and fortune if he was lucky enough to acquire any go to his head. He vowed to remain grounded. Looking at Megan now he also knew if he kept contact with her it would be more than physical. He knew that he not only would love her as a friend but he would fall in love with her. She was becoming as dangerous to him as he was to himself.

He placed his arm around her waist. For the first time since the reunited at the auction she didn’t flinch. She too had begun to feel incredibly comfortable in his presence. She tried to put at the back of her mind the fact that he had a wife and family that he would have to go home to one day. But for the moment she was just determined to enjoy the moment. Maybe Krystal was right, she should just relax and go for it. He is as adult, he makes his own decisions and the responsibility if therefore his. He knows what he is getting himself into. She relaxed as she nestled into his side. He placed his other arm around her so that she was totally engulfed in his muscles. She felt safe and secure. With her face nestled into his chest she could smell the manly scent of him. Breathing deeply she felt light headed. He held her firmly for some time. Neither of them spoke. Both of them were just enjoying the moment. He too was afraid that if he moved she would pull away. But she never did. He turned her around to face him, where he gently at first kissed her on the forehead before moving his way down to her lips. When she began to respond and kiss him back the passion in him rose to a level he found hard to control. He needed her naked flesh against his. Flesh on Flesh. Pressing himself against her she could feel his arousal. She moaned softly as his hands began to feel their way around her body. The cool night air did nothing to suppress the heat that was there between the two of them. He took her to places she hadn’t been to in years. And she was still fully clothed.

He stopped, “Megan if you want me to stop now is the time. If I keep going I don’t know if I will be able to stop.” He said almost breathlessly.

Looking up into his eyes, she said to him. “No – one is asking you to stop.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes I’m sure” Taking him by the hand she led him through the house to her room. Entering, they came to the foot of a King size four poster bed. The bed was covered with at least a dozen white embroidered pillows. He kissed her passionately, almost hungrily as he undid the buttons on her blouse one by one, much slower than he did all those years ago…..

You are on Chapter 16 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Monday, October 08, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 15

After the boys had left Krystal helped Megan take the dishes to the kitchen. “Did you enjoy the afternoon Krystal? I noticed you and Richie were getting on well.”

“Obviously not as well as you and Jon did.”

Megan was certain she had kept her emotions under control. However it was possible that Krystal had picked up on something. She is her best friend after all and knew her better than anyone. By the same token though they were both grown women, and he was a married man. Neither of them had any rights to lay claim to him at all. “Jon and I have been friends for a long time and yeah we do get on well. He is a really nice guy and I enjoy his company.”

“Oh yes, that was pretty obvious,” she said with a laugh. “Especially considering Jon walked back in the room with your Vanilla Spice lip-gloss.” Krystal paused for emphasis and repeated what she had said to Jon earlier. “And you know for a gorgeous man, that shade of pink really isn’t his colour.” She said, still laughing.

Megan went a deep shade of red before Krystal laughed and said “Oh Meg, don’t be embarrassed, given the opportunity I would have done more than let him share my lippy! If I were alone with him……” She trailed off. Before continuing. “So what’s going on between the two of you?”

“Nothing really, we are just good friends.”

“Good friends don’t trade lipstick Megan. Whats the go?” Honestly its ok. I am happy if you are happy, but I am concerned that you will get hurt though, especially given his situation.”

“I didn’t want to say anything for fear that I would hurt you. I know how much you have loved these guys, Jon especially ever since we were young. I don’t want anything to get in the way of our friendship. That is more important to me than anything else.”

Krystal went to her friend and hugged her and said, “Don’t be silly, I’m not in love with Jon. He is a Rock Star, yes, and a darn sexy one at that but that’s all it is. Damn woman if Jon Bon Jovi was kissing me I’d be over the moon. Go for it I say, I wouldn’t be stopping at a kiss, married or not.”

“Really?” Megan was stunned.

“Yes really. Besides I have my sights set on another member of the team.”

****** ****** ******

After Krystal left Megan gave Damien a call to see how he was. Stephen, Damien’s partner answered the phone. “Oh Megan, yes he is fine this afternoon. He will be back at work tomorrow.”

It turned out that all he had was ‘stomach flu’

“How wonderful that he is feeling better”, she said, “however I feel considering it was a stomach bug I would prefer it if he took tomorrow off too. I don’t wish to get it or anyone else in the office for that matter. He really needs a good 48 hours to get it out of his system. Tell him to rest and I will see him then.”

****** ****** ******

Things at the office had really settled down since the last Auction. At present there were no immediate plans for another one. The next one they had was still three months off. So, Megan was able to relax for at least the next three to four weeks before things got hectic again. For the first time in years she actually felt not only happy but an inner contentment. She was happy that Krystal had accepted things, even though she didn’t know the whole story as yet. Megan would tell her one day, one day. She was determined to just go with the flow for the moment. Where it took her she didn’t know. Stopping when the time was right would be the difficult thing to determine.

With Damien out of the office for the day Megan decided it was time to get stuck into some spring cleaning. She closed her office door so as not to disturb the others and cranked up her favorite CD and worked her butt off. Working methodically through her desk she threw away what she didn’t need and filed whatever was still needed for tax purposes. Taking a break for lunch she decided to give Jon a call.

She dialed his number and spoke with him for a few minutes before he had to get back to his business meeting. He told her he would call her later.

Continuing on she made her was over to the book case, alphabetizing her books and magazines. Something she always did. It was the same as her CD collection, they were always placed neatly back in their cases and put in alphabetical order on the rack. In her job she needed to be organized so that she could be ready at the drop of a hat.

Opening up the filing cabinet she worked her way through from front to back, straightening things and throwing away what she didn’t need. She tended to hoard way to much stuff. Damien had scolded her on more than one occasion. Dockets from years ago that she hopefully wouldn’t need now were thrown away. Others were filed in their correct place for safe keeping. She got to the Jon folder. It had been years since she had opened it. Sometimes just knowing it was there was enough. She didn’t need to go to it, except for putting in another newspaper clipping or a story she had printed out off the internet. Pulling the folder out now she laid it on her desk. Looking at it for a while and decided that she needed a cuppa before she started. Sipping her piping hot decaf herbal tea she opened the folder. Flicking through what she had almost brought tears to her eyes. There were photos in it that she had collected since she was in school, one with Jon in that shocking purple shirt he used to wear in the 80’s and the scarf he tied in his hair, right up to the present day , a picture with him and Richie.

She didn’t know how long she had been going through the folder when the phone rang. She answered. “Hello Gorgeous”, Jon said. “What might you be laughing at?” He could hear the laughter in her voice.

“You actually” She said still laughing at an old picture of Jon and the boys on the beach. Jon in the middle with cut off denim jeans and mirrored sunnies, and a funny grin on his face. He looked so cute with his skinny legs sticking out the bottom. The other boys were all in the back ground behind Jon looking equally as dorky. He must have been in his early twenties then.

“Oh how happy I am that you find me entertaining” he said.

“That I do. How did your business meeting go?”

“Very well, all business is over and done with now. Hungry?” he asked. “I believe the Archibald has a lovely private dining room. Should I pick you up along the way?”

Smiling to herself she thought how beautiful of him to have remembered that. It would have been an hours drive to the Archibald in peek hour traffic. And then at the end of the night they would have to turn around and do it all again, it had already been a long day. And as appealing as the Archibald always was to her she didn’t feel up to traveling. “How about you come over to my place and I’ll get Cookie to whip up something equally as good as we would have gotten at the Archibald.”

“Sounds great. What time.”

“Just arrive whenever you’re ready, I’ll let Mrs. Hopkins know so she will be expecting you.”

Megan closed the folder and returned it to the filing cabinet, locking it and putting the keys in her pocket before calling home to let Cookie know they would be having a dinner guest. And what to prepare. Locking up the office she made her way out to her car and drove home.

****** ****** ******

Damien waited in the alley for the other staff to go home as well before he unlocked the door to the office and entered in order to return the diary to its place. He hurried over to get the key to the filing cabinet only to find it wasn’t there. “Damn” he mumbled to himself. He looked everywhere for it. Megan’s desk. In his desk even though he knew it wouldn’t be there. On the shelf. He checked the key holder -- again, no it definitely wasn’t there. It was pretty obvious they weren’t here anywhere. Locking up quietly he left and went home – disappointed and nervous.

You are on Chapter 15 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Friday, October 05, 2007

Day to Day chapter 14

Krystal arrived about half an hour before Jon and the gang.

Smiling, as she always did Mrs. Hopkins opened the door. Krystal leant in to give the older woman an affectionate kiss. Mrs. Hopkins was a kindly, gentle, quiet lady with whom Krystal had an enormous amount of respect. She had been Megan’s house keeper for many years and both girls loved her immensely.

"You will find Miss Megan in the living room dear, she said.

Krystal walked through the house until she reached the living room, the two girls hugged and conversed until the men arrived.

***** ****** ******

Jon and the boys rode in a silver hire car which came to a halt as it rounded the bend on the rise of Hillcrest Road the driver spoke into the intercom and the gates were opened. The car drove through them and they closed behind upon their entry. Jon was noticeably impressed with Megan’s residence. She had done very well for herself financially and was immensely successful in her own right. At least he knew she wasn't after him for his money. He had had that experience on many occasions over the years.

She lived in a large white brick house. Set on 5 acres of picturesque beautiful gardens and immaculately kept grounds. High on the top of a hill with some of the most amazing views overlooking the city some distance away. He couldn’t help but think how beautiful it would be of a night with the city lights glowing. He also wondered if he would ever get to see that.

The car pulled to a stop outside the main entrance to the residence. The driver got out to open the doors for the boys who were already letting themselves out. Jon made his way to the door and rang the bell. Mrs. Hopkins opened the door with her usual smile she welcomed them and let them in.

"Welcome Sir", she said to Jon. "May I take your coats?" She motioned for them all to remove their coats and hung them in the hall closet. She directed them into the living room where Megan and Krystal were waiting. They had already poured themselves a glass of wine and were relaxing in front of the fire.

Jon entered first. He stood at the door, resting his body casually on the door frame before speaking, "I sure hope you have one of those for us, young lady."

His voice instantly brought a smile to her face. She made her way over to him and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. He pulled her in for a warm hug. She didn't resist. The rest of the boys made their way in and the introductions were made to Krystal. Mrs. Hopkins took requests for beverages and theft the room to retrieve them.

They all reclined in the living room until Mrs. Hopkins announced that lunch would be served in 10 minutes.


After they enjoyed a flavorsome meal of various kinds of meats and an array of vegetables and rice dishes they shared copious amounts of wine between them. They made their way back to the living room.

Megan had noticed that during the mean Krystal who had been situated next to Richie had engrossed herself in conversation with him, and it appeared they were getting on quite well. Maybe Jon was right. Maybe she did like Richie more. Their conversation continued well into the afternoon. David and Tico appeared to just be enjoying some down time. Neither of them conversed a great deal with either of the women. Not for any other reason than the fact that they were both so busy talking to the other two boys.

Megan excused herself, making her way to the kitchen to get the cook to prepare some hot beverages before the men left.

David said to Jon. "She is a lovely lady Jon. How do you always manage to find the nice ones?"

Tico chimed in. "Yeah”. He sighed “Some guys have all the luck. She knows your married right?"

Laughing as he leaned back on his chair Jon said. Settle down guys. And yes she knows I’m married. We are only friends don't make more of it than it is".

“Where did you find her?’ Asked Tico. “Has she got a sister? Aren’t women supposed to love drummers?”

“No that’s guitarists Tico we miss out again”. Dave said

The boys obviously could not remember that they had met these two women many, many years ago when the women were just very young girls.

“I’ve known her for a long time.” So have you. “We met many years ago at an auction fundraiser.” No we didn’t. “We lost contact for a while and reunited at this last auction” He said.

“That’s it?” Dave said. “No sordid love affair? Just friends?”

The expression on Jon’s face changed and the guys knew they had touched a nerve. He remembered with fondness the events of that day. And also the fact that she wasn’t like all the other girls held a special significance for him. Finally she spoke up. Looking off in the distance he said “No guys. No sordid love affair. Just friends” Seeing an opportunity to excuse himself from the grilling he was receiving he said, “Where did she get to anyway? I’ll go track her down.”

David and Tico waited for Jon to leave the room before Tico said quietly to David. “There is more to this than he is letting on.”

“Let it go Tic, Let it go mate. Nothing to do with us. Jon’s a big boy.” David said as he drank the last mouthful of his wine.

Megan ordered coffee for her guests before heading out on to the back deck to get some much needed fresh air. Taking in some deep breaths in an attempt to keep her head clear. She was pleased with how things had gone this afternoon. She felt that she was able to control her emotions enough so that no - one caught on to the fact that there was a history between her and Jon. She had tried to keep everything low key. She made sure that he was sitting next to her at lunch so that she wouldn't be forced to look at him. It wasn't that she had a problem looking at him she just didn't want to give anything away in the way she looked at him. She knew it showed in her eyes how she felt.

She was unsure of how long she had been out there or how long Jon had been standing behind her. He admired her from behind. She was such an attractive woman. She had matured very well. Her hair was longer now and it suited her. Her slim frame sent feelings through his body that he hadn't felt in years. Looking at her made him feel alive again. It made him feel like a man. "This is an amazing place you have here Megan", he said coming to stand beside her.

She jumped a little. Regaining her composure she said. "You startled me. It's not nice to creep up behind people like that you know." She said smiling.

"I wondered where you go to." he said while they both admired the view.

"I organized coffee and came out for fresh air while it's being made."

Jon moved closer to her and she felt her heart quicken. She knew she would never be able to stop that from happening. He was just such an incredibly gorgeous and sexy man. He made the hearts of women from all over the world flutter. Jon stood beside her close enough for their arms to be touching, but not close enough to frighten her away.

He turned to face her and held on to her hand with one of his hands and with the other he raised it up to her face just like he had all those years ago lightly brushing it across her cheek. She closed her eyes trying to remain calm. She felt faint, was she really ready for this? Before she has time to protest he leant forward and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. He pulled away from her while still holding her hand. He said softly, "Megan I don't want to hurt you. I know if we go any further with this that many happen. But please understand that it not my intention. I don't know where this is going or even what it is for that matter. All I know is that it feels good to be in your company."

She felt the same. She was afraid of what she was feeling. But she seemed powerless to stop it. Honestly she didn't know if she really wanted to stop it. She decided to just go with the flow. She was an adult now and she knew the risks involved.

Squeezing his hand she said, "I know exactly what you mean. But Jon, please just let’s go slow here. Let’s not do anything we both may regret.”

He agreed. He once again leant forward and kissed her on the lips. Long and passionately. When she responded to his kiss he felt his arousal stirring in a way that he didn't know what to do with. As he pulled away he was breathless, and showing obvious discomfort. They both knew in that instant the game was over. They had crossed the line. They had both allowed their emotions to get in the way.

Having no idea how long they had been out on the deck Megan suggested they make their way back inside before they were missed by the others. They stopped off in the kitchen to grab the refreshments along the way.

Richie was first to speak up. “And where have you two been?"

David was next, "And more to the point what have you been up to".

Krystal giggled and said, "Nothing I hope. They weren't gone long enough". Smiling as she nudged Richie’s arm. "I sure hope it takes longer than that."

"Krystal", Megan said embarrassed that she would make such a comment.

The guys laughed. Krystal helped Megan hand out the refreshments and snacks that Cookie had prepared. She made a point of going up to Jon and giving him his. As she handed him the hot beverage she looked up into his face and said quietly. "Jon, you might want to wipe Megan's lipstick from your lips. It’s not really your colour."

You are on Chapter 14 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 13

Jon phoned several times over the next few weeks. He wasn’t sure why she had this effect on him after all this time, but he knew he needed to hear her voice from time to time. He never bothered to go through the office; he knew Damien would give him the third degree. So he just called straight to her Cell.

“Hi Gorgeous” he said when she picked up the phone.

Smiling she said, “Hey there, this is a surprise. I didn’t expect to hear from you today”.

“No, I had no intentions of calling but my fingers just dialed your number. And here I am”.

“Well I am glad you called. I needed to tell you that my friend Krystal, who by the way thinks you are just the ants pants will be joining us for lunch. I had to invite her to prove to her that there is nothing going on between you and me. Sorry, but she did notice lipstick residue on you and has drawn her own conclusions. So I thought this would be an opportunity to let her see there is nothing going on.

“No need to apologize. I will just have to do my darndest to prove her otherwise.” He said smiling.

“Oh no you won’t”

Besides I think she much prefers Richie to me anyway”.

They spoke for sometime. Jon thoroughly enjoying just listening to her voice, and her laugh. Megan not of what she wanted from him, but she knew she wanted to be around him. It was a want that was rapidly becoming a need.

Megan called Krystal on the morning of the day they were to all have lunch together. Explaining to her that due to the fact that Jon was who he was they would not be going out to dine. Megan preferred them to dine at her place. Krystal was more than happy with that. At least now she wouldn’t have to share them with any adoring fans.

Damien knew he had to get back into the office that night to get the book. He had to get it before Megan knew it was missing and before she went in search of it and with Jon back in her life it was very likely that she would do just that. However he couldn’t wait for her to go. She would know that he was up to something then. He drove his car from the parking lot to an alley just down the street where although he was concealed from view he could see the office clearly. He waited not very patiently for her to leave. It seemed to take forever, she was never going to leave, what the hell was she doing in there? He had been waiting for over an hour fro her to finally leave. He was just about to give up when he saw the interior lights go off. Minutes later she was driving off in her black BMW. Damien continued to wait for a few more minutes before going back inside, just to be sure she didn’t forget anything and return. He switched on a single lamp to give him enough light to see his way through the office. Unlocking his desk drawer he rummaged around in search of the notebook. Bingo. He stuffed it in his pocket, locked up his desk and left the office, turning off the lamp and locking the door on his way.

Damien drove home as fast as he could without drawing attention to his driving. The last thing he needed right now was to be arrested.. After parking the car in his garage he grabbed his things and went inside. It was just after 7pm and he was home alone tonight as his partner Stephen was away on business. Tonight he was thankful to be alone. It would give him the time he needed to read this notebook. Pouring himself a glass of white wine he sat at the bench and started reading.

Damien read for about an hour and there was nothing of any great importance as yet. It appeared that it was a diary of sorts. Not the conventional diary of a young woman. Not like the ones his sisters had when he was young with the lock and key. That he had to break into to read. This was just a notebook. No lock. No key. Just a flip up book, similar to what one would carry in their pocket or hand bag to take notes on. Damien put the book down while he made himself something to eat. After eating he picked up where he left off.

More girly stuff, mostly about Krystal. He had learnt more about Krystal in the last 2 hours than he had in the 10 years since he had known her. And scary stuff it was too. He thought Jon was bad for Megan, he looked like a saint compared to Krystal. Damien was beginning to think he had risked his job for nothing when he came across something interesting……

Feb 2. WOW! What an amazing day. I am still trying to comprehend what actually happened. Jon is absolutely the most sexiest man in the entire universe. I felt like a silly school girl when I ditched work to meet him. I knew what Jon would expect of me when I met him. I was ready for it though. I couldn’t think of anyone else worthy of losing my virginity to. He was kind, gentle, sweet and very understanding. The minute his hands touched my body I knew there would never be any turning back.
His hands were soft but firm. He touched me with tenderness but with a passion that I had never known. His lips, oh those warm soft lips! He brought his lips to mine and he kissed me. A kiss the likes I had never experienced before. Jon is so mature and worldly. He was obviously a man of great experience when it came to women. He was leaps and bounds ahead of the boys I have gone out with, even Michael.

“Oh My god, she had sex with him? Not only that she lost her virginity to him. My Megan” he indicated to himself as he spoke, ”My Megan the one that never goes anywhere or even has a date very often for that matter. My Megan who is almost as pure as Mother Teresa herself had sex with Jon Bon Jovi”

Damien read on…..Jon continued to kiss me as his hand found my breast, caressing my body, first the left, then the right. His kisses began to move lower and in an instant with his expert hands he had unbuttoned my blouse and unfastened the hooks of my white lace bra almost before I knew he had done so. His large warm hands found my breast once again. His hand felt surreal on my bare flesh, almost intoxicating.

Damien poured himself another glass of wine. Still somewhat in shock.

Damien read on…….Jon’s lips found mine once again as he took me to his bed………Damien took a large gulp of his wine……….We lay together kissing for sometime I felt very inadequate, Jon didn’t seem to notice though.

I had to tell him, I couldn’t put it off any longer. So I told him I was a virgin. I thought he would jump off the bed and run fr the door but he didn’t. He stopped, and we talked about it. I told him I was ready. Jon continued and he moved his mouth lower once again on my body. His lips found my breast again with more energy and passion than before almost in desperation. He trailed down my stomach until………………..Damien took another gulp………………until I felt his tongue in a place that I had never felt one before. For some time Jon pleasure me beyond comprehension before he made his way back up my body and kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips. Something that was completely foreign to me but somewhat erotic. He stopped and looked me in the eyes and simply said “Megan are you sure?” , “yes” I replied. With that Jon entered me. The pain was intense but subsided after a little while. He told me to just relax, the worst was over now. I did eventually relax and enjoyed his naked flesh on top of mine.

Not that I had anything to compare him to but Jon was an amazing lover. He made me feel like I had never felt before. He took me to places I had only dreamed about. I felt as though I had left my body and was watching some one elses experience, someone elses miracle.

Damien closed the notebook and swallowed the remainder of his wine before he took the bottle to refill his glass.

You are on Chapter 13 of Day to Day
© Cindi – Today 2007
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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