Friday, January 18, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 52

Chapter 52

The weeks went on and Megan progressed nicely, she had began to have flash backs and felt sure that her memory was going to return anytime soon. Each morning when she awoke she felt today was the day, only to go to bed that night with nothing new for Sheree to write down. As each day passed she began to feel discouraged. Sheree had just returned from her break in the tea room and as she entered Megans room she found her in tears. "Jane what is wrong? Why are you crying? Are you in pain? Can I get you something?"

"No" she said as she wiped at her tears, "I guess I am just getting a little frustrated that’s all. I feel I am so close but each day comes to an end and I am no closer to finding out who I am. All I know is that I know someone named Jon or at least something about someone named Jon. But I have no idea what."

Sheree pulled up a chair and sat beside Megan on the bed. "Jane" she said. Megan nodded; she had finally somewhat reluctantly become accustomed to being called Jane even though she knew in her heart it wasn't her name. “I have just come back from the lunch room where I had my break and I was listening to the girls gossiping. I often sit there with my book pretending to read while I listen to them talking. Its amazing what one can learn from women who indulge in idol gossip, especially when they think you are not listening." She gave a sneaky smile. "The reason I am telling you this is because I think the memory of the name Jon is significant."

Megan looked puzzled."Why" she asked as she rubbed her temple, she had one killer headache.

"Well, is it possible you actually know Jon Bon Jovi?"

She thought for a second, shaking her head. "I don’t know, why?" Megan had focused for so long on the name Jon and given the fact that Jon Bon Jovi was an international rock star she didn't dwell too much on the thought that her Jon could be him. "No, I don’t think so. But I can't remember."

"Jane, the girls in the lunch room were gossiping and there is a rumor going about that JBJ or at least someone who looked like him was at the memorial service for those who lost their lives in the crash. Now I’m not saying that he was their for you but don't you think its a bit of a coincidence that the first thing you remember is the name Jon and that it appears that that Jon", Sheree indicated to the TV in the corner of the room. "was there. It’s very coincidental if you ask me. Maybe something that needs some careful consideration Jane."

Megans headache had worsened. "Sheree my name is not Jane. I am completely certain of that." She said rubbing her temple. However she let a cheeky smile come to her lips she looked up at Sheree and said "Do you think it’s possible that I could know him?" She smiled.

The nurse said "Hey I don’t know but it wouldn’t be all bad if you did."

"No it sure wouldn't."Megan concentrated hard on it for a few days but nothing came to mind. Sheree on the other hand had decided to look into it. It was much too much of a coincidence for it not to be him. Megan had not responded to anything significant until she saw Jon on the screen that day. She knew there had to be a connection somehow. She has a good friend who works for Maidens Brush Records and decided to ask him if there was any thruth to the rumours she had heard in the lunch room

A week later Sheree popped her head into Megans room to tell her that she would be in after lunch to have a chat with her, she found her doing her exercises, she was getting stronger each and everyday. She was now almost strong enough to walk unaided. It was a huge improvement on the previous week. Megan appeared to be in a much better frame of mind.

*** *** *** ***

Jon and Richie went head long into writing, and came up with some fantastic stuff. Richie was so impressed that he had told Krystal when he got home that he felt what they had put together that day would hit the charts hard. Jon was using all he had to put it in to song. And it was paying off.

The next day however, in the studio Jon had received a call from Maidens Brush Records and spoke at length with a man named Richard. Jon was cautious not to give anything away. The last thing he needed was to have his affair broadcast all over the world. Richard gave Jon a phone number. Richard explained "This number was the number of the nurse who was looking after the woman they are calling Jane Doe. Just give her a call mate. It can't hurt anything. You might be able to identify this poor woman." Jon wrote the number down and intended to call as soon as he had a moment alone.

You are on Chapter 52 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi - Today

Monday, January 14, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Megan woke the next morning before breakfast to Sheree standing beside her bed checking the machines at work. All was in order she told her.

"Good morning Jane, how did you sleep?"

Megan still felt odd being called Jane. She knew it wasn't her name but still had no idea what her own name was. "I slept well thank you."

"Did you have any dreams or recollections at all?"

"No, none that I can remember. But I am still certain my name is not Jane."

Smiling Sheree said, "Yes I am certain your name is not Jane as well. You are far too beautiful to be simply just a plain Jane. But until we find out who you are it will just have to do. We need to call you something, and the beautiful lady in room 16 wore off after Day 1, so honey for now you're just stuck with Jane. Ok?"


"Don't worry you will remember, just give your self time." Sheree said squeezing Megan’s hand. She went on, "Today we are going to get you started on your rehabilitation. You have been lying in this bed with us doing your daily exercises to try to keep your muscles as strong as possible but unfortunately it’s not the same, and you have suffered some muscle wastage. Now that you are awake we will commence you on a light regime of exercises that you will need to try to do, the nurses will help you with then so don't worry. You need to do them so that we can get you strong again."

Megan cooperated with the nursing staff and did her daily exercises without any complaints. After all this time she was more than willing to cooperate. Although she had started having flash backs there was nothing concrete to tell her clearly who she was or what was going on. She really just had to trust the nursing staff and put her faith in them, which after this amount of time was becoming easier by the day.

143 days after the plane crash Megan was on her bed with two nurses either side of her assisting her in her daily routine which had now became second nature to her. The nurses were assisting her to stand; they had been working for weeks now to rebuild the muscles that had wasted away from not being used. Although the staff had performed passive exercises on her it was now her turn to do the hard work. She was getting stronger all the time and they were really proud of her progress. 10 minutes into her 15 minute routine the three women were all drawn to the television that had been left on in the corner of her room. It was a re-run of SNL which was often played in Australia long after it had aired elsewhere around the world. Steadying herself Megan looked up at it. Immediately she knew who it was she was looking at. Although she didn't know why. The 2 nurses both giggled and commented on how lovely Jon Bon Jovi was. They continued to comment on him. Megan stood as best she could and just looked, no she stared at Jon. Why did he seem so familiar to her? She put it down to the fact that he was who he was. Everyone in the world knew him by sight. There was just something about him though, she couldn't put her finger on it but felt sure it would come to her in time. She just looked and stared. Both the nurses laughed and one of them said. "Jane, do you know who that is?"

"Yes I do, its Jon Bon Jovi, isn’t it?"

"Yes it sure is, the sexiest man in the world if you ask me."

"Well at least the part of your brain that can remember a sexy man isn't affected by your memory loss." Said the other nurse.

In a flash Jon was gone, but he lingered in her mind for a long time. Megan decided maybe it was something she should tell Sheree when she comes in. Maybe there was someone out there named Jon who was waiting for her to wake up. But then again if there was someone out there wouldn't they have reported her as missing by now? Maybe they thought she was dead, maybe they thought she had infact died in this plane crash.

*** *** *** ***

Sheree came into her room some hours later and saw that Megan was looking puzzled. Placing the blood pressure band around her arm she said to Megan, "Jane is there something wrong? Your blood pressure is up a little."

"I don't know" she replied. "Today when the physio team was here we were half way through doing our exercises and something came on the television that seemed familiar."

"What happened?” said Sheree as she grabbed Megans chart ready to write anything down that could be noteworthy.

"Jon Bon Jovi came on the screen and I don't know why but I knew him, or at least his name. Could it be that it has triggered something in my mind, my memory?"

"Well it could, but I guess we won't know for sure until you remember something else pertaining to him or the name Jon. At least it is a start Jane. Look at it positively. It is a start. "

"Jon? Why do I know that name?" she mumbled.

"Um, maybe because he is the sexiest man in the world"

"Yes" Megan gave a smile. "That’s what the other girls said. He is pretty good looking, but for some reason I think I know him. But I can't explain why."

*** *** *** ***

You are on chapter 51 of Day to Day
(C) 2007 Condi - Today

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 50

Chapter 50

Megan nodded. Sheree continued. "You have been in a plane crash sweetie. 70 days ago there was a flight from the USA to Australia. On that flight the pilot had a few problems and the plane went down. It crashed on Norfolk Island when it attempted to land. The local folk rescued as many people as they could. And took them to their local hospital. They were very swift given their limited resources. They are not equipped to cope with this kind of thing. You stayed there for 6 days until you were transferred here. And you my dear have been here with us ever since. The only thing we are not sure on with all of that is whether you were on the ground or on the plane when it went down. This is what we need your help on. Does any of that ring any bells with you?"

Megan shook her head.”No." she said.

"That’s ok. It’s normal for you not to remember. But you will have one heck of a story to tell your grand kids one day, when it all comes back. You have been in a coma for the entire duration of your stay here. And today is the first day we have been blessed with your beautiful eyes."

"In a coma? 70 days?" Megan was repeating what the nurse had said. Trying to put it in some sort of sequence in her head.

Touching the side of Megans face she said, "Don't be alarmed. Memory loss is usually temporary. I have no doubt you will make a full recovery. We will just take it slow, and if you remember anything, anything at all I want you to call out to me or whoever else is on duty. We need to write it down so that it can be used to help you in your recovery. Deal?"

"Deal" Megan said feeling quite tired. Closing her eyes and almost instantly going to sleep.

The doctor was quite impressed with how the session went. He and his favorite nurse, Sheree had mastered the art of finding out as much as a person could remember without the patient even realizing they were being examined. Lessening the trauma once they realize they have had a serious head injury. Serious enough to put them in a coma for 70 days.

Megan woke several hours later to a very quiet room. She could hear the familiar sounds of the machines going on around her but she could hear nothing else. There were none of the sounds she heard before she went to sleep. There didn't appear to be anyone here. She assumed it was night.

She lay there for quite some time just trying to put everything into perspective. "What happened to me, how did it happen? How long will it be before I remember something? Will I remember?" All were frightening things to ponder. Megan felt certain she would remember but it was really just a matter of when. She fell back to sleep in the hope that in the morning when she awoke once again she would have something to tell Sheree.

*** *** *** ***

Jon and Krystal returned home and as the weeks went on they tried their best to deal with Megans loss. Jon was thankful for his light workload. Thankful that it was the end of the tour. He could wallow in self pity in private for a change. It beat the hell out of pretending everything was fine to his all important, adoring public.

Dot was very supportive during Jons grief. She understood how much Megan had meant to him.

Jon would spend many nights lying awake just thinking about the times they had shared. He remembered them all. Quite often he found himself going into the studio and turning his turmoil into a strong and heartfelt ballad. Using his grief as inspiration.

Jon was in danger of slipping into the depths of depression and was determined not to allow that to happen again. He had too many things to keep him focused ion life. He had a wife that loved him enough to allow him to love another and she had given him 4 beautiful children. She had allowed him to live his life his way and she had stood by him thoroughout. He had a job he absolutely loved. And he was lucky enough to work with a great bunch of guys whom he considered his brothers, his family. No, the depths of depression were not going to hit Jon Bon Jovi. He was sure of that. No, He would do what he always did and throw himself into his work and write songs that would go gold or platinum. That is how he would deal with losing Megan.

*** *** *** ***

You are on chapter 50 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi - Today.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 49

Chapter 49

Everything was strange. Megan was so confused she couldn’t understand what was going on. The room was full of faces she had never seen before and she unconsciously began to cry. Everything was overwhelming. The Doctor entered the room behind the nursing staff and after viewing Megan he quietly asked them to give her some space. They all left with the exception of the first voice she had heard and the doctor. Later she found out that lovely voice whom she would come to know so well was a nurse named Sheree.

As the Doctor approached her bedside he said, “Well, good day to you Jane. How are you feeling?"

"Jane?” I felt foreign to Megan, "My name is Jane?"Megan had no idea who she was.

The elderly gentleman took his hand in hers and said, "Oh dear. I am so sorry. You have been with us for some time now and we have had no idea who you were so we called you Jane.......Jane Doe. It’s the name we give those who we are yet to identify. I have been in to see you everyday and have called you Jane on each occasion; it was just force of habit. I do apologize." said the kindly doctor

The nurse who was checking her vitals asked her how she was feeling. Megan replied that she didn't know. “I can't feel anything."

"Ok, now that you are awake we will give you a good going over and see what we can find huh? What do you say do you feel up to it?" Sheree asked her.

"Yes I guess so"

"OK. Good. Let’s start by talking to you. How do you feel?

“Good I think, I don’t really know. As I said, I can’t feel anything”

“That’s good; don’t worry about that I'll explain that in a moment. Can you tell me your name?”

"No, I can’t remember."

“That’s ok, it will come to you.”

“The reason you can't feel anything is because you have been given a block to prevent you from moving. Just incase you awoke when no one was here and it startled you. It happens a lot. People wake up and try to move not understanding that they may harm themselves if they do. It frightens them because they don't know where they are. That is why you are unable to 'feel' anything. Now that you are awake we can decrease the sedatives and assess you physically but not only that we can also assess your state of mind. Ok so far?"


"Do you have any questions for me?"

"Where am I?"

"You are at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney."

"What am I doing here? How long have I been here?"

"Recuperating. 64 days." she answered the questions respectively."What happened?"

"Why don't you tell me?"The doctor remained quiet during this time. He sat in the chair at Megan’s bedside. She was unable to see him but could hear him writing things down each time she spoke.

"I don't know what happened." Megan lay with her eyes closed trying frantically to recall something to her memory. There was nothing. Everything just seemed black.

"How did I get here?"

"You arrived by helicopter. Do you remember that? Close your eyes again and relax. Just try to see what is in your minds eye. Anything you remember may be very helpful."

Megan lay for a few minutes and still there was nothing. The nurse then continued. "Can you tell me your name yet?” She said in a soft voice. Smiling at Megan she said, ”Wouldn't it be ironic if it was infact Jane."Megan’s eyes sprang open catching the nurse by surprise. "What is it?"

"I don't know. But when you said that it seemed familiar."

"What? When I said what? Sometimes the last thing you hear is the first thing called back to your mind. What did I say that triggered something with you?"

"When you said 'Wouldn't it be ironic'. I know that is weird but it sounds familiar."

"Ok that’s something we can work on." Megan heard the Doctor scribbling something down once again.

Megan looked into the kindly blue eyes of Sheree and asked her once again as the tears began to fall. "What happened? Why am I here?"

Sitting on the edge of Megan’s bed Sheree took hold of her hand and began to explain to her what had happened. "Before I tell you this I want you to assure me that you will stop me if it gets too much for you. OK?"

You are on chapter 49 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi - Today

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Megan lay still, trying to piece together in her mind what had happened and where she was. She was in unfamiliar surroundings with familiar sounds. It was so surreal. As if she were looking down at herself. Seeing what was going on but unable to feel any of it. She couldn't move but she could hear noises. It sounded as though she was in a hospital. She could hear the familiar clicking and beeping noises from machines. The clanging of trolleys being wheeled down corridors. She opened her eyes and all she could see was the white ceiling of the room she was in. Recognition hit and yes she was in a hospital. But the questions remained, why was she in hospital? And where was she? And why the hell could she not move? How long had she been here? Who put her here? She had no recollection of any accident that may have resulted in her being taken to hospital. She felt no pain. Why was she here?

Shortly afterwards the door to Megan’s room opened and she heard some one enter. In an attempt to see who it was Megan tried to turn her head to look in the direction of the door but was unable to move.

"Oh, hello there." the voice said as it came into the room. It was a female voice, a soft, quiet, warm sort of voice. As the woman came closer she touched a button on the wall. These were the first words Megan had heard since she couldn't remember when. Suddenly the room was filled with people. Megan found herself looking up into a myriad of faces, some smiling at her, and many with tears. There was a small round of applause from those in the room. Why? Megan had no idea.

*** *** *** ***

Jon and Krystal got out of the car and were greeted by light rain. Why does it always rain at funerals? Putting the umbrella up he and Krystal followed the procession to the entry of the town hall. Jon tried his best to blend in with the rest of the crowd. Thankfully, apart from a few people who he thought recognized him he succeeded. With his shorter hair he didn't tend to stand out as much as he did a few years ago. The umbrella and sunglasses also helped. There was so much grief that most people weren't looking at who was present. They were lost in their own black hole.

There were no photos of him or any comments in the press in the days that followed. So maybe he just might have pulled it off.

The grief he experienced along with everyone else felt as though there was a knife stabbing right through his heart. As Jon sat and listened to the long and drawn out memorial he found himself thinking how on earth can one man love two women so much. How can he love them both in completely different ways? His life would be empty without them both in it. How would he cope without Megan? How would he cope without Dot? They were impossible questions he knew. But now he knew he was living one of those impossible questions. He knew he had to push through it and move on.

Megan had pulled Jon out of the depths of despair not so long ago and she had brought him back to the top of his game. He had felt invincible again. He had felt once again like superman, although he ironically thought what had happened to superman. In reality he knew there was no such thing as a superman. In reality no one was invincible, including Jon Bon Jovi. Time would help him to heal, it would make it so much easier to bear, and he knew that. But how much time? It didn't seem fair to him that he sit here and have to say goodbye to someone so young and vibrant. Some one so beautiful. Jon knew that there were so many others doing the very same thing, maybe to people who were even younger than Megan and who had not had the opportunity to live life as well and as full as she had, but it didn’t lesson the blow. Grief has a way of doing that, of making it impossible to feel what someone else was going through. To feel someone else’s pain. Grief has an uncanny ability to make one only conscious of their own feelings of hurt and seemingly totally oblivious of those of someone else. This was odd to Jon. A man who had made it his life’s work to be interested in others and show compassion and to entertain them. To do his utmost to satisfy everyone who had ever paid to go and see his or the bands performance, ensuring they were not to go away unsatisfied. A completely foreign experience.

You are on Chapter 48 of Day to Day

© Cindi – Today 2007
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
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