Friday, February 29, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Jon’s mouth came down hard on hers and he kissed her with all he had. His hands began to roam their way around her body and she responded as though it was the very first time in her life that she had ever been touched intimately. His hands cupped her breast while his lips danced with hers, and then made their way down to her neck. Where she knew he was leaving his mark. His brand on her neck. Far enough back so that it was covered by her hair. The nursing staff might not know he had left his mark on her neck, but he would know it was there and he would look at it in the following days and know that at that precise moment in time she had belonged to him.

Jon guided Megan over to the only flat surface in the room big enough for his body to be close to hers – her hospital bed. He wanted flesh on flesh, skin on skin, one on one, and wouldn’t get that leaning over the trolley table or the plush leather chair in the corner of the room. He wanted her underneath him. She climbed up on the bed and moved over so that there was enough room for him. As their passion grew, their love making intensed. Jon’s hands found her wetness and plunged deep into her with such ferocity that for a fleeting moment she was taken aback. Jon pressed on seemingly not even noticing her slight apprehension. Raising her blouse above her stomach and even higher above her breasts, he moaned and took her into his mouth, as his tongue teased the small pink nipples until they reacted and became engorged hard lumps in his mouth.

Her hands roamed his body, Feeling the soft flesh under her finger tips. She felt every muscle flinch. Megan held the back of Jon’s head in place at her breast. She loved his hair brushing up against her chin and around her face. Her other hand was traveling down over his shoulders and down his back. His muscles flinched again as she rounded the curve of his hips and came in contact with his long, hard , sensitive erect manhood.

“No, Megan” he said abruptly. “If you touch me now it will be all over in 2 minutes. You may not remember but we usually lasted slightly longer than that.”

“I should hope so.“ she said in a husky voice. As she reluctantly let go of him. Jon pressed on and moved lower down her body. He kissed her stomach and she moaned as his tongue darted in and out of her navel. His fingers were still working their magic in the warm wet folds between her legs and Megan felt like she had died and gone to heaven when his tongue joined his fingers. The instant his tongue touched Megans soft delicate folds the flood gates opened and she exploded in a gush all over Jon’s face.

Pushing on unfazed by her reaction Jon continued. His mouth worked her into a frenzy for sometime until he raised his head and looked at Megan and said, “Are you ready?”.

“Yes.” She said as she closed her eyes and he pulled his body on top of hers and entered her. Jon wanted to slam into her as though there were no tomorrow but knew if he did there would be no stopping him and it literally would be over quicker than it started. As Jon kissed Megan firmly on the lips she could taste herself on him and it excited her more and when he entered her she closed her eyes and threw her head back in ecstasy. Jon put his hand over Megans mouth to muffle her moans. They really didn’t need anyone outside these 4 walls to know what was going on.

His body rhythmically moved in and out of hers until he knew he could take it no longer. With his left hand holding his weight above Megan, Jon used his right hand to move underneath her and cup her firm round cheek as he drew her closer to him in order to get deeper into her. He exploded with suck force that he was sure his seed was deep within her. Jon collapsed on top of her, his breathing as deep as hers. His hair was wet with his sweat from their lovemaking and his body glistened.

As they regained their composure Jon kissed her and felt that familiar stirring once again.“I have to get up. If I don’t we will be starting all over again.”

“That wouldn’t be so bad.” Megan said. Even though she knew they ran the risk of getting caught the longer they stay naked in the hospital bed.

The door may well have been locked but everyone knew the nursing staff have keys too all the doors. Reluctantly Megan let go of Jon’s body and they rose and gathered their clothing. Megan heading straight for the bathroom to clean up and dress. Jon after watching her nakedness disappear into the bathroom quickly pulled on his clothes and unlocked the door. He ran the towel over his head that had been hanging on the end of Megans bed, to dry his hair of sweat to help camouflage any evidence of their lovemaking.

Megan emerged from the bathroom and as she looked at Jon she blushed. Her cheeks were a glow and she looked radiant. As he walked over to her she went willingly into his arms and kissed her. “No regrets?” He asked her.

“None.” She said as she laid her head on his chest. At that moment the handle to the door turned and without looking to see who it was both of them quickly parted to opposite sides of the room. Jon sat on the bed that still showed the evidence of their lovemaking and Megan to the window.

You are on Chapter 60 of Day to Day

(C) 2008 Cindi-today

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Sheree and the doctor explained to her what Jon had told them and also that Sheree had met with her doctor and he would like to see her as soon as possible. Noticeably Megan was beyond upset, and Jon comforted her. When Sheree and the doctor left she sat with Jon and they talked about her illness. She told Jon that she vaguely remembered something about an illness. But wasn't sure who it was that was sick. Things were coming back to her, slowly but surely she was beginning to remember things about her life and work. She remembers Jon being at her place of work, she could see him in her mind standing in an office and she was sitting behind her desk. She told Jon that in a vision in her mind Jon leant over the desk and kissed her.

Jon was sitting next to her as she sat on her bed, he longed to touch her. He wanted to just hold her, his hormones were going crazy being this close to a woman that not only he found very attractive but one that he had feelings for. It got the better of him and he leant forward and kissed her lips softly. Initially she was taken aback, she did not expect it. Neither did he. He pulled away and began to apologise. "Megan, I am so sorry, I don’t know what came over me" He said with lust in his voice.

"No Jon, don't be. Ssshhh!!" She put her fingers up to her mouth to quieten him. She closed her eyes again. ‘‘Jon, when you kissed me, the very second your lips touched mine I saw you standing with me. You were in front of me. We were on a deck. It was night. Very dark. The stars were shining brightly and you were touching my face, before you kissed me."

Jon sat there and it took all his self control not to cry. “Megan, that is a memory, we were at your house. You live atop Hillcrest Road in a beautiful place on a few acres. You have a back deck and yes I kissed you on that deck." He hugged her tightly. "I am proud of you. That is progress."

**** **** **** ****

Although Megan’s memory had not come back completely she was remembering more and more each day.

It was a brightly sunny morning when Jon entered her room. She was standing over by the windows looking at the view. She didn't have much of a view to look at though. There was a small garden with flowers and a few trees, but it beat the heck out of looking at the same 4 walls day after day. She turned her head when the door opened. She smiled at him. “Good morning Jon. You don't have to bring me flowers everyday. I think you single handedly are keeping that little florist down stairs in business."

“I like to bring you flowers" He walked over to her. "You know that vision you remembered yesterday?"

"Yes." she sad turning to look out the window.

"The way you are standing right now reminds me of that night.”

"Is that so?" She said as he came up behind her and encircled her waist.

"Yes it is." He nuzzled her neck and when her head fell back on to his shoulder and she let out a small moan in response to his advances Jon instantly became uncomfortable in his jeans.

"You do that again and we might have to see if that door has a lock on it." He joked, she could feel his body hard up against hers.

"Maybe I need a reminder of what it is I can't remember.” It was his turn to moan. He turned her around to face him.

"Megan I won't allow that to happen until you can remember more than you do now. I will never take advantage of you." He hoped she never knew how much he just wanted to rip her clothes on here and now. It took all his strength to say that.

Feeling slightly rejected Megan said, "Jon you wouldn’t have been taking advantage of me. It was my suggestion. I remembered something when you kissed me. Who knows if I will remember more if we, if we......."

"If we make love?" he interjected.

"Yes, if we make love. After all it was a mutual feeling, wasn’t it"

"Yes it was but until you remember you have to take my word for it. And I could be just filling your head with nonsense." he said smiling.

Megan stood on her toes to be able to reach up high enough to bring her mouth into contact with his. She kissed him and it took him a few seconds to respond but when he did he kissed her with such force and passion that she moaned loud enough to be heard outside the walls she had begun to call home.

"Jon, you are either going to have to stop now or go and see if that door has a lock."

Jon stopped. However he didn't go to lock the door. He just stood, held her and looked out the window. “Megan you have no idea how much I want to go over there and lock that door just so I can ravish every inch of your body right now. But I can't do it... I know I am not a saint and god only knows where my morals have lain over the years but I still love you. And I can’t allow you to do something you have no recollection of."

"I think I would remember how to do that Jon.” She smiled.

"That’s not what I meant and you know it."

Megan let go of Jon and walked over to the door and turned the lock. Looking back at Jon she said, "Jon. I want you. I may not remember every detail of our affair yet but I do know there was something there. I can feel it. I feel it everytime you walk in the room, I feel it everytime you touch me." She said as she ran her hands softly over his chest. She continued so softly that Jon had to concentrate to hear her, “I feel it everytime you look at me"

You are on Chapter 59 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi today 2008

Monday, February 25, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Jon and Krystal stayed at Megans Sydney residence and the minute Jon walked inside he understood why she loved it so much. He immediately went over to the large windows that over looked the harbour. He could clearly see the Opera House, the Harbour Bridge, the boats all floating and rocking back and forth with the waves. The room he was standing in was very tastefully furnished. The burgundy carpet blended perfectly with the cream Buffalo Hyde lounge and recliners. The heavy timber furniture complimented them both finishing the room off with elegant framed paintings on the walls.

Helping Megan was going to be a long process and he was prepared to stick it out for as long as it took.

As the days went on Sheree had managed to gather the info Damien had sent through and she had built a profile and contacted the necessary people. Of great importance was the doctor Megan had flown over to see on that fateful day. Doctor Michael Lawson.

*** *** *** ***

Doctor Lawson was a 38 yr old single man. He was a cancer specialist; however he preferred an alternative form of treatment. He preferred not to believe in chemo where ever possible, however even he had to admit that sometimes if his treatment didn't work he had to resort to it. But only as a very last resort. He had had great success with his method and had saved many lives. Sheree made an appointment to see him on Megans behalf.

*** *** *** ***

Megan progressed nicely and had actually started remembering some things. Jon tried his utmost to help her. He spent time showing her the photographs of the 2 of them. Jon was saddened by the fact that Megan still had no recollection of their affair. However he persisted. He explained to her explicit details of how they happened to be together. He told her all about her business, that she was based in the USA now.

“Jon I am so sorry that I don't remember what we shared. I can see that it was special to you."

"Yes" he smiled. It was ripping his heart out. He knew deep down when he got on that plane to come to Megan that he ran the risk of resurfacing the memories and feelings he had suppressed when Megan left. "It was very special to me."

"How did I feel about it Jon?"Jon looked back down at the papers in his hands and said "You told me you loved me, so I guess you kind of felt the same way.”

"Did you love me also?" Megan asked Jon got up from his chair and walked to the window he so desperately wanted her to remember. "Oh I am so sorry Jon."

"It’s ok. I hope one day you will remember. And I’ll help you for as long as you need me."

"Thank you. But Jon, there is just one thing I don't understand."

"What?" he asked her.

"Why did I leave? If I felt the same way about you as you did about me why did I leave? And correct me if I am wrong but don't you have a family?"

Sheree opened the door and entered the room with the doctor. Jon had become accustomed to many staff members coming in while he was there. The weekend staff were the worst. The casual staff would come into Megan’s room every half hour just to 'check on her', to make sure she was 'ok'. They all knew it was to check out Jon. He said to Megan one day that he was starting to feel as though he had two heads or three eyes.

Sheree discussed with Megans doctor what Jon had told her about having cancer and that doctor agreed that she really needed to be told. They knew it would cause her grief but it on the other hand could also help her to remember. The doctor shook Jon’s hand and greeted Megan.

"Jon, do you think we could have a moment alone with Megan please?"

"Not at all." He put down the files and got up to kiss Megan on the cheek before he left.

"No, if it’s ok with you I would like Jon to stay." she said to both the doctor and Sheree.

"Ok, if that’s what you want."

Jon took his seat once again on the side of her bed.

You are on Chapter 58 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi-today 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 57

Chapter 57

Megan smiled at Jon. He tried to smile back but it was like he was stuck in time. His features couldn’t move, He tried not to look at her with pity. He wanted to remember her the way she was. But it was impossible. She was a completely different person now, a shadow of her former self. He leant forward and kissed her briefly on her cheek.

"Hello Jon.” she said "it’s nice to see you."

Regaining his composure Jon put on his dazzling smile and said "Hello Megan. Its nice to see you too." He sat on the chair next to her. "How are you feeling?"

"Well she said surprisingly I feel great. I was very fortunate. I wasn’t hurt during the accident so I had no pain no injuries -- and no memory she smiled at him.

"Well" he touched her hand and the warmth that transferred from his body to hers gave her a soft glow to her cheeks. ”That’s what we are here for". He indicated to Krystal? “Do you remember Krystal?"

Megan shook her head. "No. I'm sorry I don't How do I know you?"

"We have known each other almost all our lives. Since we were just children." Krystal said.

Megan blushed from embarrassment. "I am so sorry. I just don't remember."

"That’s ok. We will do all we can to help you remember." Krystal looked at Sheree and asked if it were possible to get some refreshments so that they could all sit and talk in a more relaxed environment.

Megan and Jon were sitting in the only two chairs in the room; Sheree and Krystal were both standing. As Sheree turned to leave the room to organized the tea Jon got up. "Sheree I’ll give you a hand."

"No, Jon. Its fine you stay here." She was thinking of all the staff outside the room.

"No," He said firmly,"I'll help you." He really needed to talk to her; there was so much she still didn't know about Megan.

"Sheree how long do you think it will take her to remember?"

"I have no idea Jon." He was visibly shaking now. He had kept his composure the entire time he was with Megan, but lost it the minute he walked out the door. "Are you OK Jon" Sheree guided him by the arm back to the room she had initially taken them to and sat him in a chair. She sat down opposite him. "Jon what is wrong?"

"Sheree, Megan is very, very sick. She looks terrible."

"Jon she has been to hell and back. Of course she is going to look awful, and for a long time yet."

"NO, Sheree. She is very sick. She has breast cancer. She was on that plane that day to come back to Australia for treatment." Jon had turned pale and Sheree saw him not as the gorgeous Rock Star that the whole world knew, but just as a man who was going through absolute turmoil.

"She is pretty special to you isn't she Jon."

"Yeah," He looked at her in the eyes. "Megan is up there with the three other women in my life. Right behind my momma, my wife and my daughter. Apart from Sambora she is my best friend. I will do all I can to help her through this. Just tell me what I need to do."

"OK, for starters we need to get a hold of the Doctors records. Can you do that?" Jon pulled his phone out of his pocket and immediately dialed the international code for the Johnson Foundation and spoke to Damien and after explaining everything to him requested that Damien go through Megans files and find anything at all relating to her Doctor and her condition and fax it immediately to Sheree. Hanging up from the call he looked at Sheree. "What else can I do?"

"Just go back in there and help her to remember as much as you can. Show her photos, tell her stories. Describe things to her, in great detail. Her house, her job her car, her friends, her family, anything you can think of use it to assist her. Use anything that she was passionate about. That’s all you can do Jon. But remember YOU can't make this go away. Don't get disappointed if she doesn’t respond immediately. She may, but she also may not. Don't push her. You can't make her remember things she clearly can't yet. Be patient she will need time."

Jon ran his fingers through his hair, messing it up just the right amount, bringing his hands down he slapped the top of his thighs and said. “Well, lets do it."

They got the tea and Sheree threw in a few biscuits. Not Jon’s usual diet but was thankful for something better than airplane food.

Re-entering the room Jon and Sheree met the other 2 women laughing. Megan’s spirits had lifted. Jon placed the tray of tea down and handed her a cup.

"Thank you. So it appears not only do I know Jon Bon Jovi, I planned Richie Sambora’s wedding. I guess I have a lot to remember."

"Yes you do Jon laughed. "You have one very full life and we are going to do all we can to get you to remember it. Drink up.” He said raising his glass to her."Why does it have something in it? Maybe a magic potion to make me remember?"

"No," He laughed. "At least you haven’t lost your sense of humor. The sooner you drink up the sooner we can get started." Indicating to the huge pile of files he brought with him.

You are on Chapter 57 of day to day

(C) 2008 cindi - today

Friday, February 08, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 56

Chapter 56

Jon and Krystal settled into the first class seating, both ordered a cold drink and got comfortable for the flight. The flight took forever. Jon never remembered a flight going so slowly. He was not comfortable for long and found himself not long after take off getting up to stretch his legs. He paced up and down the plane for several hours before Krystal convinced him he should get some rest before he saw Megan.

"Well its not as if she is gong to remember me." He said

"You don't know that Jon. She could remember everything the minute you walk through the door. You need to be prepared for that.

"Finally it touched down at Mascot airport and 15 minutes later he was being escorted to a waiting car. Jon telephoned Sheree and she told him she would meet him at the hospital. The car drove through the streets of Sydney and it appeared to Jon that it stopped at every single street light.

The car finally stopped outside the hospital and he saw a woman probably about the same age as Megan waiting at the front entrance. She walked towards the car when it came to a stop and Jon assumed it was Sheree. She greeted him with a warm smile and a hand shake. Under different circumstances she would have Benn overwhelmingly blown away by the very sight of Jon. But this was different. Sheree knew now was not the time to be a star struck fan. She would conduct herself as a professional nurse, and behave herself.

The hand that was extended to Sheree was warm and firm. "Hello, you must be Sheree?"

"Yes." she said. "Hello Jon it’s nice to meet you?"

Jon indicated to Krystal and said “This is Krystal; she is Megans long time friend.”

Sheree thanked them both for coming and directed them into the main foyer of the hospital. Guiding them both quickly over to the staff elevator Sheree pressed the necessary buttons and they were out of sight with minimal fuss.

"How is she Sheree?" Jon Asked

"She is good. She is expecting you." Jons head jerked up, and Sheree continued "No, Jon don't get excited she doesn’t remember you, but she does know who you are."

Sheree couldn't take her eyes off Jon as the three of them walked inside and she guided them to the service elevator, it was only used by staff and orderlies. Once the doors closed Sheree looked Jon in the eyes and said. "Jon I am sorry but I have to ask. How do you think seeing you will effect Megan?"

"I'm not sure Sheree", he said as he looked at her. He knew she was melting. He held her gaze for longer than necessary, for no other reason than to see if his gaze could over power her and she would tell him more about Megans medical state. He wanted to know exactly what was wrong with her. He wanted to know how he could help her. He wanted to fix her.

"Jon if there is anything you needed to tell me about Megan now would be the time to say it. It will go a lot smoother if we all go in their prepared. It will not be good for her if there are surprises."

Krystal chimed in before Jon had a chance to reply. "Sheree we are all just great friends. I have known Megan since we were little kids growing up together, and Jon has known her for 20 years. I think it will al go smoothly. I doubt there is anything for you to worry about."

Sheree settled and said that she was happy to hear it. The elevator came to a stop and the three of them got out. Sheree guided them out of the elevator and into the corridor; they turned and went down another long corridor walking about 30 meters before they could hear voices. As they rounded the bend at the end of the corridor they came into the view of the nursing staff. Sheree behaved as professionally as she could.

"Hello Ladies." Immediately, within an instant of Jon rounding the bend the staff recognized him. Sheree said no more, but she had a smile as big as the Grand Canyon on her face. The room suddenly became quiet. The sentences stopped mid way. She saw the gossiping mouths of the other staff gapping open as they walked past straight towards the waiting room. The staff had watched Jon. Their eyes had followed his every step. Focused on his backside their eyes just starred as one cheek, then the next rose and fell with each and every step. It didn’t faze him these days Jon was used to being watched, scrutinized. It was the main reason he kept in shape. As they passed the nurses station she turned to Jon and said wouldn't you like to be a fly on the wall in the lunch room today? Jon just smiled back. He had more important things on his mind right now. He wasn't the slightest bit interested in what was going to go on in the lunch room later. After all this time all he wanted right now was to see Megan. Jon and Krystal sat in the plush leather chairs of the waiting room and listened to Sheree explain Megans situation to them in great detail. She needed to be sure that they were ready emotionally. Jon assured her that they were more than ready. "Let’s go. We have waited long enough." But that instant before the door opened he didn't know if he did want to really see her. His life had only just got back to normal. He had settled back into work. He and Dot had been getting on better than they ever had. Would seeing Megan again after all this time ruin everything he had struggled to put back together after she had left? But if he didn't go in there would she heal? Would she get her memory back? Of course she would she had Krystal. Krystal could help her with anything she needed. Jon could give all of the information and photographs he brought with him to Krystal and she could sort it out. On top of that Krystal had a life time of memories to share with her. She would be just fine. Then his life would go on just as it is. That’s, of course until she remembered completely. Then what would she think of him? Would she hate him for abandoning her when she needed someone the most? It was so hard for Jon. He knew what the right thing to do was, but he didn't want to ruin what he had now.

He took a deep breath and entered the room. He looked at Megan the second he walked in the door, and he knew he had made the right decision. He wanted to cry, she was frail and small. Her tiny frame had no weight on it whatsoever. His first instinct was to run to her and put his arms around her. He wanted to hug her so close until she couldn't move. He wanted to stay like that forever. Every emotion he had suppressed the last few months had suddenly came flooding back. He was unaware of how it showed on his face until he felt Krystal’s hand on his arm. He looked down at her and she simply said be careful Jon. He knew she didn't mean to be careful of Megan, but he had to be careful that he didn't give too much away to Sheree. He still had to keep things just between them. No public displays of emotion could be afforded.

(C) Cindi-Today 2008

Day to Day Chapter 55

Chapter 55.

"Well, my dear", Sheree said as she entered. Megan had noticed tears in her eyes.

"Sheree what’s wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, absolutely nothing. Everything is wonderfully perfect. Do you want the good news or the good news??"

Megan laughed and said, “Well I guess I’m gonna take the good news. What have you got to tell me that is good yet made you cry?"

Sheree took hold of her hand and said. "I hope you are ready for this.” she looked straight into Megans amazing green eyes and said. I have had someone identify you." She took a breath. “I know who you are, I know your name." She said with a smile as a tear dropped down her cheek.

Megan sat forward in her chair. "What? How? Who?" There were so many questions. They were coming into her head so fast she could stop them. "Who am I?" She finally said.

"Your name is Megan Johnson., and this I believe is the dress you were wearing in the recollection you described to me recently."

Megan took the photo from Sheree’s hand and saw herself with Jon. "Oh my god, that’s it. That’s the dress. And that’s him. What the hell am I doing with Him?"

"Well I'm guessing you are singing with him."

"My name is Megan? Well that’s better than Jane I guess. So what was the other good news?"

"The other good new, ah yes. Well the other good news is that You and Jon Bon Jovi must have been good friends. He certainly considers you so. He is probably packing and getting ready to board a plane right now to come and see you."

"What? He is coming here? Why?"

"Well my guess is he wants to see you. You have been missing for over 5 months now Jane... sorry, Megan. It’s going to take me a little while to get used to that. You have been missing for so long now that maybe he might hold the key to your recovery. He is bringing some information with him that hopefully will jog your memory and you never know it might be the break we need."

*** *** *** ***

Jon called Damien at Megans office, "Hi Damien, Its Jon Bon Jovi."

Oh, hello hot man was the first thought that came into Damiens head. "Jon, how nice to hear from you? What can I do for you?"

"Damien I need your help. Um, and I need your discretion."

"Ok, what do you need?"

"I need as much information about Megan as you can possibly give me. I need a copy of her pass port, any photos she may have. Any..."

"Why do you need this stuff Jon?' Damien cut him off mid sentence

"Damien she is alive." Jon said.

He sensed Damien sitting at the other end of the line. "Alive? Are you sure?"

"Yes I’m sure. I have received a call from the hospital that she is in. I am flying out as soon as you can get this info to me. Can you get it couriered over or can you fax it to me?"

"Sure of course. I'll get it to you ASAP. Jon, please give her our love"

Jon hung up the phone. He didn't tell Damien that Megan was suffering memory loss. He felt no need to just yet.

He showered while his clothes were being packed. When he got out he went down to his office and could hear the fax machine going. Picking up the pieces of paper he placed them in a manila folder and sat them on the bench while he loaded the car. Krystal had arrived and she placed her things in along side Jon’s. Jon went back into the office and collected the remainder of the files that Damien had sent and placed them all in the manila folder with the others and left the house, after saying goodbye to his family.

*** *** *** ***

Megan showered and dressed after breakfast. Sheree had explained to her that Jon was coming to see her so she decided that maybe she should look nice for the occasion. With a little help from the nursing staff she dressed, did her hair and applied a small amount of make up. Then simply just sat and waited. Megan had had a few flash backs in recent days. She personally didn’t feel they were anything outstanding, but Sheree had explained to her that as a single flash back they might not mean much at all but when they are joined together with a string of flash backs they might well be just trying to tell her a story.

(C) Cindi-today 2008

Day to Day Chapter 54

Chapter 54

Jon went back to Richie who was just about finished packing all the gear away when Jon entered. "How'd you go man?" He said noticing the look of concern on Jons face.

"I think she is alive Rich. I think she is alive. I think it’s her"

Richie came over to Jon and put his arm around his shoulders and slapped him on the back. "That’s good news isn't it? Why the long face?"

"Yeah its great news, I guess I’m just scared now that it might not be her. I've gotta get a photo and fax it over. So they can identify her?"

"Well go on then. Get a freaking photo and send it. What have you got to lose?"

Jon turned and went over to the desk and opened a folder with a photo of Megan and himself. It was taken the night when Megan was surprised by Jon and the boys at one of her functions. It was a photo of her wearing the very dress she described to Sheree. Jon picked up the photo and smiled briefly before looking at Richie for reassurance if nothing else.

"Go on", he urged.

Jon dialed the number he had called just moments before and asked once again to speak to Sheree Willoughby. He waited patiently until she came on the line. "Sheree, its Jon Bon Jovi. I have a photo here ready to fax through. Just let me know when you are ready for it."

"I'm ready when you are Jon. I'm standing at the fax machine now so I will get it as soon as you send it. Send it over. I am eager to know if she is one and the same." Jon put the photo in the fax machine and pressed send.

Moments later he heard Sheree gasp. "What? Sheree what is it?"

"Jon it’s her. Oh my god, after all this time we have found her" Suddenly Sheree realized she had no idea what her name was. Jon had not told her. "Jon please tell me her name."

"Her name is Megan, Megan Johnson?" He said with emotion in his voice. Probably a little too much emotion. He signaled to Richie as he wrote something on a piece of paper. Richie came over to Jon who had simply written 'It’s her'

"Megan, I knew it wasn't Jane. She is far too beautiful; to be Jane."

Jon laughed and said, "Her middle name is actually Jane, so you weren't too far wrong."They both laughed together and Sheree could sense the relief and comfort in Jon just knowing that Megan was alive.

"She was special to you wasn’t she Jon?" Sheree said suddenly realizing she had crossed the line, But she could tell, she held the proof in her hands. She could see the look on Jon’s face in the photo as he stood beside Megan.

"Yes, we were great friends. Or as you guys say, Best Mates. She was my mate. We have known each other for a very long time" He took a long breath and finally said. "Sheree do you think she would be up for visitors?"

"Look, Jon I really don't know, it could go both ways. She could really benefit from seeing you or she could not. It may help her remember or it may not. Unfortunately we won't know the answer to any questions until it happens."

"I’m coming over." He said finally. "I'll be there some time tomorrow. Can I reach you on this number when I land so that when I arrive at the hospital you can meet me at the front entrance?"

"No, I’m not in tomorrow.” Jons heart sank. "But I will give you my home number, when you land call me and I will meet you at the hospital."

He breathed a sigh of relief. Sheree sensed it. "Don't worry Jon, if you help me with Ja.... I mean Megan, I'll help you get safely into the hospital with as little fuss as possible. Can you collect as much information as you can about her? It might help with her recovery."

"Thank you Sheree. I trust that you will keep this between the two of us?"

"Yes, Jon That I will." He didn't want his reunion to be spoiled by onlookers.

"Thank you. I'll call you tomorrow."

With that they both hung up the phone and both Jon and Sheree just sat on opposite sides of the globe for a moment and looked at the photograph. Megan and Jon looked so good together. There was relief on both sides, for Sheree that finally she had a name for this beautiful person with whom she had grown so fond. And for Jon it was relief that the woman whom he had been fond of for many years was alive. She was alive and well. He spoke to Richie who was going home to tell Krystal. Jon spoke with Dot and told her what was going on. He asked her if she wanted to go with him and she declined. Jon had hoped she would go simply because if he was to travel with his wife then maybe the talk would be lessened than it would be if he were to travel alone. As it turned out Krystal went with Jon.

(C) Cindi- today 2007

Day to Day Chapter 53


Sheree popped in as soon as the lunch break was over. "How are you doing today?"

"Good. I think."

"How’s the memory?"

"I don't know but each day something pops into my head. I don't quite know where it all fits but things are there now. I guess, like you said it’s a start."

"Did you have any dreams last night?"

"Yes, I had a weird dream, but I don't actually know if it was a dream or a memory. I get confused sometimes if I have dreamt it or remembered it."

"What was it about?" Sheree asked, taking seat on the edge of Megans bed.

"I was singing, I was on stage, with some one. But I don't know who. I was dressed up." Megan closed her eyes trying to remember anything else.

"Ok that’s good. Do you know what you were singing?"

"No, but i think i was with a band." looking at Sheree she asked "do you think I could be a singer?"

"Anything is possible Jane, but i guess we won't know until you remember” She smiled. This was taking its toll on Sheree too. She had spent as much time as possible with Megan, encouraging her and comforting her. It becomes personal after a while, and Megan had begun to feel as though she were part of Sheree’s family. This was the part of her job that Sheree hated. She knew she had to guard herself about getting attached to patients, but it was much easier said than done. She couldn’t help herself, working so close with someone sooner or later you start to love them."Do you remember what you were wearing?" Sheree asked.

"Yes, I had on a long dress. It was beautiful. It went to the floor. Right to the floor. " Megan gestured with her hands." It looked soft. And had a string of pearls as shoulder straps. I was singing with someone. I know that because I was looking at someone, i wasn't looking out to the audience. But I don't remember who i was looking at. I couldn’t see them."

"Don't worry. That’s fantastic. We won't know if it was a dream or not until you remember more but that’s a fantastic start. Very well done."Sheree had not told Megan about contacting the recording company about Jon just yet. She wanted to know if there was any truth to it first.

*** *** *** ***

Jon spoke to Richie about the call after the others had gone. "What are you going to do man?"

"I don’t know. I need to call, for my own piece of mind if nothing else."

"You do what you have to do. You know I’ll be here for you no matter what"

"Thanks Rich.” The men hugged and Jon slapped his back. "I love you man." he said. "I don't know what I would have done without you."

"That’s what we do Jon. You and I. We look after each other. You go and make that call. I'll finish up here."

Jon turned to walk out the door and looked back at Richie and said. “Thanks man. Can you do just one thing for me though?"

Richie didn't hesitate to ask what it was. He knew Jon would never ask too much of him. "Sure, what’s that?"

"Can you not tell Krystal just yet. I don't want to get her hopes up only to have them disappointed if its not Megan."

"Sure". Richie had thought the same thing. "Jon, have you thought about the impact this could have on your life if it is Megan?"

"Yeah." he said running his fingers through his hair. "Just when things had started to settle down too.” He smirked, and turned and left the room.

*** *** *** ***

Jon picked up the phone and dialed the international code followed by the number he had been given by Richard from Maidens Brush records. After a few seconds the phone clicked in and began to dial. He had no idea what time it would be in Sydney right then but had hoped he would find this woman named Sheree. The phone rang 12 times before it was picked up and he was greeted by a woman with a monotone voice, whom he pictured to be tired and probably overweight who hated her job, she said. "What department please?"Jon told her who he needed to speak to and where, shortly after he was put through. The phone rang again for sometime. Jon found himself becoming nervous. He thought it odd that he would feel like this. He didn't even get this nervous before a show. The phone answered, "M ward 4, Sister Watson speaking. can I help you?"

"Yeah, hi Sister Watson. I am after a Sheree Willoughby. Is she available?"

"Just hold please sir and I'll page her for you."

"Thank you." Jon waited for several minutes before he heard a females voice on the other end."Hello Sheree Willoughby speaking how can I help you?"

"Hi Sheree" Sheree had a feeling it was Jon before he said it. She didn't get many calls from men with a sexy American accent. "This is Jon Bon Jovi. I received a call today from Richard Wilcox from Maidens Brush Records. He has asked me to give you a call regarding a woman you have there?"Sheree was pretty stoked that she had Jon on the other end of the phone, but she kept her cool. She was a professional nurse and had treated many a famous person in her time, but admittedly none as handsome as Jon. She took a breath and attempted to speak to him like he was any other person calling for patient information.

"Hi Sir," she didn't want to call him Mr. Bon Jovi as that would alarm other staff, and she wasn't familiar enough with him to call him Jon without his permission so she settled on Sir.

"Just call me Jon" He said.

"Ok, Jon it is. Well Jon.........." Sheree asked him if he was at the memorial service and when he said he was she went on to explain to Jon all that Megan had been through and where she was at with her memory and her treatment and exercises and such. "She doesn’t remember her name or anything about her self. She has had a few flash backs and thoughts that she isn't sure are dreams or not. But Jon mostly what I need for you right now is to help me identify her. If we know who she is, we might then be able to jog her memory, or at the very least try to help her expand on what she already had remembered."

"Ok", Jon said not too sure on what he can do. "How can I help you do that?"

"Can you describe her for me?"

"About 5'3", tanned skin, long golden hair, green eyes, amazing eyes. She has beautiful green eyes." Jon closed his own eyes and thought on Megans eyes. He loved them, he had gotten lost in her eyes as many times as she had gotten lost in his. Jon was in danger of letting his guard down and quickly thought back to something that could help identify Megan. "She has a soft sweet voice. A very feminine voice. You should hear her sing. Um, I don't really know what else to tell you."

Sheree sat down on the chair and said. "Jon I think to woman you have described is the woman we have here." Jubilation and elation ran through Jon’s veins. He really didn’t know what to say. Mr. cool was stuck for words."Jon do you have a picture of her or can you get a copy of one that you can fax to me? That will enable us to make a positive ID"

"Sure I’ll um, track one down and see if I can get it for you." Knowing full well that he could put his finger on one in 5 seconds flat.

(C) Cindi - Today 2007
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

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