Friday, December 28, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 47

Chapter 47

The Doctors and Nurses continued to work around the clock in their care for the victims of flight 113 that crashed on the coast of Norfolk Island. With care their physical healing was swift; however it was their emotional healing that would take the longest time. And the fact that many of those that survived the initial impact and were able to walk away were taken to hospital in NI, these ones still had to catch a plane home. The fear of that was tremendous, and didn't help with the emotional well being. They would under go many months of emotional rehabilitation.

Then there were those who were affected physically. The broken bones that need time to heal. The head injuries. The scars from debris. The loss of a loved one who may have been seated beside them. Or the loss of a new found friend who they didn't know they had until they boarded that plane and made their way to Australia on that fateful day. The amputations. The heart attacks. The organ failures. The loss of hope, of faith and of love. The culture issues relating to treatment. The language barrier. There was an insurmountable list of implications that were inhibiting the healing process for many. Then, there was that beautiful lady with the long golden brown hair in the bed in room 16, no one knew who she was. She had no identification. No doubt lost in the carnage. They were unable to find any records of who she might be. No one had reported her missing. She was probably in her mid thirties. It was determined that maybe she was a victim of circumstance. Maybe she was on the ground, on the beach that day, and saw the plane plummeting to the earth. The odds of that were incredible but maybe, just maybe she would hold some clue as to what actually happened.

*** *** *** ***

It was now 4 weeks since that day. The hospital staff had quickly coped with the emergency, and now things had really settled, with most of those affected being transported home. Lightening the load of the very tired hospital staff. It was still a day that remained fresh in their minds. They all could still picture the events in their minds eyes. It was like watching an episode of ER, only it was real. Very real. And it was happening in their Emergency Room not on the television screen in the corner of their living room. But so far everyone had managed, had recovered and healed incredibly well. With the exception that is of the beautiful lady - the resident Jane Doe - who still remained in a coma.

*** *** *** ***

Jon and Krystal booked their flights to Australia to attend the memorial service. It was the least they could do for Megan. Jon somehow felt responsible for what had happened to her. He knew he didn't give her cancer or cause the plane to go down. But he felt guilty that he had put her through so much emotional turmoil. Although he had to admit he was sorry for how she had come out of it, selfishly he was so glad it happened. He had an inner contentment knowing that she gave him so many wonderful months of happiness, and she had filled a void in him that he could not have done himself. And without her, he shuddered to think of where he might have ended up. She had come back into his life at the precise moment he had needed her.

He contacted the official who ensured him he would be able to attend without causing too much of an uproar. Jon was only too aware of what his presence would do at an event like this. He didn't want anything to be taken away from the victims or their families by him being recognized. This was not a day for him, it was not a day for fans, it was not a day for signatures, it was not a publicity stunt, and it was not a case of having his face in the right spot at the right time. It was his last chance to say goodbye to a beautiful woman he loved so much. A woman that had given him so much. A woman that had taught him so much about himself. A woman that shared so much of herself with him. A woman that he will treasure in his heart forever, for the rest of his life.

*** *** *** ***

© 2007 Cindi – Today.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 46

chapter 46

The rescuers worked well into the night. They were still pulling live bodies from the wreckage. With each one they would be examined on the spot and taken away for further treatment if necessary. The tiny Norfolk Island hospital was over loaded and couldn’t cope with the emergency, and the influx of so many people needing treatment. A small medical team were dispatched from Australia to assist.

It was determined by day break that the vast majority of the survivors would need treatment beyond what could be given at NI Hospital. A army of medics assisted in loading those in need of special care on to a helicopter and transported them to Australia taking them to emergency rooms within close proximity to the coastline.

As the rescue came to an end, it was revealed that 44 of the 182 people on board the plane lost their lives that day.

There were many and varied conditions that were ailing those rescued. Many with broken bones, and others with broken spirits. So many could not be identified. Passenger lists were checked twice to try to identify those whose identification had been lost in the crash.

The hospitals were overrun, they were so busy and short staffed, no one was prepared for an event like this. Working double shifts around the clock they were able to care for the individual needs of each patient. They had never seen an event such as this on Australian shores.

*** *** *** ***

It has been 4 days since the plane went down and Jon had been on the phone for most of that time. He had not slept in days. He literally had not put his head down. Krystal had arrived home with Richie and both Jon and her had spent the time together, he on his phone her on hers trying to find Megan. He had called every possible contact he had ever known that could help, with no luck. He called the Australian embassy, with no luck. He called every hospital Krystal could remember, with no luck. Krystal called her friends to see if they could find out anything. No one seemed to know where Megan was or what her medical condition was.

Still Jon didn't give up hope.

3 days later Jon received a call from the Australian embassy informing him that there had been no evidence that Megan had survived the impact of the initial crash. All his and Krystal’s efforts had been fruitless. The devastation they both felt was incredulous. Jon's legs went from under him from sheer exhaustion and he landed on the couch behind, where he just sobbed. He took Krystal in his arms and the two remained like that for some time just trying to come to terms with this tragedy that had touched not only their lives but the lives of so many other innocent victims. There is no distinction with an event like this. Its like a lottery, you have no control as to who it will touch and who it won't. You cannot decide if you will be one of its victims, or if you will be one of the few that were spared. You do however become acutely aware of the fragility of life. Regardless of how you are touched by it.

Jon was informed that there would be a memorial service for the victims of flight 113 and if he wished to attend, all care would be taken to ensure his anonymity.

*** *** *** ***

you are on chapter 46 of day to day

copywrite cindi today 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 45

The plane hurtled towards the earth as the pilot struggled to get it under control amidst the screams from the passengers and smoke still billowing from the right engine. The pilots efforts appeared to be fruitless until the very last minute before impact, when suddenly the nose of the plane pulled up enough so that the plane glided for several hundred meters until it bounced and skid along the top of the water no doubt lessening the impact and devastation as it came to rest with its nose embedded deep in the sand bank on the edge of the water on a small island off the coast of Australia.

*** *** *** ***

Jon had tried to call Megan several times but each time it went through to her voice mail. Eventually he gave up coming to the conclusion that she simply didn’t want to talk to him. He hardly blamed her though. He understood that she must be going through so much. And she was going through it all alone.

He and Dot had had words after Megan had left, neither of them were right. Dot had to admit though that if she knew all those months ago that Jon’s affair would come to this she would never have consented, no matter how lonely he was. Hindsight is indeed a wonderful thing. She too couldn’t help but feel for Megan. This would have to be a very difficult time for her. And now she was totally alone. Krystal was here with Richie. Jon was here with her. Megan was on a plane somewhere over the ocean, dealing with this on her own.

*** *** *** ***

Dot was in the kitchen listening to the TV as she made herself a cuppa when there was a break in regular transmission with news highlights. Not paying a great deal of attention until the presenter mentioned that Flight 113 to Australia had crashed into the sea landing with its nose deep in the earth on the coastline of Norfolk Island. Apparently the pilot had done all he could by redirecting the plane to the closest stretch of land with a runway that might have been just big enough to land the plane. Unfortunately the plane went down before it got to the runway. There are no reports of survivors at this stage. However the presenter went on. News on the hour should have more information.

“OMG.” She put down her coffee and ran through the house calling Jon. Finding him in his studio she filled him in on what she had heard. She watched the colour drain form his face before he went into crisis mode and automatic pilot switched on.

“She just can’t get a break. But let’s not panic yet. Let’s just go in and watch the news. They will have more details by now." Not wanting to panic just yet, he and Dot went into the living room and turned on the Plasma and watched the live broadcast of the crash on the 5 o’clock news.

Sitting on the couch Jon still looking at the TV screen was shocked at the devastation. The plane was half submerged in the water and half embedded in the sand and rock off the coast line. It was hard to believe that anyone could have survived it. He knew he had to prepare himself for the worst.

There were rescuers probably mostly people from the local community crawling all over the plane calling for survivors. Lifting pieces of luggage and chunks of plane and looking underneath for anyone that may be under the debris. There were people still strapped to their seats covered in blood. Some were obviously dead, others were crying out in pain. These ones were attended to and then left as they were going to be ok and the rescuers had to find others who had not been in the safety of their seats.

Angry at the network for showing something like this live at this time of the day but thankful that they were at the same time Jon looked frantically for Megan. He couldn’t see her anywhere. He had no idea where she would have been sitting in the plane. The front of the plane was completely destroyed the roof was gone. The side panels of the plane had been ripped off on impact and it was quite obvious that not many up the front would have survived. And the back end was still covered so he was unable to see in. All that was really recognizable and gave one the assurance that it actually was a plane was the tail sticking out of the water facing towards the beach.

Jon, trying to remain calm but feeling as though he was loosing the ability to do so, called his contacts and asked for any other information. At that stage there had been nothing new to tell him and he requested to be contacted as soon as there was any information at all, good or bad, on Megan Johnson. Jon was assured that he would be the first to know, but he needed to be patient as the rescue mission will be going on for some time yet. At least well into the night, if not the whole night and into the morning.

Jon had paced up and down for hours clutching his mobile phone waiting for the all important call letting him know that Megan was ok. Or at least that she had been found. . He had called Krystal to fill her in and likewise she was worried and wanted to know anything that Jon would find out. He assured her she would know as soon as he did.

You are on chapter 45 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – Today

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 44

Chapter 44

Jon and Dorothea sat stunned. Dot was feeling pretty silly. She never got angry, but the prospect of Megan having Jon’s child and the impact that would have had on her own family was enough to throw Dot over the edge. She realized now although it was too late, that she should have handled the situation differently. It did not enter her head that Megan could be seriously ill.

Jon stood and walked around the room in shock. “Cancer? Oh my god. Poor Megan.” He instinctively tired to call her pulling his phone out of his pocket he dialed her number. She saw his number on her phone and refused to answer it. Turning the phone off. She didn’t want to talk to him right now. Things had not been said the way she imagined they would have been.

Megan sat in the taxi and cried the whole way to the airport. How could Jon think she wouldn’t tell him? Did he not know her at all after all this time? The tears fell so hard, her face was swollen and red by the time she got there. After paying for her ride she went to the restroom and washed her face and freshened up.

An hour later she boarded the plane for the 14 hour flight home. She was glad there would be so much distance between them. It will help her to heal emotionally. She knew now after this that she and Jon wouldn’t have a relationship. She knew at this point their love would never be united again. She would never feel his hands on her body; never feel his warm breath on her skin. Never see his beautiful blue eyes face to face, she would never taste him, never smell him, and feel him. The tears began to fall again. If only she had been pregnant.

Megan tried to sleep but the plane hit turbulence several times and she would be jolted awake. After three hours she got up to stretch her legs and ordered a bottle of water on her way back from the bathroom. She sat down and opened the bottle of water as she turned her phone back on. Maybe Krystal had been trying to call. She had several messages from Jon. He wanted to speak to her; he didn’t want things to end like this. She didn’t either. She understood why Jon was silent when her and Dot were arguing, but it didn’t make it any easier. She knew she would have to talk to him if he called again. Which he did just ten minutes later.

“Megan please don’t hang up. I need to talk to you.”

“Jon we have nothing further to say. I am on my way back to Sydney….”

“Megan. Megan are you there? Megan….” Jon heard a few bangs and bumping noises on the other end of the line.

“Yes Jon I am still here. Sorry, the plane hit turbulence and I dropped the phone. I am on my way back to Sydney” she continued “to get treatment. Apparently this doctor here is the best there is. So I will be in good hands."

“Megan I am so sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry Jon, You didn’t give me cancer. You have broken my heart but you didn’t give me cancer.” The plane hit turbulence once again, and the light came on for her to fasten her seat belt. Jon could hear through her phone that the pilot was saying something, but couldn't make it out. She said that she would have to go.

Apparently the plane is having problems and they have asked her to fasten her seatbelt and turn off her phone. “Madam”, the hostess said. “I need you to fasten your seat belt, now please.”

“Yes I will do it now.”

“I have to go Jon. Good bye. I'll call you when I land” She said as she struggled to find the other end of her seatbelt. She clicked the two ends together and said. “Take care of yourself Jon. I will always love you.”

She pulled the phone away from her ear and went to tuck it into her purse as there was a large bang from the right engine of the plane and a large trail of smoke flowing behind it. All of a sudden the nose of the plane dropped towards the earth. The hostesses were running around frantically telling everyone to fasten their seat belts and assume the emergency position. The public address system was intermittent with the pilot trying to reassure everyone that all was fine and under control. They were flying over the ocean and there was no land of suitable size to land a jet on. Panic set in among the travelers. The plane jerked and jumped. One second the nose was down and suddenly it would come back up again. The passengers could hear the pilot calling “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday” followed be some numbers. Clearly everything was not under control.

There seemed to be nothing that could be done, and the plane took a nose dive towards the earth not far from a small island. The last thing Megan thought before the plane went down was the words of Alanis Morissette’ song Ironic.

And as the plane crashed down he thought
Well isn't this nice..........
It's meeting the man of my dreams
And then meeting his beautiful wife
And isn't it ironic...don't you think
A little too ironic...and, yeah, I really do think...

To be continued ……………………………sometime in the near future.

Thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and to those who might read in the future. Especially thanks to all those who left comments, its the comments that make it worth while, they are so encourgaing.


I will continue the story but at the moment I cant dedicate the time to it that is needed.

You are on chapter44 Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Day to Day Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Shock suddenly hit Megan. She put down the iced tea for fear she would throw it at Dorothea, or Jon for sitting there and saying nothing. The truth is he was torn between the two. He had to be loyal to his wife by sticking by her, the way she had done for him all these years. But in doing so he was betraying Megan. Whatever he chose to do would have been wrong.

Megan rose from her chair; she was being naive if she though it would end any other way. She ran her fingers through her hair and walked over to Jon and softly pecked him on the cheek and told him that she was going back to Australia. She had no idea when or if she would be back. Sadness filled his eyes. If she was carrying his child he would more than likely never see it.

“Megan” he said finally. “Is it fair to me to leave? This is my child too.”

“Jon. I can’t believe you. You actually want her to keep this child?” Dorothea turned to walk out the door. However Megan called after her and asked her not to go. Suddenly angry, beyond comprehension.

“Dorothea can you come and sit down next to Jon please so that I can say what I came here to say? I have a taxi waiting out side and I don’t have any more time to waste.” She waited for Dot to sit. She took a deep breath and ran her fingers through her hair again as she said. “Dorothea, What Jon and I have done for the last year or so is completely wrong, we both know that. As beautiful as it was it was wrong, as you have also pointed out to him. However it has to be stated that you have allowed Jon and I to carry on our secret affair. If I remember correctly you personally gave me your permission to sleep with your husband. You pushed me into your husbands bed. You encouraged me to be his mistress, you told me it would be good for him.”

“Don’t blame me for your predicament Megan, just because I love my husband enough to allow him some freedom. It was you at the end of the day that chose to have sex with a married man. Maybe if you didn’t want to be a single parent you should have chosen someone who wasn’t already attached.”

"I know that Dorothea, but I can’t take all the blame for that. Jon was also involved here. I didn’t have sex with him without his consent. He freely gave himself to me too.” Megan was becoming frustrated, “Dorothea we are getting off the track. I have not even told you I’m pregnant. You have jumped to conclusions that are false.”

“So you are denying it then? You are not carrying Jon’s child?”

The tone of Dot’s words were stabbing to Megan. She would have loved nothing more than to be carrying Jon’s child. And told Dot so. “Dot, If I had the pleasure of carrying Jon’s child I would be the happiest woman in the world.“ She said as the tears began to spring to her eyes. Determined she would not cry in front of Jon but also realizing she didn’t have the strength to stop herself, Megan picked up her handbag and turned to walk out the door. Just as she reached the door she turned back and looked Dorothea straight in the eyes and said “Dot I love your husband so very much it hurts. I know that he will never be mine. I know that he would never leave you or your children. That is why I took precautions even when Jon didn’t to make sure that I would not get pregnant and be the one to break up your family. I have been insulted in the worst possible way by you today. And I hardly think that I am totally to blame. If I did get pregnant I would not have expected Jon to do anything about it and I most certainly would not have used the miracle of a child to blackmail him in anyway. But unfortunately Dot, I am not pregnant. I wish to God I was, but I am not.” She said as the tears began to fall. “I have Breast Cancer” She said as she walked out the door not giving either of them the opportunity to reply, and got in the taxi to take her to the airport.

You are on chapter43 Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Day to Day Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Megan called Jon’s number one more time and thankfully he was there. She told him that she had to fly out today but she wanted to stop by and see him before she left. Megan told him that it was an emergency and she was stopping by whether he liked it or not.

Her flight was booked for 6:45pm. It was now 2:30 pm. The taxi arrived and the driver helped Megan load her belongings into the car. On the way to the airport Megan asked the driver to stop off at Jon’s and to wait for her.

She exited the car and closed the door. Nervously she made her way up the few steps to Jon’s front door and pressed the intercom.

It took several minutes for the door to be opened. Standing in front of Megan was Dot. She was not very pleased to see Megan standing there but she was her usual polite self and reluctantly invited her in. Megan waited in the sitting room until Jon arrived. He greeted her with a kiss the same was he has everytime he saw her. Dorothea arrived with refreshments just as Megan asked Jon to sit as there was something she needed to discuss with him.

Dorothea’s blood ran cold. She knew she was pregnant, she knew Megan had come here to tell Jon she was carrying his child.

“Megan, Are you alright? You don’t look the best?” Jon asked as he handed her a glass of iced tea. He noticed her hands were shaking, she was nervous.

Taking a sip, she sat back and said, “Um, no. Not exactly. I have just come back from the Doctor. I have had some tests done as you know over the last few days. I got the results this morning.” Megan took a deep breath. She never thought she would be telling Jon Bon Jovi that she was a ticking time bomb. That there was a chance that this is the very last time she would ever see him. The thought of never being able to hold him, to kiss him, to love him ever again was almost overwhelming. The tears burned at the back of her eyes, she was determined not to cry. She didn’t want this visit with Jon to end sadly. She wanted him to remember her as a happy beautiful woman, who enjoyed his company and that the time she had spent with Jon was the highlight of her life. The only thing that would even come close to topping it would be if that Doctor in Australia could infact cure her. If she died today, she would die happy knowing that she had not only known Jon but loved him.

“Oh my God”. Dorothea chimed in as she lowered her body to sit in the chair opposite Megan, suddenly with a look in her eyes that Megan had never seen before. Jon knew it all too well though. He had observed it many times over the last few days.

“Dot, don’t. Don’t say another word. Just let Megan speak.” Jon didn’t want a confrontation between the two women. The two women he had loved, both for a very long time.

She rose as suddenly as she sat. “Let her speak? Jon, I am a very patient woman you know that and I always try to keep an even keel, so that the boat is never rocked. But I am not going to sit here and take this. I will not sit here and listen to this woman destroy my family. A family that I have worked very hard to keep together.” Directing her anger to Megan now, Dorothea said to her, “Megan how could you do this? How could you do this to Jon? His children? His reputation?”

Although Megan was shocked at Dot’s outburst she just sat and listened to her, she had no desire or the energy to fight with her. With anyone actually. Her time from this point on was way too precious to waste on arguments.

“Well, are you just going to sit there and say nothing?”

“What would you like me to say Dot that would please you the most. I have obviously done something to upset you. Maybe if you were a little clearer in your accusations I would have an inkling as to what you would like most to hear.” Megan was slightly confused. She had not seen Dot at all since the wedding and was unsure of what it was that has happened to cause her to behave like this.

“What would I like you to say? Ok well..” Jon sat with his head in his hands, Megan observed that He looked tired.

“Dot please” he pleaded. “Don’t do this. If Megan has something to say she will say it in her own time.”

“Yes I bet she will. When it’s too late to do anything about it. And then she will not only have destroyed you but our family. No Jon, I’m not going to sit back and say nothing. A woman has to fight for what is hers. And this family means way too much to me to let some young floozy take it away from me.”

“Oh my good. You think I’m pregnant, don’t you.” She looked at Dot questioningly.

“No, Megan. I know you are. I have been waiting for you to tell us for a week. I have been waiting for Jon to go and speak to you about it.” Megan thought back to just yesterday when Jon came to visit, and they had made love in her bedroom. She wondered if that was the last time they would ever make love and she treasured that memory. Dot paused to take a quick breath, “I want to know what is going on. I want to know how far along you are. I want to know what you are going to do about it. You obviously can’t keep the child. My children would never live through the shame of their father having an illegitimate child with his mistress. Or if you are too far gone how much would it cost for you to keep it a secret? Or Megan do you want the world to know you are carrying my husbands baby?”

You are on Chapter 42 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 41

Chapter 41

“Megan Dear”, the DR said as he came and sat beside her. He went into detail of her illness and the treatment she would require.

“Oh my goodness.” Megan said as she sat stunned. “Are you absolutely certain? Is there any possibility you could be wrong?”

“There is always the possibility we are wrong but we ran the tests several times to make sure we were infact correct. I have no doubt what-so-ever that the diagnosis is 100% correct.”

“Can I be cured Doctor?. Am I going to die?”

“Lets not jump the gun yet Megan. We don’t want to have you dead and buried quite so soon. Now, we have great surgeons here that will be able to handle your treatment suitably, However I do have very high regard for a young doctor in Australia who is practicing a knew but rather radical method of treating people with your condition. It would require you to either travel back and forth or move there for the duration of your treatment which would be about six months. Plus you would also need follow ups. He is very good, and has a great success rate. But Megan I really need you to understand that even though he is the absolute best Dr for you right now I cannot guarantee that he will cure you.”

**** **** **** ****

What the doctor said had an enormous impact on Megan. As she sat at the kitchen table of Richie’s Estate so many thoughts went through her head. She remembered her childhood with her mother and father and her sister. They were such a happy family. Her dad would carry her on his shoulders as they walked along the beach, her mother would knit them warm jumpers for school so they were never met the cold of winter without something to protect them. She remembered the games she used to play with her sister...The times when they went out to play, the times when they talked about the girly things in life, the times they double dated. There was so much to think about and ponder over. Megan was lucky she had lived a full life to date, and other than the sad passings of a few people that she dearly loved she had had a very happy life and considered herself blessed to have been able to live it.

She had the business to think about. The Johnson Foundation. Krystal also had to be told. She would be home at the end of the week. Megan’s sister had to be found. Where was she? Megan had no idea. Her friends, how would they take the news? How would she tell them? And then Jon. Dear, beautiful Jon, whom she loved so dearly. What would she tell him? Should she tell him? She was after all the other women. Does he have any right to know? Jon would never have left Dorothea for Megan, she knows that. She knew it right from the start. So did she really owe it to him to tell him? Of course she did. She knew she did. She knew she had to tell him. But how?

Running her fingers through her hair she rose from the table and opened her telephone index and called Jon’s number. Megan had no idea what she was going to say to him. Nervously she clutched the phone receiver and listened to it ring. It rang several times until the answer machine chimed in. She didn’t leave a message. This was certainly not the sort of thing you would discuss on ones answering machine. It’s not something Jon would get pleasure out of listening to. She needed to tell him face to face. Megan placed the phone back on its hook and went up to her room.

She had so many things to sort out and so little time to do it in. She had to call Damien and settle things with work. She had to book her flight. Thankfully she had a residence in Sydney that she was so looking forward to seeing again. At least accommodation was one thing she didn’t need to organize. She also had many relatives in Australia that she would very much enjoy seeing again.

She had so many arrangements to make it was overwhelming. For once she actually wished she had of gotten married, at least then she wouldn’t be doing this on her own. If it were any consolation she confessed, it was that at least she knew she had time enough to arrange everything.

Megan made the necessary calls; she contacted her solicitor regarding her will. Just incase it was needed. Everything would be left to Krystal, with the exception of the business. Damien and Megan always had an agreement that he knew if anything ever happened to her he would continue the Foundation.

She needed to find her sister. She had no idea where to start looking. She contacted Greenpeace; they said they would get back to her when they had tracked her sister down. She called the airline and booked her flight to Sydney. She gained comfort in the fact that she would be going home. To her real home. She had been away for so long it was a lovely feeling to know she would be going back. She longed to walk off the plane at Mascot airport and smell that familiar aroma that only Sydney has. She couldn’t wait to look out her apartment window and watch the sun rise, and see the Harbour Bridge, and the Opera House, and Mrs. Macquarie’s chair. The sights of Sydney were overwhelming and suddenly she did feel very home sick. A long walk along her favourite beach. She wondered what ever possessed her to leave it in the first place.

Megan had hoped to be able to wait until Krystal came back to tell her face to face, but the Doctor had stressed the importance of getting immediate treatment. Megan had no choice but to telephone her friend and tell her that what was wrong with her and that she needed to get back to Australia for the treatment.

With everything packed Megan called a Taxi to take her to the airport. She went down to the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee and waited for it to arrive.

You are on chapter 41 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Day to Day Chapter 40

Day to Day Chapter 40

Megan was at the Dr's rooms 10 minutes before her appointment and she sat uneasily in the chair waiting for her name to be called. She felt tired today. It had been a very big few days and yesterday with Jon was amazing. She certainly didn't expect him to come and visit her, and she certainly didn't expect that he would make love to her. He knew how to push all her buttons, and he did it will. She knew that he would be able to get her to do anything he wanted. She had become putty in his hands.

Megan was still thinking of how it felt to have Jon deep in the back of her throat when she heard Doctor Whitaker call her name. She rose from her seat with a shy smirk. If only he knew what I was smirking at!

"Good morning Megan. How are you feeling today?"

"Good, just a little tired. But I have had a lot on lately, so I guess I’m just slightly run down. I'll feel not so tired when I get to relax a bit. How did you go with the test results?"

"Well actually Megan, it might be sometime before you get to relax and rid yourself of that tiredness."

"Doctor", she said taking a deep breath "What is wrong with me?"

She felt fine other than the tiredness today. She slept half decently, she had not had any nausea, she had not had any headaches, she had not thrown up, she was back on her food, and she had earth shattering sex with Jon Bon Jovi yesterday. What on earth could he think is wrong with her?

"DO ytou have family here Megan?"

"Yes, I have a sister who is somewhere in the world trying to save the whales, or the rain forests from being cut down, but heavens only knows where she is. Both my parents died when I was only as teenager. Why?"

Ignoring her question as to why the Doctor went on to say, "Do you have a good network of friends? Friends that will be there when you really need them?" She thought about Krystal, Megan knew Krystal would be back in just a few days from her very brief honeymoon. She would not have survived all these years without her. Krystal although at times was somewhat silly she had been Megan’s rock. When times got tough Krystal was the one that would sit down with Megan and have a few drinks and talk about what was wrong and they would come up with a plan together to fix it. She remembered back to when her parents died, Krystal was there for her. When she moved the business to the USA to try to expand it, Krystal was there with her support, she had looked upon it as an adventure. If the business failed to take of in the USA at least they would have had a lovely holiday and the chance of a lifetime. But as it turned out all went well and they stayed to watch the business thrive.

“Doctor, what is wrong with me? I’m not the sort of person who appreciates you dancing around the topic. If you know what is wrong with me then I will cope better if you just spit it out and tell me straight. But please don’t show me this disrespect by not telling me what it is.”

“OK. Megan” The Doctor said taking a breath. I am asking you these questions simply because I think it would be best for you if you had someone here with you while I told you the findings. But if this is the way you want it.”

“Yes it is.” she prompted.

The Doctor leant back in his chair and picked up Megan’s files. He placed his spectacles on his nose and after taking another deep breathe he began. “Megan we have ran every test known to man to find out what it wrong with you. I can rule out pregnancy and I think you already knew you weren’t pregnant anyway, I have ruled out Hodgkin’s Lymphoma – which is what I thought it to be. And to be honest with you I had hoped it was that. However…….”

Megan didn’t hear a word after the Doctor said that. She knew about Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, her aunty had had it when Megan was young. She knew what her aunty had gone threw. She had sat and watched her throw up after her chemo; she went wig shopping with her when her hair had fallen out. And Megan remembered her mother sitting with her Aunt when it all just got too much and she needed just to sit and cry. It was an awful time and something she would never forget. What the hell is wrong with me?

“I’m sorry Doctor, I missed what you just said. If its not hodgkins lymphoma the what is it?"

You are on chapter 40 of Day to Day

© 2007 Cindi – today
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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