Friday, November 30, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Jon had spent another lonely night in the spare room. Dorothea wouldn't allow him to enter her bed. She was still far too angry at him to allow him anywhere near her. He lay awake for hours just thinking about the situation. How did he get into this? How did this happen? They were so careful. Surely if Megan was pregnant she would have told him. He can't imagine she would have kept it a secret from him. She knew how much he loved his kids. What the hell was going on? His life was a rollercoaster at present, one minute it was up. The next it was down. Why was he a godforssaken man?

The sun rose and it was morning. Jon and Dorothea were on slight speaking terms, she didn't want to have the children suspect anything. However Dorothea ordered Jon to go and speak to Megan. She wanted to know the truth. She wanted confirmation of her pregnancy. She wanted to know what was to be done about it. She wanted to know how far along she is. She wanted to know when the child was due. And she wanted to know how Jon was going to explain his way out of this one. How would he tell his children? Would Megan be willing to keep it a secret? Or would she be vindictive enough to want the whole world to know she was carrying Jon Bon Jovi's baby? Could she be paid off, although apparently she didn't need the money? She wanted him to get the answers to all of these question or she was going to Megan and asking her herself.

It was no secret to Dorothea, she had turned her head the other way, ignoring Jon’s flirtatious nature and many a time she had questioned him on it. Telling him that she was a secure enough woman to be able to understand that he would need someone, sometimes. Especially when she wasn't around to give him comfort. She understood his attraction to Megan. He always assured her that he would take precautions, and that this would never happen.

After Jon and Dorothea got the kids ready for school she went down to the gym and beat the hell out of a punching bag. Jon dropped the kids off and went to Richie’s in search of Megan.

She wasn't there and had been out since very early this morning apparently. "Thanks." he said to Mary as she was on her cleaning route. "Do you know where she went or when she will be back?"

"No I don't Jon." She said. He looked tired and concerned. "Is everything alright Jon.?"

"Yes." he said smiling at her. "Everything is fine. I'll give her a call on her cell. I just need to speak to her that’s all. When she gets back can you get her to call me please?" He tried calling her on her cell phone. When she didn't answer he returned to his car and went home.

*** *** *** ***

Megan arrived at the Dr's office first thing Tuesday morning and waited anxiously in the waiting room until her name was called. The suspense and stress were killing her. She had hardly slept all night. Obviously the doctor thought it was serious to order more tests. For a fleeting second yesterday she thought she may be pregnant, and although she was in her late 30's she really didn't think that would be something the Doctor would get so alarmed about. She was fit, she was healthy. She had always looked after herself. And besides she knew plenty of women who were older than her and had had children. None of it made any sense to her at all.

*** *** *** ***

Jon went down to the gym for a quick workout. Dorothea was still there. "Have you spoken to her?"

"No I haven't. She wasn't home and I can't reach her on her cell."

"Not good enough Jon. This has to be dealt with now."

"Well what am I supposed to do Dot? Put out an APB? I don't know where she is and she isn’t answering her phone. I've left a message for her to call me when she gets back. I've done all I can for now." He got off the step master and said. "I'm tired, and I don’t want to put up with this right now. I never intended this to happen, OK. And I'm sorry that it did. But until I talk to her there is nothing else I can do, so how about you just lay off me for a while."

"Lay off? LAY OFF? You have got to be kidding. You know what Jon, this is your problem. At the end of the day you have brought this on yourself. If you had of just kept your pants on maybe this wouldn’t have happened."

"If only I had kept my pants on???" He gestured to himself, suddenly enraged. "Don't be so naive to think I don’t know what you get up to when I'm out of town. I am no saint Dorothea, but you sure as hell aren't Mother Teresa either." He never called her Dorothea. That was always a sign that he was ready for a fight. They very rarely had harsh words with each other, but when he called her by her full name she knew he meant business. Dorothea continued riding the exercise bike and chose to ignore him, but he had not finished yet. His eyes were small and angry; they were tiny black squinted dots on his handsome face. "I have a good mind to ask you to submit a DNA test. At least I know the child Megan is carrying is mine!" With that said he walked out of the room. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a cold drink and took solace on the deck chair out by the pool. Putting his feet up he drank the cold liquid and after placing his can down on the table he closed his eyes and dozed off. He had not been able to get any sleep the night before worrying about what was going on and the fact that he wasn't in his own bed.

Dorothea rode for another half hour, taking all her aggression out on the bike. She hated fighting, especially with Jon. But this time she knew she was right. And how dare he insinuate that he could not be the father of their children. He knew damn well he was. She was so furious; she was in the perfect frame of mind to cut his balls off while he slept.

You are on chapters 39 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Monday, November 26, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 38

Chapter 38

Sunday was very quiet in both houses. Jon didn't move out to the guest house. He slept in the spare room of the main house. He and Dorothea had not spoken since Saturday morning and Krystal and Richie had left on their honeymoon to some secret location in the Caribbean.

Megan longed to hear from Jon, but she knew the rules. While he was at home he belonged to Dorothea. Little did Megan know they were not on speaking terms. She also had no idea of their conversation.

First thing Monday morning Megan attended the Dr’s office. The Dr called Megan into his office. “Good morning Miss Johnson. How are you feeling this morning?”

“Good morning Dr Whitaker, I have had better mornings. But I guess I should expect to feel this way when I go to bed so late a couple of nights in a row. Can you tell me the results of the tests yet?“

"Yes I can but first I want to give you a complete physical. I am going to need to send you for more blood tests and I also want you to go for a full body scan. I have booked you in for 10am today.”

“Wow that’s so soon. “, suddenly beginning to panic. “

“You need to have this done now. They are expecting you. I want you to come back tomorrow and we will check the results then.”

“Dr you’re scaring me. Do you know what is wrong with me?”

“I have an idea Megan but I don’t want to jump to conclusions. Let’s just wait until the scan comes back hey. You go have your tests done and then come back tomorrow at 9.”

*** *** *** ***

Megan returned to the house after spending the morning at the hospital. She wished Krystal was here. Thankfully they were only going for a week. She would gain comfort from her friend then.

Megan ate some toast and poured herself a cup of decaf herbal tea and sat out on the terrace soaking up some sun. After half an hour or so she began to feel much better. She obviously just needed to eat something. Maybe the Doctor was over reacting. She was fine. Apart from slight nausea and a headache she was absolutely fine.

Returning to the kitchen with her dishes Megan was greeted by Jon. She had not seen him since the wedding. He wanted to see her. They needed to talk. Dorothea had slipped out to go and pick up the dry cleaning and to get her hair done so he took the opportunity to come and see her. Taking her in his arms it felt like coming home. He loved the way she felt. It had been so long since he touched her intimately. He knew he was playing with fire but she was the only thing that made him feel good.

Although he went there to talk to her he didn’t say a word, just grabbed her by the hand and lead her to her room. Once the door had closed Jon kissed her with so much passion and force she strained to keep her head up. He was hungry for her. His tongue parted her lips and danced with hers. She could taste him. She longed to taste him. It sent shock waves through her senses. He was like a noxious weed, he was all over her, and moving rapidly. The feel of his breath on her skin made her go weak at the knees.

Jon lifted her blouse over her head. He had no time to muck around with unfastening buttons. He removed her bra and his mouth found her nipples. He took them in his mouth, one at a time. Savoring the taste of her skin, the feel of her in his mouth. He rolled his tongue over her nipples so sensually.

The moans that were escaping Megan’s mouth were just adding fuel to his ever growing fire. He removed her skirt and lowered himself down her body. Jon loved the feel of her thighs on his face. He hadn’t shaven this morning and the bristles of his beard were teasing her like never before. It felt like years since she had been touched by him.

His tongue entered her. She opened the way for him, and didn’t hesitate for one second. He danced inside her, teasing her, stimulating her.

Falling back on to the bed Megan pulled Jon up on top of her by his hair. She wanted him on her; she wanted to feel is body, his skin, his warmth, his erection.

Hastily they removed his clothes like a couple of teenagers trying to get off before they were busted by ones parents caming home. The second Jon’s bare warm skin came into contact with hers she knew there was no turning back now. Dorothea could walk into the room and Megan would still not stop. She needed him. It had been too long.

Jon kissed her and she could taste herself on his lips, Megan found this oddly erotic and turned her on immensely. Jon could sense it. He kissed her again. Jon reached down between her legs and found her wetness, he dipped his fingers into her and played in her folds until he found what he was looking for, her warm, wet entrance. She allowed his finger to enter her, first one, then two. She moaned in response to his invasion.

Megan needed to get some control, she needed to get her thoughts together, she needed to over power him. She pushed him off her and pinned him to the bed. Kissing him firmly on his lips she let her hands wander over his rock hard chest, and down his stomach. She went lower, only stopping when she found what she was looking for. He was aroused. His erection was so hard he felt like a steel pole. Megan slid down his body and as she inched closer to his manhood he groaned and grabbed her by the hair and directed her mouth to his waiting tool.

Her tongue slipped out, and then circled around the head of his hard organ, She held his shaft almost half way up and she began to lick him, to tease him. Her mouth brushed over his sensitive mushroom shaped head, and sent shivers up his spine. In one swift movement Megan took Jon into her mouth and deeply down her throat. His hands with a mind of their own held the sides of her head and pushed her deeper, instinctively. He couldn’t get in deep enough. He was insatiable.

Megan was alternating between sucking and licking, licking and sucking. His hand remained on her head. He loved the feel of her on his body, he needed to make sure she wasn’t going to stop half way through.

Suddenly the pulses ran through Jon’s body and Megan let go of her hand and clamped down on him with her mouth. He tried to pull her head off him as he was beyond speaking. He couldn’t get the words out if he tried. She wouldn’t budge. She wanted to taste him. To feel him explode deep in the back of her throat. With an almighty groan Jon finally gave up and let go. His body was pulsing, almost convulsing. She didn’t miss a beat, she kept her leash hold right until the last drop.

Megan waited until Jon’s breathing calmed somewhat before she let go, swallowed and came up for air. He still had his eyes closed. She watched his chest heaving with each breath that he took.

Finally he opened his eyes and looking at her said “Baby, I love the way you do that. You are absolutely amazing.”

She looked back at Jon and said, “Jon, I love you.”

You are on Chapter 38 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Friday, November 23, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 37

Chapter 37

The energy at the after party was electric, it had jumped to the same level the concert had. The atmosphere was off the Richter scale. Way above anything they had experienced during the entire tour.

There were hand shakes and high fives all around along with beaming smiles. Jon was back! Every one knew it. His performance tonight from the minute Megan sang had been faultless. His desire, his passion for what he loved was back.

The boys mingled and accepted the accolades. They had been a long time coming and they all appreciated them.

Megan sat and conversed with Krystal and Dorothea until she expressed a desire to get some rest. It had been a very long day, it had been a big few weeks actually. She was exhausted and never seemed to get enough rest which then gave her head aches.

“Megan you have been so tired lately, what did the DR say when you saw him?”

“Oh, I didn’t get a chance to go. They were totally booked out for weeks. I’m sure its nothing.” She said. She hadn’t felt as nauseous the last few days. “I must have just had a bug; you know one of those 24 hour things. I will be fine when I catch up on my rest. And now that the wedding plans are all done I am sure it won’t take long to catch up. I’ll be as good as ever once it leaves my system.”

Megan rose to go to the bathroom to freshen up before she called a taxi to take her back to Richies estate.

*** *** *** ***

Megan and Jon had very little opportunity to have and time alone during the week that separated the concert and the wedding, although there had been a few dinners and drinks with the whole band.

The wedding was to be held on a Saturday. The guys were all getting ready at Jon’s to keep with tradition that the groom shouldn’t see the bride in her dress until she meets him at the alter.

The women had all had a morning of pampering, getting their nails done with a French polish and their make up expertly applied and finished off with a fabulous hairdo that left them all looking absolutely stunning. Megan’s hair looked radiant. She had never seen it look so shiny and healthy. It was positively glowing.

After checking to make sure everything was under control with the plans and ensuring that there would be no hiccups today she made her way up stairs to dress. She was greeted by 3 giggling women who were all half dressed and toasting with pink champagne. She grabbed her glass and joined in. Dorothea raised her glass and simply said, “To Krystal and Richie. May they have many happy years of blissful happiness.” All 4 girls raised their glasses together until there was the familiar clink; they then withdrew and sipped their champagne. As soon as it hit Megan’s lips she instantly knew it was about to come back up along with everything else she had eaten during the day. Immediately she put her glass down on the table and made a run for the bathroom. “Megan what’s wrong with you?” Krystal said concerned. This is all they needed today. “I knew you should have made an appointment to see the DR.”

“I have a DR that makes house calls. I’ll give him a call.” Dorothea said. “He may be able to give you a shot of something to at least settle you for the afternoon.”

Megan cleaned herself up and decided to steer very clear of all alcohol today. She dressed while they waited for the DR to arrive. She pulled the dress up over her hips and placed her arms through the armholes. Krystal came up behind her to fasten the zip of the dress.

“Well one of us hasn’t exactly stuck to our diet.” Was Krystal’s joking remark.

Megan had apparently put on weight. Although one would never know to look at her slim frame.

Dorothea began to get suspicious. She was running through the symptoms in her mind. Nausea, tiredness, vomiting, headaches, loss of appetite, weight gain. OH NO!! the alarm bells began to ring. Why the hell did she not join the dots earlier?

The Dr arrived and Dorothea kept her thoughts to herself although she was beginning to boil. The 3 other women left the room so that the DR could examine Megan. He did a variety of tests on her and asked her a barrage of questions. “Megan is there a chance you could be pregnant? Have you gained weight? Are you off your food? How long have you been off your food? All foods or just some in particular? Are you getting head aches? Regularly? …etc. He took a urine sample and also took some blood from her arm. He took her vital signs and examined her stomach.

The Dr explained to her that he would have to send the blood work away and he should have the results on Monday and in the mean time she was to take it easy. Megan assured him she would. Thanked him for coming on such short notice and assured him that she would be there when the results came in. Once he left the room she continued getting ready for the wedding.

Krystal looked a picture. They were married on the grounds of Richies estate. She wore her hair swept up high on her head with trendles cascading over her shoulders. Richie watched her walk down the aisle towards him and he had tears in his eyes. He loved her completely and had not felt this way in a very long time. He could not imagine he would survive with out her in his life.

*** *** *** ***

Megan made it to her appointment at the DR. She had had an extremely late night and was feeling worse this morning than she had in weeks. She figured she had something like chronic fatigue or a nasty virus. She just hoped that it wasn’t something serious like cancer she would have preferred to go the way her father did than have a traumatic death that may well come with cancer . She didn’t think she was pregnant, but she had not been pregnant before so she really had no clue what to look out for. Either way she would find out soon enough.

*** *** *** ***

Jon met Dorothea in the kitchen of the family home on Sunday around 11am. She poured herself a cup of coffee from the pot, after taking a sip she looked up at Jon and said. “Jon, I think Megan is pregnant.”

Jon almost dropped his cup and looked up at her and he could see the fire in her eyes. There had only been a few times during their entire marriage he had seen that same look in her eyes, but this time he knew it was different. Dorothea was angry, no she was beyond angry. She was furious and he knew it.

“How could you be so careless Jon? How could you be so stupid as to let this happen?”


“For god’s sake Jon you aren’t a child. You have children of your own; it’s not as if you don’t know how they happen.”

“Dot…. Stop….”

Dorothea slammed her cup down on the bench, the coffee spilled out on to the floor. She said, “No, I'm not going to stop. Jon this is the last straw. I have allowed you to do your own thing for all these years and this is the thanks I get? How could you do this to your family? Your children? I can understand how you could do it to me, but to our kids? The media will have a field day with this one. The children will never cope with this. Imagine what it will be like for them at school. Are you just going to sit there and say nothing?”

“I haven’t had a chance to get a word in Dot. Incase you haven’t noticed you haven’t stopped talking since I walked into the room. Megan hasn’t mentioned anything to me. We haven’t spent time together in weeks. We haven’t been together in a long time. She doesn’t look pregnant. Did she tell you she was pregnant?”

“No she didn’t tell me she was pregnant, but she has all the signs. I’ve had 4 children Jon I know a pregnant woman when I see one. You can collect your things and move into the guest house. No, better still why don't you shack up with your little tramp at Richies. I can't stand to look at you anymore.”

"Dot, ...."

"No, Jon. I've had enough. I've turned a blind eye for long enough. But this is unacceptable, inexcuseable. Just go. We all have our limit. I think I've reached mine."

Day to Day Chapter 36

Chapter 36

Dorothea had an idea. She grabbed Megan and Krystal by the hand, taking them to the stage area. The door man recognized her and let them through. Thankfully when Jon got stuck on a story he was able to tell it and drag it out enough without making it boring. This gave Dorothea enough time to get back stage.

Looking at Megan she said, "I’m gonna get you mic’ed up and I want you to go out there and sing this song with him"

"No, I can’t; I've never performed in front of this many people before."

"Yes. You can and you will." She said pointedly as though she were talking to one of her children. “You have seen this show tonight. Its crap Megan. Please this might be just what he needs to get him through this". Megan disagreed that it was crappy, she loved it. Every minute of it.

"What if its not?" she said "What if it back fires? What if he doesn't want to see me Dorothea have you thought of that?"

"Well the show couldn’t get any worse, so nothing will be lost."

She could hear the music begin in the back ground. While Jon still told his story and kept the audience occupied while Dorothea got her ready.

"Ready?" She was asked

"As I’ll ever be." She said for the second time that night. She was visibly shaking.

The band were finally ready to begin and Jon said to the audience, "So, is it ok with you guys out there if I sing one song and dedicate it to Australia? I'll put this kangaroo down here until the song is finished" he placed it at the front of the stage. Asking again he said, "So are you guys cool with this?" Hyping them up each time he asked them if they wanted to hear her song. The audience cheered and he said well I got just 1 thing to say...1,2,3,4............Diamond ring, wear it on your hand.................." He began with renewed passion. And stopped just as suddenly, dead in his tracks. He turned the moment he heard her voice, and looked in her direction. She was so nervous she wasn't even sure if she was singing the right words. But she kept on singing anyway. He started walking towards her as she came out on to the stage. Their eyes locked and she instantly saw the old spark that was there all those months ago. He took her hand and led her to the centre of the stage. Signaling something to the band. Jon and Megan stopped singing but the band however kept playing. They knew each other so well that they were able to read each other with very little effort. They continued to play the music while he introduced her, "Ladies and Gentlemen Miss Megan Johnson" Not really knowing her the crowd applauded and he continued; "Now this is a surprise to me. I had no idea this was going to happen", He looked at Richie "I had no idea man" he said shrugging his shoulders, smiling broadly..

"Who is responsible for this" he said jokingly.

"I had to come and retrieve my Kangaroo and this is the only way they would let me up here to get it." She joked.

"This is your Kangaroo?" he said with a crooked smile. Still holding her hand.

"Yes it is?” Although it was actually Krystal’s Megan didn't feel the need to explain it to the audience.

Laughing he said, "You mean you actually paid to see me tonight?"

"No, not me technically. Krystal did" Jon laughed

Richie said "Oh that would be right."

Jon still laughing said “Richie you gotta tell that woman she doesn’t need to pay for tickets these days."

Everyone laughed. Jon had explained to them earlier that Richie was getting married next week. Giving her a brief hug he said "It’s really good to see you, baby"

Looking at the band he said "From the top guys 1,2,3,4.................."

They both sang together the first verse and chorus then she stopped and allowed him to sing the verses and she came in for the chorus again. The audience loved it. The old Jon was back. The song finished to horrendous applause and he embraced her whispering in her ear. "Hello Megan."

"Hello Jon"

She made an effort to leave the stage but he wouldn’t let her go.

"Oh no, you're staying here with me. Get your microphone ready. We've got some songs to sing."

She sang her 3 favourite songs with Jon as well as Born to Be My Baby before he finished it off with Bed of Roses. Megan felt somewhat uncomfortable again knowing he wrote that song for his wife, and he sang it with such passion. He allowed her to leave the stage and the concert jumped to a whole new level. Jon performed for an hour longer than he was scheduled. The crowd was almost uncontrollable by the time he was done. Yes, the old Jon was back and now the whole band knew why.

Back stage alone in his dressing room Jon took Megan in his arms and kissed her passionately and said "Thank you for coming back"

She returned his kiss and said, “I couldn’t stay away Jon. You had me from hello."

You are on Chapter 36 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 35

Chapter 35

"He gets lonely on tour Megan. I guess its normal for a man to need someone to keep him company, to keep him warm at night. I can't be there on every tour. I need to stay home with our children. He has women drooling over him everyday and he goes to bed alone after a show. He needs someone unattached, who is in a position financially to be able to do this. And he needs someone who can arrange time to be at his beck and call , and also someone who wouldn't be just doing it to get her hands on his money. This way he gets his cake and is able to eat it too. And I am assured he isn't doing anything behind my back with god only knows who. I'll admit it isn't the ideal situation but at the end of a tour I know he'll always come home to me and his children."

"So you are encouraging him to have a mistress."

"No, I just don't want him to be lonely" she said. "and if this is what I need to do then I’ll do it. My love for him is strong enough to allow him this indiscretion."

"But why me?"

"Because you and Jon have a history. One that he treasures." Dorothea said sipping her wine.

Megan was slightly embarrassed that Dorothea knew about her history with Jon, but in reality wasn't surprised. Hell, if she was going to allow him a mistress there was probably not a great deal she didn't know.

In an attempt to divert Dot and Megan from their conversation Krystal said, "How about we try to get some tickets? It will be much better than watching from the wings." Krystal suggested she call the ticket office and see what they can come up with. They were lucky enough to get 3 tickets for the 7th row from the front just off centre.

Changing into black tailored pants and a white baby doll top that went to the waist band of her pants, she put on her heels.

She placed the MJ gold and diamond pendant around her neck, bringing it to her lips she took one last look in the full length mirror and picked up her small purse that went over her shoulder and rested neatly on her hip. She met Krystal and Dorothea in the foyer of Richie’s estate.

With no time to fuss as the concert started in an hour they left. As the 3 of them ran out the door Krystal picked up the boxing Kangaroo that Megan had given her many years ago when they left Australia together so that everytime she looked at it she would remember where they had come from. Megan had also given Jon one the last time he stayed at her place so that he would think of her each time he looked at it.

The girls got in the car, a black limousine no less. They were going in style tonight. The traffic was horrendous.

She longed to see him. But was afraid of his reaction. She was in a catch 22. Should she go or should she stay? As the car drove along Megan couldn't help but wonder what she was getting herself into tonight.

"Are you ready for this?" Krystal asked her.

Megan had a lot of mixed feelings "As ready as I’ll ever be, I guess" She said taking a deep breath.

"Lets go" Dorothea said

They made it with 15 minutes to spare. And they still had to pick up their tickets.

With their tickets collected they joined the queue. Finally they were inside with only minutes before the show was to begin. Finding their way to their seats the excitement was building then the lights went dim and all was quiet. The music started softly at first. And when the lights came back on there was Jon dressed in a light blue denim jacket over white t-shirt and dark brown jeans.

The music got louder and the band opened to an excited audience with Last Man Standing. At the end of the song Jon took his guitar off with one hand, and as he raised it over his head Megan found that somewhat arousing. She remembered his large hands touching her body and how it felt.

Jon looked tired, as if he hadn't slept in days. But even so there was nothing about this night that she wasn't going to love. She knew that. And considering she had nothing but a very old memory to compare it to she was sure this was going to be a great concert.

He encouraged the audience to sing, and then he would clap them at the end, letting them know he was impressed with their effort.

Jon had an uncanny ability with his twinkling blue eyes to get every member of the audience caught up in the moment.

Megan loved the way he would put his arms out to his sides at the end of some songs. Like an airplane. He was the man!!

He jumped, danced and pranced around the stage. He was still in good shape for a man of his age. Which is not surprising considering he did a full workout every performance. Nothing was done half hearted. He captivated women with his smile and his charisma; he made you feel like you were the only person in the audience. That he was there to sing for you and you alone. Megan was so entranced by Jon that she didn't even notice the other band members.

As the night went on the sweat ran down his body, the sweatier he got the more the women seemed to enjoy it.

Taking in the audiences reaction to Jon, Megan realised the enormity of what she was doing.
The repercussions of getting involved with someone of his stature would not end well.
Jon was full of attitude, he knew how to pull the crowd in, He would single out one or two audience members at a time and put them under his spell. Megan had a sudden urge to be with him. She missed him too much. She longed to be in his arms again. She longed to touch him, to kiss him, to smell him. To taste him.

His arms would beat in time with the drums. His stamina was incredible. Megan knew he had endurance but this performance was nothing short of brilliant. He was enthusiastic, a real crowd pleaser.

He held the microphone stand while he pointed out to the audience. With his eyes closed he would go from mellow to passionate, Rock to love, he would hype up the crowd one minute and make love to them the next

As he held the microphone stand with his eyes closed he sang with so much passionate emotion. It was incredibly soothing how he single handedly seduced the audience one at a time

He casually rolled the sleeves up on his sweat saturated shirt as he spoke to the audience, teasing them ever so subtly.

Every woman present felt it. All the while continuing to encourage them to participate with him.

Krystal waved the Kangaroo from time to time. At one stage she held it up when the spot light was on the audience and it caught Jon’s eyes.

At the end of his song he spoke to the audience and said. "Is that a Kangaroo you have out there? I'm guessing that means you're Australian? Would you mind passing it up here for me?" Waiting for it to get to him he continued, “I have one exactly the same." He picked it up and gave it a little snuggle. Megan almost cried. Jon started to go into detail of how he got his. "I have a friend who is Australian.........."

Dorothea nudged Krystal and Megan could see the two of them conversing but obviously couldn't hear what they were saying. Jon continued "...........anyway she gave me one many years ago."

Looking around to Richie and the boys, he said. "I know this wasn't part of our plan and it’s not on the play list, but her favourite song is Diamond Ring............."

You are on chapter 35 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Day to Day Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Megan had managed to steer clear of Dorothea but with the photo session booked for that day she knew her time was running out. She knew she would have to face this nightmare sooner or later.

The photo session was to coincide with the concert to ensure the men wouldn’t see them in their wedding garb. Having been extremely busy for the last 3 ½ weeks she had hardly anytime to think about Jon, and honestly she was more concerned about coming face to face with Dorothea than seeing Jon, but the time had come and she couldn’t run away from this one any longer.

Megan and Krystal arrived first. The photographer obviously wanted more photos of the bride than the maids so her shoot would take longer than theirs. Krystal wore a white satin and French lace strapless gown with a long skirt that wasn’t overly full. All in all it was quite a simple wedding dress that she looked absolutely beautiful in. Krystal was beautiful enough not to need an over the top gown. The simpler the better looked best on her. She wore her hair tied high up on her head with the veil pinned in it. She was the perfect Bride. Simple but elegant. She stood for hours having picture after picture taken and she never tired of it. She wanted to have perfect pictures for Richie.

Megan had been dressed for her photos for about an hour when Krystal finally finished. Megan was very comfortable in front of the camera these days. She remembered back to the days she worked with Mrs. Partridge, when she had to hold on to the older woman’s elbow so she wouldn’t trip over from the flash blindness. She never thought she would ever get used to it. Mrs. Partridge had told her that she would. Megan could hear her words ringing in her ears still. “Oh Megan dear, don't worry, you will get used to it”. Dear old Mrs. Partridge, god rest her soul. She would have laughed at this unlikely union.

Carina who had gotten off the plane only a few hours ago was next in line for her photos. She was a very attractive woman of around 30 and very easy to get along with.

Dorothea still hadn’t arrived and Krystal began to worry. As it turned out all was fine and she was just delayed in traffic.

She arrived while Megan went to get a coffee. Walking back into the room she came face to face with the one woman she had managed to avoid. She even took to running only on the treadmill so that she wouldn’t have to accidentally see her.

When Dorothea saw Megan dressed in her bridesmaid’s dress which was pale jade version of Krystal’s dress, she saw what Jon saw. She truly was an attractive woman.

"Hello Megan"

Taking a deep breath Megan mustered all her courage to put on a smile and said "Hello Dorothea it’s nice to see you again." She lied.

"Megan, I’m sorry."

"Don’t Dorothea, lets not go there now. This is Krystal’s time. Let’s not spoil it by visiting demons from the past."

"Ok for now. I’ll let it go, but I intend to talk about it before the night is through."

"Alright. But not now, and not here." Megan knew it was inevitable but at least if nothing else she had bought herself more time. Besides Megan thought, what did she have to be sorry about? It was me that slept with her husband!

Carina had finished with her photo shoot, and Dorothea had her turn. Megan and Carina hadn't a great deal of time to do with each other so they used this opportunity to get to know one another.

She was obviously a good friend to Krystal and Megan enjoyed her company.

It took about an hour for the individual photos of each of them to be taken, once that was done they had the group done, so all in all it took many hours to complete.

As the afternoon drew to a close Dorothea suggested they stop by her place for a celebratory wine.

Megan declined, they all knew why with the exception of Carina. ”Come back to Richie’s with us Dorothea it will probably be a lot more relaxed."

She agreed. "Especially considering there would be four children running around mine." as if I needed to be reminded of that Megan thought. "I'll just call home and let them know where I’ll be."

"Thank you” Megan Said.

After arriving home Megan and Carina went their separate ways to their rooms. Megan to freshen up and Carina to rest, she was too jetlagged for a party tonight.

Dorothea and Krystal were in the kitchen popping the corks on the wine when Dorothea asked Krystal how Megan was coping with everything.

"Not good I’m afraid. She’s putting on a brave face. She was really hurt Dot. And I think she just wasn’t prepared for the fact that he told you. It’s not a normal thing for a man to tell his wife that he is having an affair or that he wants to take on a Mistress. And then to bring them both together“, She added. “And for the wife to be fine about it. It just kind of freaked her out a bit." she said.

"I know but Jon and I don’t have a normal relationship, you know that."

Megan arrived and the subject was changed to the current tour. Dorothea commented on Jon's poor performance and that apparently the tour had really been a bad one. She said passing out the wine.

Taking a sip Megan said, "I'm sure Jon couldn’t have a bad tour. I haven't seen him live for a long time but I don't think from videos and DVD's that I have seen that he is capable of a bad one"

"How long has it been since you saw them perform live?"

"With the exception of the mini concert Krystal organised, nearly 20 years."

"What? Really? You must have been very young when you saw them. Why don't we go? This will be the last one for a couple of years?"

"Yes I was. But no, I couldn’t" Megan said "We probably wouldn’t get tickets now anyway" she continued.

Laughing Krystal and Dorothea said "We don’t need tickets. I'll give Jon a call and let him know we are on our way, we will only be able to watch from the wings but it’s still good."

"No, I’m sorry girls I can't besides what if it puts Jon off seeing me there?" Megan said

"Well he couldn’t perform any worse than he has all tour." Dorothea said sarcastically.

"Why are you doing this Dorothea? Why are you insisting, almost pushing me to see Jon?

You are on Chapter 34 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 33

It felt good bit a little weird for Megan to be back at Richie’s. She felt a little nervous but drew comfort from the fact that she wouldn’t have to see Jon or Dorothea until the wedding.

With so much to do there was no time to delay. They got stuck into the plans immediately. Thankfully Krystal had the guest list done and the invites already typed up, all they needed to do was choose the design. Megan used a template she had for the invites she would send out for the Foundation. With a few modifications she was happy with them. They had them printed and posted and it was one thing she could cross of her list of things to do.

She went through the list methodically and most things went smoothly. Flying across the country to get this and that. It was exhausting work. But with one plane ride after another they managed to get exactly what Krystal wanted. If they had more time they would have had everything couriered to them to view but due to the time frame it was quicker for Megan and Krystal to travel to the items of choice. Within three weeks she had organized the entire thing down to the colour of the paper the thank you gifts were wrapped in.

Pleased with her achievement she decided to do some retail therapy of her own. She needed something very special for the happy couple.

So far she had managed to avoid Dorothea. Megan had her fitting for the gown at a different time and location. The dress maker was kind enough to fit them separately.

She knew that would change when the guys got back. There would be rehearsals and dinners that unfortunately she knew she would never be able to get out of. But until then she appreciated that everyone was co-operating with her requests.

Krystal didn’t want a girl’s night out. She preferred just to have a few drinks with the bridesmaids at home after the photo shoot. Which was planned for the day of the concert.

“Yes I know she will be here” Megan said, “But that doesn’t mean I have to speak to her”

"No, it doesn’t. We need to keep up appearances though Meg. For the sake of the band. Promise me you will be on your best behaviour just for tonight?”

"Krystal I’m a professional business woman. I know how to behave in public. And I can assure you the last thing I’m going to do is let the rest of America know that I’m in love with her husband, its bad enough that she knows that”

Touching her friend on the arm Krystal said “I know this isn’t going to be easy for you and I appreciate everything you have done for me. Thank you for being here when I need you the most”

“If the truth be told” Megan said, “I’d prefer to be any where else doing any thing else in preference to being here right now. But you know I wouldn’t miss this for the world”

“I know you wouldn’t” She said as she gave her a hug. “So are you really in love with Jon or were you just trying to emphasize a point?”

“No, it wasn’t an exaggeration. I really am in love with him. Foolish I know. But in reality I have been right from that very first night at the Archibald. I just never expected to see him again. Which is probably why this is all so hard to cope with. Never in a million years did I think that that night would lead to years later I would be standing here in Richie’s estate organizing your wedding”

“Ha,’ Krystal laughed at the enormity of everything that has happened. “No, I couldn’t have picked this either. Life is funny isn’t it?”

With everything organized Megan turned in for the night and fell into bed exhausted after a long hot shower.

*** *** *** ***

The band arrived back on US soil 2 days before the Jersey Concert. Apparently word had spread that this tour wasn’t as good as previous tours. So the ticket sales weren’t what everyone was expecting. The hopes of coming home to a packed out Jersey stadium weren’t going to be realised. With 2 days to go they still had 15% of tickets to be sold. Where usually they would have sold oiut on just hours.

Richie came home to see Krystal and couldn’t be happier with the wedding plans. He checked everything thoroughly and approved of every choice the women had made.

“She did all this in 3 weeks” he said amazed.

“She sure did. I told you she was amazing”

“You’re not wrong, I’m very impressed”

He made a point of going up to Megan’s room to thank her personally.

Knocking on her door “Come in” expecting to see Krystal. “Richie, what a lovely surprise. How nice to see you. Come in” She gave him a hello kiss on his cheek. Krystal was truly lucky to be marrying him. “Welcome home”

“Thanks” he said. "It’s good to be back on home soil. I just came up to say thank you. I don’t know how you did it in such a short time.” Shaking his head still amazed. “Everything is absolutely perfect”

"You’re welcome. It was a pleasure. I did cheat though. I organize things like this for a living, so I knew who to contact for what.” She smiled at him.

“Anyway, thanks” He turned to walk out the door. “Megan, Jon misses you”

She didn’t want to talk about Jon. She wasn't ready for this yet. “Do you think you might be able to give him a call?”

“No, not yet”

“Can you give me a time frame of when you might want to let go of your pride and do it? You're killing him, do you know that? He looks like crap, he sounds like crap, and his performances have been crap. If you won’t do it for his well being, at least do it for Krystal. Because if Jon keeps going the way he is the band will be history which wouldn’t be a good way for Krystal to start out our married life, with an unemployed husband. Just give it some thought”

She did give it some thought. She knew he was right.

You are on Chapter 33 of Day to day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Day to Day Chapter 32

Mrs. Hopkins answered the door and was greeted by Krystal’s radiating smile. “Hello Mrs. Hopkins. It’s so nice to see you again.” She kissed the older woman’s soft cheek as she entered the house. Mrs. Hopkins too noticed the change in Krystal.

“Welcome Miss Krystal. Welcome home dear. You look very well. You will find Miss Megan out on the deck. You go on through and I’ll get you a nice hot cup of tea.”

Megan turned toward the door when she heard it open. Her faced beamed when she saw who it was. “Krystal,” she exclaimed “What a surprise. What the heck are you doing here?” She said as the two embraced for a long warm hug.

“Wedding plans my dear, I can organize a shindig for 40 or 50 people but I can’t do something like this on my own”

Laughing she said “You came all the way home for wedding plans? Surely they have wedding on that side of the country Krystal. Actually they do and I know they have very good wedding planners. You didn’t need to come home just for that”

“Yep, I know there are good ones over there but I want the best. I want someone I know and trust. Someone who knows my tastes and someone who will respect my wishes. Someone who knows how to organize something down to the very last minute detail. I want a perfectionist. And finally, I want someone who will dedicate herself to this until she gets it perfect”

Laughing, Megan said “That’s a big ask. Who did you have in mind?”


Mrs. Hopkins arrived with her tea.

Snorting at Krystal Megan said. “You have got to be kidding. No way thank you very much. I’ll be able to put you in contact with someone good, but I’m not going to do the job” Knowing she certainly could, but infact didn’t want to for obvious reasons.

It felt so good to laugh. Something she hadn’t done in a long time.

“I don’t want someone good, I want someone exceptional. You know you could do it. You're just choosing not to. Megan I want you to do it. There is no one else I would trust to do the job properly or as good as you would.”

Putting her tea down she said “Krystal I’m flattered, I really am, but I just don’t know I could do the job justice. It takes weeks to organize something as enormous as this properly. I have work commitments. I can’t just forget about them. I run a business remember? And on top of that I have not been well. I don't need this right now. I have a rotten head ache, I'm sorry but I can't do it."

Changing the subject Krystal said “Have you spoken to Jon since you’ve been back?”


“Why not? I know he’s called”

“Yes he has. Everyday infact." She paused before continuing "He has called. Richie has called. You have called. Even Dorothea for heaven's sake has called. He has sent chocolates and flowers. I have enough chocolates to open up my own shop on Valentines Day. I have enough flowers to put a fresh bunch on every tombstone in every cemetery in this country. I don’t know what to say to him. So I guess it’s just easier not to say anything at all”

“And not talking to him is making it easier for you to cope? Not talking to him is making everything alright? It’s taking the pain, the hurt away. Helping you to deal with the shock of it all? Yep, I can see your strategy is working well, you look like crap.”

Megan rubbed her temples as she rose from her seat out on the deck. The same deck where Jon kissed her before she took him up to her room where they made love. “No. its not." She said, pausing while she took a deep breath and got her thoughts together. "I miss him so much. I just don’t know what to do”

“Neither does he Megan” she said coming to her side “But at least he is making an effort” she said. Megan knew she couldn’t run away forever. But making that first step would be the hardest. “You know they are on tour now?" She nodded “So if you came back with me to assist with the wedding plans you wouldn’t even see him.”

“When does their tour finish?”

“Not for another 4 weeks. And they won’t be home until then.” She could sense that Megan was warming to the idea so she kept talking. “They are in Tokyo at present and will be there for the next 2 weeks, and then they have 1 week in Australia, then they are back to the US doing their last concerts for this tour here. If they last that long that is.”

“What does that mean?"

“We have never minced words Megan so I’m not going to start now. I’ll get straight to the point. The concerts have been pretty crappy. Jon’s putting in a half hearted attempt at a performance. Richie rings me almost everyday and remarks that he isn’t going too well. He doesn’t seem to have the joy or the energy he had last time round. It appears as though he just doesn’t care anymore. They are playing to half filled stadiums.”

Megan could relate to not having the energy. She was exhausted everyday. And lacked the motivation to keep going. “Maybe 20 years is long enough” she said trying to find something to blame other than their situation, "Maybe he needs a holiday. I know I do.”

“Maybe he needs you” Krystal said.

Ignoring Krystal’s comment Megan said “When have you guys decided to legalize this happy union?"

“The week after they come back”

“What? That’s quick. Oh my, you’re not pregnant are you? Have we got a little shot gun wedding happening here?” she said with a quirky tone to her voice.

“No” she said laughing “I am not pregnant and there’s no shotgun wedding. We just don’t see any point in waiting”

“Ok." She said accepting the challenge. ”I’ll come with you to help with the organizing so long as we are completely finished before the boys come home. And I don’t want to see Dorothea at all while I’m there. So if you can assure me of these two things I’ll do it. When the boys come back,” she continued, “I’ll go and stay at a nice motel and come back on the day for the wedding. But not the reception. Understood?”

“Understood” she said laughing. “There is just one problem with that little plan. I wanted you to be my chief bridesmaid”

Megan was touched that she asked her to be part of her wedding. Although she expected it, after all they had been best friends for a long time. Megan would have been devastated if she wasn't asked. “Who else is in the wedding party?”

“Richie is of course having Jon as his best man and Tico and David will also be groomsmen. I am having you to stand next to me, Carina from work and Dorothea” She said in a muffled tone.

“Oh my life stinks. How many ants have I stepped on to have so much bad luck? So that would mean I am partnered with Jon.” She said matter of factly.

“Yes it does”

“You’re not doing the old fashioned traditional stuff are you? Like waltzes and the like?”

“Richie wants it fairly traditional. And I’m happy to keep him happy. So you and Jon would have to be comfortable with each other for everything to come together. So you either need to kiss and make up or have some good acting lessons in the mean time, but there will be no bridal waltz." She said jokingly. "Megan we have been through so much together. I need you with me for this. You are all the family I have. I don’t want the most special day of my life to happen without you. Please Megan don’t make me beg”

Seeing the desperation in her friends eyes she knew there was no other choice. She knew the decision was made for her. She organized her life again to be away for over a month. Thankfully she was in a position to do this. She put Damien in charge of all Foundation operations, and hired him an assistant. For no other reason than to stop him whining. She gave her home employees time off again, with full pay. Larry got a bonus because he still had to come twice a week to ensure everything looked fabulous. Megan spent the next two days working flat out to ensure everything was ready.

Finally she was packed and ready to go. Larry kindly drove her to Krystal’s to pick her up for the trip to the airport. Four hours later they touched down.

You are on Chapter 32 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi-today

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 31

As Damien pulled in to the car park at 0700 hours he saw the lights to the office on. The other staff members don’t usually get here until 8. Taking the baseball bat out of the trunk of his car he cautiously went inside as quietly as he could. He could hear noises coming from the office. Opening the door to her office with one hand and the bat in the other he did his best Bond maneuver and just about hit her over the head when he realised who it was.

“Damien” She shrieked “What the hell are you doing? Trying to kill me?”

“Oh my goodness Megan, what are you doing here?”

“Um…. I work here; well at least I did 2 weeks ago”

Damien was in a bit of shock to see her here. “What are you doing back so soon?”

“I had a slight change of plans and came home early”

“Why? Is everything ok with Krystal and Richie?”
“Yes they are fine, he proposed to her on my last night actually. She is blissfully happy and they will marry some time soon I presume. You should see her Damien, she is the happiest I have ever seen her. She is a changed person I tell you. She isn’t the irresponsible party girl she used to be.”

“Well that’s great to hear” He remembered all the things he read about Krystal in Megan’s notebook and found it hard to believe that anyone could tame the wild beast within her. “So if she has just gotten engaged shouldn’t you be there with her celebrating? Why did you come back? You knew everything was under control here”

“I just felt like I needed to give them space and I needed to be on home turf” she said

“Space? They live in a mansion. There is plenty of places you could be and not be in their way.”

“Just drop it Damien. I’m here now so just let me focus on my work. Where are we up to? “She asked without looking up

He filled her in on what they were doing at present. All the invoices had been printed and posted. The shipping had been arranged for everything that sold. He had finished off all the thank you notes for those she didn't get around to see at the party and was to send them out this morning.

With everything under control and up to date she read through the mail that had come in her absence. When that was done she made herself a cuppa and turned on her computer and went through her emails and answered what needed to be answered and deleted the junk mail. Sitting at her desk just finishing off the last of her emails Damien announced on the intercom that she had a call from Krystal. “

"Thank you Damien, put her through”

“Hi Krystal. How are you?”

“Great, couldn’t be better, but you already know that. You’re back at work already?”

“Yep, no point mucking around"

“I just wondered how you are” Krystal said.

"I'm still nauseous everytime I think if them both. I will make an appointment at the doctor today so I’ll be all sorted then. I think I’ve just got that bug thats been going around. And the shock didn't really help much. I’ll be ok, one day” she lied “I cried all the way home on the plane and I cried myself to sleep when I got home but I’ll live. I don’t think a broken heart will really kill me. I’m a little bit stronger than that.” Knowing full well that it just might and it was going to take a little bit of time before she will be ok.

“Well I’m glad you’re ok, it’s more than I can say for Jon” Krystal said

“He’s a big boy Krystal, he’ll be fine. So can I do anything for you or did you just call me to lay the guilt on me more than you did in the car on the way to the airport?” If that was really possible.

“No, I just wanted to make sure you were ok. Isn’t that what best friends do?”

“Yes it is, and thank you. I will be fine though.”

“Ok, I’ll get going and let you get back to work. I’ll tell Jon you said Hi”

“Whatever" she said. "Take care and I’ll see you when you come home next” Cause I sure as eggs aren’t going to visit you anytime soon.

Megan hung up the phone receiver and opened up her phone index to find the number of the Doctor. With so much sickness going around Megan was unable to get an appointment for another 2 weeks. She tried another Doctor and he was also booked solid. She concluded that she simply has the mystery bug that is obviously going around and would be fine in a day or so.


The weeks went by slowly for Megan. She was tired all the time and had so much trouble getting out of bed. She felt ill. She struggled Day to Day. However she refused to admit that it was because she missed Jon. She blamed it on over working herself. She took a few days off work here and there which started Damien to worry. She had never taken days off work in the entire time the Foundation had been running. He knew something was up. He just wasn't sure what it was.

Megan refused to accept Jon’s calls. Damien got sick of trying to think up yet another lie as to why she wasn’t available to speak with him, so in the end he just said she didn’t want to talk to him. If the truth be told however it gave Damien immense pleasure telling him that.

Krystal made her usual twice weekly phone call to the office to chat with her. Damien told her that she was at home.

“At home, what’s she doing at home?”

“I don’t know Krystal, I’m not the one with the superman tattoo.”

“Oh Very funny Damien. Is she I’ll? Have you called to ask her what’s wrong?”

“Megan keeps her private life private you know that, she would tell me to mind my own business. I don’t know if she is sick or isn’t sick but this is the second day this week she has had off and she had one day off last week so something is obviously up.”

Richie was on tour with the band. Krystal gave him a call and told him she wanted to go home for a few days and check on her friend. She also had something else she wanted to ask Megan while she was home. Richie let her know that they would still be a few weeks yet before the tour was to finish so she was free to go wherever she wanted while he was away. He just asked if she could be home when he gets home. He misses her too much and doesn’t want to wait any longer than necessary to see her. If it wasn’t for the wedding plans she would have gone with him.

Krystal organized herself to be on the first flight out the next morning which would have her home by lunch. It was difficult for the girls now that they lived on opposite sides of the country.

You are on Chapter 31 of Day To Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Monday, November 19, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 30

Megan lay awake for hours even though she was exhausted. It was almost impossible to get some sleep. Getting out of bed she put her robe on and made her way out of the guest room through Richie's elaborate mansion to the kitchen where she intended to get herself a hot cup of chocolate. Finding everything she needed with ease she made her chocolate and sat at the bar by the window and drank it slowly. She made a note to go to the pharmacy to get something to settle her stomach.

“Couldn’t sleep?”

She turned in the direction of the voice “No, I couldn’t. I thought maybe a hot drink would help. I hope you don’t mind.”

“No of course I don’t mind. Make yourself at home.” Richie said as he helped himself to juice straight from the bottle. “It’s been a long day huh?”

“Ha, yep you can say that again”

“Jon didn't mean to upset you Megan. He and Dot have been best friends forever. They have no secrets. It was natural for him to tell her. Hell, I didn't even know until tonight. And I thought he told ME everything.” Pausing as if he was trying to find the right words to say. “And its better that she find out this way than by reading it in the paper or one of the kids stumbles across it on the internet.”

Megan put her cup down and as she looked into it she said. “Yes, Richie I agree it is better for her to find out this way and it might have been natural for him to tell her but I would have thought the most natural thing in this whole scenario would be to tell me that he was gonna tell her. That way it might not have been such a shock to me. And then I wouldn’t be feeling the way I am now”

“I’m sorry Megan. I don’t know what to say”

“You don’t need to say anything. I think it’s all been said.” Megan drained the rest of her cup and got up and placed it in the dishwasher. Walking towards the door she said. “I have decided to go home tomorrow Richie. I don’t know that this was such a good idea now that I am here. If Krystal isn’t up before I go can you please tell her I love her and I’ll call her when I’m home?”

“Megan don’t be silly, don’t let this spoil the time you had planned with your best friend and you will break Jon’s heart if you go without telling him”

“Maybe then he’ll know what a broken heart feels like. Krystal will get over it." she said rising from the table, "Congratulations Richie, You two will be fine together” she left the kitchen.

She could hear Richie mumbling something in the Kitchen about her being a stubborn Australian girl. She ignored him and returned to her room. She didn’t even attempt to sleep, instead she and packed her things in order to leave early the next morning. There was no point in staying here now.

Richie called Jon to let him know what was happening. He said he would be there for breakfast and would talk to her then.

*** *** *** ***

By 6 am the next morning Megan was packed and out the front of Richies glorious estate waiting for the taxi she had called to take her back to the airport. She would be home and at her own house, in her own surroundings, on her own turf, in just a few hours. What a trip this turned put to be. She could hear Damien’s words echoing in her head “I told you nothing good would come out of this” She hated to admit he was right. He would ride this one all the way, never letting her live it down. Right now though, she really didn't care. The taxi arrived and she got in and closed the door and told the driver to take her to the airport.

Driving back down the same road she had traveled along a week ago so excitedly, and the road she had ran along every morning Megan felt a great sadness. It really was too good to be true. She should have listened to herself all those months ago and not seen him. What would have happened if she didn't join him for supper that night? Would he have pursued her? Would they have united like this? She would never know but one thing is for sure she wouldn’t be so naive again.

Megan wound down the window to enjoy the cool breeze in her face. The driver tried to make conversation but soon realized that she wasn’t interested in small talk. A few moments later her phone rang, it was Krystal. “Megan where are you? What are you doing?”

“I can’t stay here Krystal. I am so humiliated, I could never look that woman in the face again, and right now I don’t want to see Jon. It is making me sick to the stomach.” she said

“So you are gonna run away?”

“No I’m not running away. I am ridding my life of one unnecessary stress.”

“For how long Megan? You know you’ll never forgive yourself if you don’t at least sort this out before you go. This isn’t your style; you would be leaving unfinished business. You know that would be harder for you to cope with than the issue at hand.” Megan knew she was right; one thing she couldn’t stand was unfinished business. “Ask the taxi driver to turn around and come back. Let’s have breakfast and talk it over. If you still want to go after you have eaten and we have talked then that’s fine. I’ll even drive you myself.”

Reluctantly Megan asked the taxi driver to turn around and return to Richie’s. The taxi finally pulled to a stop outside the main doors at the same time as Krystal and Jon appeared.

Getting out of the car she laughed and said “oh I am a sucker. How gullible can one person be? I should have known this was a set up. Thanks Krystal. And just when I decided I wasn’t going to be so naive too!” She said sarcastically as Jon sauntered over to collect her bags.

He looked about as terrible as she did. He obviously didn't get much sleep last night either. Megan felt like she hadn’t slept in days. She was exhausted and she honestly really wanted to be at home in her own bed. Not here in this nightmare that she would eventually leave with a broken heart.

Going back into the house they made their way to the kitchen where an elaborate meal had been prepared. Krystal and Richie took their food and dined outside in the crisp fresh air leaving Megan and Jon in the kitchen to talk.

“Megan”. He began. “I asked you to come here because I want to see you. I can assure you hurting you was the last thing on my mind.”

She drank her tea without looking at him. The table was filled with a banquet of toast, eggs, bacon, sausages, croissants, and bagels, juices of all kinds, fresh fruit, and hot beverages. There was enough food to feed a small nation. Jon filled his plate and the moment he cut into his eggs Megan ran from the room in the direction of the bathroom to throw up once again. Jon ran after her.

"Megan what is wrong with you?"

"I have a virus. I must have got a bug from somewhere. Cleaning her self up she made her way back to the kitchen.

He reached out and touched her hand. “Look at me please Megan”

Shaking her head she turned towards the window. “No Jon, I’m not gonna look at you. The minute I do you’ll win, I’ll give in and we will move on from this without ever discussing it properly.”

“Well talk to me now for goodness sake Megan.”

“I can’t right now Jon. I’m hurt, I’m angry". She knew if she spoke to him now she would have no control over what came out of her mouth. Here she was in Richie Sambora's kitchen fighting with the man of her dreams, Jon Bon Jovi, she didn’t want to argue yet the words flowed freely, she opened her mouth and they spewed out, it didn’t matter who he was she was angry and he was to blame, He had to deal with her wrath. "Do you know how it feels to be the other woman? Not only that, but do you know how it feels for me to know that your wife knows I am the other woman? No of course you don’t? You have never been in this position, obviously.” She stopped speaking but it was clear that she hadn’t finished what she wanted to say. “I sat here over the last nearly week and a half and have talked and laughed and joked. I exercised with her every morning. And all this time she knew. I feel like a laughing stock. I feel like I have been put on parade.” They both sat silently for a few minutes before she broke the silence yet again. “Jon I have decided to go home. I really should have thought this through more fully before I came over here. I should have thought all of it through before I let any of it happen. I feel like you have betrayed me, which I really shouldn’t be angry about, because that is exactly what I am doing to your wife. And I guess out of all of this we really should be thinking of your family, your children. They are the ones that will be hurt ultimately. Maybe if we put some distance between us and cool things off for a little while it won’t seem so bad after all.”

Without allowing him the chance to reply she got up from the table and went outside to ask Krystal to drive her to the airport. She was going home.

This was very hard on both of them. They both had very strong, stubborn personalities, in order to sort it out one of them had to admit they were wrong but neither would.

*** *** *** ***

You are on Chapter 30 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi-today

Friday, November 16, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 29

Oh my god this can’t be happening. ”I beg your pardon?”

“Oh Megan don’t be so coy. Jon and I have a fabulous relationship. We tell each other everything. I’ve known for some time.” In reality Jon only told her last night.

Megan grabbed the wine and took it back for the toast. "And you have been pretending all this time?"

Jon, David, and Tico were still congratulating Richie and were paying no attention to the women at this point.

The drinks were handed out and toasts were made.

The party continued for another few hours, with Megan definitely feeling like to odd one out now. She steered clear of Dorothea for the remainder of the evening. Although Megan did keep an eye on her. And Dorothea kept an eye on Megan. She had stayed by Jon’s side since she made the comment. Megan wasn’t sure if that was just to let her know that he belonged to her while he was at home and there was no chance of Megan getting her hands on him, tonight at least. Or if it was just so that at least in her presence Megan would not get near him.

As the night went on David and Tico left. Which left Jon and Dorothea, Krystal and Richie, and Megan. Feeling even more uncomfortable she asked Krystal if she minded if she called it a night. It had been a long day and felt as though she was jetlagged. However she knew well it wasn’t jetlag.

“Oh Megan don’t get yet” Said the sweet voice of Mrs. Bongiovi.

“I’m sorry Dorothea I have to; I’ve had a big day. I am so tired. And I really need to freshen up. I must look a fright; I don’t seem to be able to cope with the long days anymore. I really need to get some rest.”

“No you look fine, doesn’t she Jon?” Dorothea said nudging Jon’s arm.

“You look as beautiful as you always do Megan” Jon said sincerely and gave her a wink.

Smiling Megan thought this is way too weird. I must be hallucinating. What the hell do they put in wine these days? “Thank you, but I really need to get some rest. Krystal” she encouraged, please rescue me. “I will see you all soon enough”

"No, Don’t go yet Megan" called Richie. "We were just about to get some champagne and oysters to officially celebrate."

At the mention of oysters Megan felt sick to her stomach. Making a run for the bathroom only just making it before she threw up.

Krystal rose, excusing herself and left the room following Megan.

Lifting her head from the porcelain bowl she said “Krystal she knows. She knows about Jon and I. He told her, apparently. What the hell would possess him to do that?”

“Is that what has made you sick? Megan I told you they are good together. They are a team, a well oiled machine. A good team doesn’t function well if there are secrets. Come on, stop panicking. It’ll all be fine in the morning, and we will talk about it then.”

Krystal walked her to her room and after being congratulated one more time she left her alone and returned to the others.

“How is she?” Jon asked

“Um…Apparently a little shocked at something Dorothea said. I don’t think she was prepared for any revelations tonight. But I guess she will be more understanding in the morning after she has caught up on her rest.”

Looking at Dorothea he said conversationally “Did you say something to her about it?”

“I just simply asked her if You make her as happy as Richie makes Krystal.”

Richie nearly chocked on his wine. “What?”

Ignoring him, ”Maybe it would have been better to let her know first Jon that you told me, at least it may have softened the blow” Dorothea said.

“Yep hindsight is a wonderful thing.” He thought wondering how he got into this to start with.

“Go talk to her; it’s been a big day, and a lot for her to comprehend in one day.” Dorothea told him.

Krystal told him which room she was in and he went to her.

While he was gone the girls filled Richie in on what was going on. “Well that dirty dog! I need to get my eyes checked I think. I didn't suspect a thing.”

Knocking on the door he waited for her to answer. When she didn’t answer he went on in. He could hear the shower running so he waited for her to emerge from the guest bathroom. She felt better after a shower and hoped that sleep would come freely tonight. Although being in this frame of mind she doubted it would. When she emerged from the bathroom and saw Jon sitting on the sofa waiting for her she knew sleep wouldn’t come freely tonight.

He stood as she got closer to him. “Megan ….” He said

Cutting him off she said “Jon how could you do this to me? Did it not enter your head that maybe I would like to know what your plans were so that I could prepare myself before I saw your wife?” She was furious. Jon had never heard her raise her voice before, and especially at him. He remembered that Damien had said she had a temper, and for the first time he was slightly worried. There was a fire in her eyes that he had never seen before.

“Megan, stop, it’s not as bad as it sounds.”

“No? How can you say that?” she said as her eyes filled with tears. “Then maybe you should explain things to me because it’s pretty freaking bad from where I stand. How do you think it felt Jon sitting there enjoying a moment that is so special to my best friend and your wife so casually asks ‘If you make me happy’? I wished the ground opened up and swallowed me whole right then and there. I was humiliated. I had no idea what to say. You should have prepared me for this. And on top of that little comment, I found out she has known all along”

“Yes I know I should have, I’m sorry.” He said pulling her into his arms.

“Sorry doesn’t cut it right now Jon,” She said pulling away from his embrace. Making another trip to the bathroom to throw up one more time. “I’m tired and emotional and furious. Maybe you should go and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Before I say something I’ll really regret”. Emerging from the bathroom she walked over to the door she opened it and waited for him to go.

"What is wrong with you Megan?"

"Its just been a long day Jon and I need to rest."

Jon walked towards the door and stopped taking hold of her arm he said “Megan……” she put her hand up to indicate she wasn’t going to listen to him so he exited without another word.

"Talk to the hand Jon." Megan closed the door, leaning against it she slid down the length of the door until she was sitting on the floor. With her face in her hands the tears flowed easily. She cried harder than she had cried in years.

Returning to the living room Dorothea and Krystal both asked how she was. “Not good I’m afraid, she threw up again and asked me to leave her alone until the morning when she is rested and calmer and we will talk then."

Looking at Krystal Dorothea said, “Do you want me to go talk with her?”

“No, she will be fine in the morning. Just let her rest now. Megan is all smoke and no fire. She tends to blow up quickly but gets over it just as quickly."

"She wont be fine, she is clearly ill."

"That is probably just her emotions right now Jon. She has had a shock today."

You are on chapter 29 of Day to Day

© 2007 cindi – today

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 28

The guests started arriving at 4:30 sharp. Wow Megan thought how different people were here. Back home in Australia life was so much more relaxed, it was customary to arrive whenever one felt like rocking up. And certainly a lot more relaxed in their attire. And a dinner party was rarely any dressier than your best jeans. She made her way to the formal rooms where everything was happening and bumped into a few people she knew from fundraisers. It was nice to see them again. It was also nice to know they were still interested in the Foundation. She would make a note of it when she got back to her room and put them on the list of invites for the next one.

She was standing near the fireplace as it was a cool night and she had left her wrap up stairs. Simply because this dress looked better without one.

“Good evening Miss Johnson. How beautiful you look tonight. What brings a fellow Aussie all the way over here?” She turned to face Russell Crowe

She greeted Russell with a kiss. They spoke for a long time and finally he said "I've been wanting to talk to you about the guitar you won." He said with a smirk. Still not happy that he missed out.

Jon and Dorothea had arrived while she was talking to Russell; he was dressed in black jeans and a sports jacket. He wore a tie and looked absolutely perfect. Dorothea looked very nice in a little black dress. Megan so much wanted to hate her, but she knew she couldn’t. She genuinely was a really nice person. This made it so much harder for Megan to be comfortable with Jon. She saw how he interacted with his children. How well he treated his wife. She knew she could never be involved with splitting up a family.

Leaving Megan alone at the fire she relaxed just watching the guests mingle. It was nice to observe from time to time. People are so different in so many ways. Jon came up to her; placing his arm around her he said, “You look simply stunning tonight Miss Johnson. If I knew you were going to look this good I wouldn’t have worn these pants.”

“Oh? Just a tad uncomfortable are we Jon?" She smiled at him. Enjoying his discomfort. “Now please take your arm from around my waste your wife is here.”

Jon reluctantly after giving her body a little squeeze removed his arm. The night went well. She conversed with many and had an enjoyable time.

Most of the guests had left by around 10:30pm leaving just the stragglers and the band members and their families. After a few more drinks it came down to just the band members and their families. The atmosphere was much more relaxed now. So the ties came off, and Richie kicked his shoes off, sitting on the sofa with Krystal sitting on the floor in front of him.

Feeling like the odd one out as everyone else had their partners there and she was the only single person, Megan started to clear away the mess and take it to the kitchen. Jon got up to lend a hand too. Picking up some empty bottles and following her to the kitchen. He found walking difficult as he watched her body move in the burgundy colored silk gown she was wearing. He loved the way the fabric moved with her. “Yep," He sighed, “I must make a mental note to never wear these pants in your presence again.”

She smiled over her shoulder at him as she continued through the saloon doors that led to the kitchen. He quickly put the bottles down and grabbed her around the waste from behind. As he pulled her to him she could feel his excitement. His breathing quickened along with hers. “Jon” she said ”Stop we can't do this here or now, what if someone comes.”

Laughing at her choice of words he said “I can only hope it’s me.”

“Oh very funny.”

“They won’t even notice we aren’t there.” Turning her around and lifting her up on to the bench she wrapped her legs around his waste pulling him closer to her. When their bodies touched at that crucial point he let out a moan that she is sure would have been heard by all in a 5 klm radius.

He was desperate for her. He hadn’t touched her intimately in what seemed like forever. His hands roamed her body as his lips roamed hers. She responded to him as hungrily as he ravaged her. Megan returned to him everything that he did to her. This was no one sided thing; she wanted him now,....... right now. And she wasn’t afraid to let him know it. Jon raised the skirt of her dress to her thighs. Running his hands along her freshly waxed legs as he pressed himself against her. The only thing separating their bodies was the thin wet material of her lace panties and his jeans. “Megan this is driving me crazy. I need you now.”

Their little moment in time was shattered by the opening of the kitchen door and Krystal entered with more dishes, followed shortly by Dorothea. Thankfully Krystal had the good sense to open the door slowly and noisily. So as to give them time to separate before Dorothea entered. They separated quickly with a feeling of déjà vu.

Megan clambered off the bench in record time letting her dress fall from her thighs. Catching her breath she pretended to be conversing with Jon while she placed the glasses in the dishwasher.

“And what is taking you two so long?" Dorothea asked giving Jon a playful little slap on his butt.

“We are just having a chat, isn’t that right Megan?”

“It sure is” she replied awkwardly. And still out of breath.

“And what do you too have to talk about that has kept you out here for so long?" asked Dorothea.

Saving them both from the embarrassment of having to come up with an answer Krystal said that Richie has something he wants to say to everyone so if they could make their way back he would really appreciate it.

Making their way back to the others Megan appeared to be a little shaken. She wondered if Dorothea suspected anything. Time would tell but right now she had to listen to Richie.

Dorothea enjoyed the little game she was playing. Although Jon wished she had of toned it down a little. Poor Megan.

“I wanted to save this for just the few of us, purely incase I was humiliated. Which I hope isn’t the case.” He smiled at Megan and she knew instantly what he was going to do. She smiled back and gave him an encouraging nod.

“My darling Krystal can you come stand beside me for a second please?” Krystal stood beside him and he continued. “I know a good thing when I see one" he said looking into her eyes. “We are good together and good for each other. I love you, and you love me." He took a breath. "Would you do me the honor in front of my family, my brotherhood of accepting my hand in marriage?” Krystal was absolutely gob smacked. He got down on one knee and took her hand in his and said “Krystal, will you marry me?”

There were cheers and congratulations all round. Kisses and hugs and high 5’s everywhere.

“Oh, isn’t it lovely” Dorothea said “Two people so much in love?”

“Yes it is” Megan answered with tears in her eyes. “They are so happy together. Richie makes her very happy”

Seizing the opportunity Dorothea followed Krystal to the kitchen to get some bottles of wine for a toast.

“As happy as Jon makes you Megan”?

You are on chapter 28 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 27

Retiring to her lavish room she showered and longed for Jon to be with her. She knew it was going to be difficult to carry on their secret affair while she was here, and although Megan never in a million years would have thought that it would be her in this situation she did have to admit there was an element of excitement.

Laughing to herself as she applied her night cream she thought it should have been Krystal in this situation. Krystal was the wild one, Megan was the shy reserved one, to a degree. The sensible one.

Relaxing easily with the assistance of the wine she slept soundly. Enjoying some really crazy dreams, probably due to the jet lag that she was no doubt experiencing.

Megan woke to a bright crisp morning. She was glad she packed some warm clothes. The weather was much cooler here than she was expecting. Putting on her runners as she always did, she attempted to find her way to the kitchen to fill her water bottle and then the front door of this amazing house. Without much trouble she found her way out.

Leaving the front door she decided to just stick to the main road so there was less chance of getting herself lost. As she ran down the street she noticed the amazing estates here, and for once she felt like Krystal always felt, in awe over which celebrity lived where when she reached the end of the driveway she was joined by another runner, a woman, running down a long driveway. It wasn’t until she was out on the road that Megan noticed it was Dorothea. "Oh just what I need to start the day" she thought.

“Good morning Megan. You're up early. I thought you would have been having a sleep in this morning. Dorothea said.

“Hello”, she said smiling. “No, I can’t sleep in and I always start my day with a run.”

“Excellent, so do I. It will be nice to have a running partner for the duration of your stay.”

“Yes, It sure will” Megan said smiling at her, thinking tomorrow she will run in the other direction or earlier or later, but certainly not at the same time. If Dorothea asks where she was she will just tell her she wants to take in as many different sights as possible. At different times of the day.

However she did take a moment to admire Jon’s place. It was big, neat and tidy and the grounds were as immaculately kept as her own were.

Breaking Megan’s thought Dorothea asked “How long do you plan on staying Megan?”

“I am expecting to stay for 5 weeks. I originally was booked for 4 but with things quiet at work I am taking an extra week.” Once again she thought of Damien coping on his own.

“Yes I heard you telling Jon last night. And you have been here before obviously?”

"No, I have never been here before."

They both ran for some time neither of them conversing, before Megan mentioned that she would turn and run back to Richie’s. She would continue her run in his gym. Running back past Jon’s house Megan waved to him as she went past. Dorothea said her goodbye and hoped she would see her again tomorrow morning. This is going to be fun over the next few weeks Megan thought.

Megan got back to Richie’s before anyone was up. Finding her way to the home gym she went down and ran for a further 30 minutes. By the time she was finished she was dripping with sweat and her legs were burning. But she felt good. She imagined she would spend a lot of time on this treadmill. After all it was her favourite piece of exercise equipment. With the exception of Jon that is.

Going up to her room and showering she had hoped that Krystal didn't have anything planned for them to do today. She really just wanted a few days to wind down and relax before they got stuck into anything serious. She knew that Krystal and Richie had a few engagements that they couldn’t get out of in the next few days but that was ok. None of it involved her. It was exactly what Megan needed. She had no idea what Jon’s plans were or the rest of the band for that matter. She assumed he wouldn’t spend a great deal of time with her while she was here given that his wife was also present. She did however feel things would change when the band were on the road again. Megan knew in the next few weeks that the band had a few shows booked. And were to finish the tour here at home. She really looked forward to it and hoped that they would get to see them, she hadn’t seen them live for a very long time. Except for the last auction where they performed their mini concert. So it was going to be a real treat.

*** *** *** ***

Megan kept herself busy on her own and the odd run with the lovely Mrs. Bongiovi. The highlight of Megan’s day by far. The odd thing is the more often Dorothea ran in the morning the more Megan actually started to enjoy her company. Megan began to look forward to meeting up with her in the mornings for their run, she even began to run longer on the street than she did on the treadmill.

*** *** *** ***
Megan had been staying at Richie’s for 8 days when he and Krystal decided to throw a formal dinner party. To Megan’s surprise Krystal had organized everything without any assistance. Laughing Megan went up to Richie on the day of the party and said “What have you done with my friend Krystal? Where is she? This place looks amazing”

Not quite sure what she was going on about Megan explained. “The old Krystal couldn’t have put a Tupperware party together, and here she is organizing an event for 40 – 50 people. It’s fantastic.”

“Yeah she is doing great isn’t she? He said as Krystal left the room “She seems really happy here Megan, what do you think?”

“Yes I agree, She is blissfully happy here Rich. I have known her for ever and a day , she has been my best friend for more years than I can remember and she has never been this happy” She smiled at him, “You can take credit for that. I don’t know what it is but she is truly happier than she has ever been in her life”

“So do you reckon she’d like to make it a permanent thing then?” Megan’s heart pounded out of her chest. “Awwwwwww!!! Richie how sweet, are you asking my permission?”

“Yes I guess I am” He said as he puffed his chest out proudly

“Then yes, I give you my permission. There are conditions though”

Krystal came back in to the room so they were unable to continue.

“Megan you will be joining us tonight won’t you?? Krystal said in her formal voice.

“Yes I most certainly will. So what time does this little shindig begin?”

“At 4:30” Krystal said.

It was already 2:30pm, “So I guess I better go and get dressed then huh?”

*** *** *** ***

You are on Chapter 27 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
Esteban Guitar Lessons
Esteban Guitar Lessons
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