Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 66

Chapter 66

"No." she said as she retrieved her leg from his grasp and sat up in the water. "Jon, why are you not wearing your wedding ring?" Never once had she seen him without it. He always wore it. He never took it off. Not even during their affair had he taken the ring Dorothea had given him off.

He had dreaded this very moment. Why didn’t he just leave it on? Megan had enough to deal with she didn't need more.

"Megan, Dot and I have split up."

"WHAT? When? Why?" she said suddenly feeling guilty.

"I guess she just got tired of having to share me." He said with a shrug of his warm tanned shoulders. "She said she wants time out. Sort of like a trial separation I guess."

"And how do you feel about that?"

"Not good. But I can understand where Dot is coming from. I really don't hold it against her. Maybe she is right. Maybe we do need time apart. We have been together a long time. So for the moment I am free to do as I please. And right now Miss Johnson I want to do this."

He took her leg back in his hand and picked up the loofa sponge and slowly rubbed the sponge over her leg.

"I want to stay her a while with you if that’s ok." He didn't wait for her to answer, "And I want to see you well. And after that we will talk about the future. OK?"

"Ok." she said and smiled as she closed her eyes once again.

"How’s your treatment going?"

"Good. I've had 7 already, only 5 to go now. So far all results are positive. Michael thinks that everything is going well. But we won't know until well after the treatment is done if it has been successful or not. But Michael thinks there is a very good chance of a complete cure."

"Well that is good news. So you have spent a lot of time with Michael during my absence?"

"Yes I have."

"Ah, Ha"

"Oh no you don’t Jon Bon Jovi."

"What." he smiled that devilishly handsome smile. She once again pulled her leg from his grasp.

"Don't you start playing the jealous card on me. Michael and I are nothing more than friends. We went to school together. I can assure you we will never be more than that."

"I know." he kissed her toes. "I just wanted you to know that I don’t want to be sharing you anytime soon." He took her little toe in his mouth and she groaned.

"So it’s ok for you to be shared but not me huh?" she retorted while trying to maintain her regular breathing pattern. As he sucked the second toe into his mouth. "You are forgetting Mr. Bon Jovi that I am not the one here that is being shared. You are. You are the one that has had the wife during our relationship."

Releasing her toes from is teasing tongue he said. "Dorothea chose to separate but Megan it is something that I have wanted for a long time, I guess I just couldn’t be bothered going through the motions. After all we are supposed to be the marriage of rock and roll. Endurance and longevity and undying love and all that crap. But that doesn't exist, not in reality anyway."

"What are you trying to say Jon?"

"I'm trying to say that I am happy with you Megan. I'll still have my kids from time to time. So as long as you can handle that I would like to stick around. And as I said once the treatment is over we will take about the future then. Unless you want to talk about it now."

Megan sat forward in the water and kissed him. "Jon you know you are more than welcome. Children and all. Even when I am well and back in the States"

As the water turned cold they both got out and dried off.

"Will you spend the rest of your life with me Megan?" He said softly as he took her in his arms and breathed in the aroma of her freshly washed hair.

"Will I or Would I?'' she replied resting her head on his chest.

"It means the same thing doesn’t it?" Jon said quietly almost a whisper as he held her body in his arms as they danced around the floor.

"No. 'Would I' means that 'Would I sometime in this life time consider spending our lives together?'. 'Will I' means that you are asking me 'Will I spend my life with you?'. So I before I can answer that I need to know if you are asking me 'Will I?' or 'Would I?'."

"Ok. Glad we straightened that out. So what is it going to be then?"

"Would I? Hell yeah. You know I would. Will I? that’s a harder question to answer. And Jon, I'm sorry I can't answer that question right now. With so much going on in both our lives it really wasn't fair to ask me that now."Megan lay awake for hours that night after they made love and in the nights to follow. Rehashing everything in her mind. There was so much to consider in making her decision. Her accident, her memory loss which thakfully now she had regained. Her cancer, her recovery. Dot and their children, Jon's work commitments and the life style that went along with it. So much had to be considered. She really had to think about it. She knew her life would be changed forever if her and Jon united.

Did Jon really mean it? Did he really mean that he was willing to give up Dorothea and stay with Megan as long as she was accepting of his children?

Could it really be possible that after all this time and all that they had been through that Jon could really be hers? She knew the answer to his question.

Yes, Jon and Megan would be just like the M and J on her gold and diamond pendant that Jon had bought for her. They would forever become one. They would forever be united; she knew there was no way she could ever refuse him.

Let what God has yoked together let no man put apart.

The End.

You are on the final chapter of Day to Day - Chapter 66

Thank you all so much for reading the ficticous Journey of Megan Johnson and Jon Bon jovi.

(C) 2008 Cindi- Today

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 65

Chapter 65

"That is really sweet Michael. But I am just not in a position to even be thinking about going down that road yet. And you are forgiven, you were years ago. So don't torture yourself any further."

"Easier said than done." He patted her shoulder and said, "You can go home now Megan. I'll see you next time." He said as he walked out the door.

Megan straightened her clothes and got up to leave the room. She had made it as far as the door and could hear voices. Although Megan is not usually an eaves dropper, ever since her amnesia she has started listening to anything and everything. So she stopped to listen to the conversation unfolding on the other side of the door.

"Jon when do you think you will tell her?"

"Not yet, I think she has enough to worry about right now. Don't you?"

"True but sooner would be better than later. You don’t want to have her hear it from someone else." He knew Krystal was right. What did Jon have to tell Megan?

“I just don’t think now is the right time."

They both stopped talking as soon as she came out of the room.

"Well, they have released me." Megan joked. "And I am free to go home."

Jon drove Megans car home and the three of them enjoyed a relaxing meal overlooking the beautiful Sydney Harbour.

Shortly after 9 pm Krystal called it a night and left Megan and Jon alone.

Jon rose from his chair and came up behind Megan and gently massaged her shoulders. Bringing his lips to the nape of her neck he kissed her; several small pecks before leaving a soft wet trail with his tongue along her shoulder blade. Stopping at the point of her shoulder he kissed her and nibbled lightly on her soft skin and then moving back, retracing his steps and going over to the other shoulder and also leaving a kiss. "Megan", he said as he lifted his head and nibbled at her left ear lobe, "Are you up to this tonight?" She could hear the lust in his voice. It was husky and soft, he was hungry for her. "Are you feeling well enough for me to make love to you?" He paused ever so briefly, "Long and slowly, all night long"

She leant back in her chair and rested her head against him, "Oh, Jon I never thought you would ask." She was so relieved that he still wanted her. They had not been intimate since the day in the hospital bed and Megan had been concerned that Jon may have been turned off by her cancer. She rose and turned to face him, she reached her arms up and wrapped them tightly around his neck and kissed him softly on the lips. As his arms encircled her the pressure of their kiss increased. She could feel his hardness against her stomach. They were insatiable. Jons hands roamed her body, hers pulling at his hair, him lifting her thigh and parting her legs to allow him greater access, her darting her tongue in and out of his mouth as it danced with his. Finally he pulled away, "Megan do you think we should go inside?"

"Yes we should. I really need to take a bath too. How about you join me?"

Jon readily agreed. He outstretched his hand and guided her up to her bedroom. Heading into the bathroom she turned the taps on in the bath and after checking the temperature she squirted some lavender bath foam into the running water. She turned to see a naked Jon approaching; her eyes grew wide as they fixed on his erection.

" She what you do to me Megan." It was more of a statement than a question.

"Oh, I don’t think I am completely to blame." She said as he undid her blouse. Her hands were playing with the hair on his chest. She placed the palms of her hands over his nipples and let her fingers dance in the short curly hair that entangled them. Her excitement was building within her, like a fire out of control. He knew she was enjoying his fur. Her hands had taken on a mind of their own. She closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest, taking in his scent as her fingers and hands continued to enjoy the sensuousness of his fur wrapped around them. Her breathing had increased and her chest began to rise and fall higher and quicker than it had just moments before. The longer her long slender fingers were entangled in his chest the more erotic the moment became. Her blouse dropped to the floor and his hands cupped her bossom.

"Megan if we don't get in this bath now I don't think I will be able to control myself much longer." His words brought her back from her fur fused fantasy and she let go of him reluctantly, and removed the remainder of her clothing.

The water was hot yet refreshing. They both sank low in the water facing each other. Jon grabbed to loofa sponge and raised her leg to wash it. Her leg was in his right hand with the sponge washing her with his left. Megan had been laying back with her eyes closed enjoying the feeling of his hands roaming her body when his hands went a little higher than necessary she smiled and opened her eyes to look at his glistening body. She suddenly flinched. "Megan what's wrong? Did I hurt you?"

Youar eon chapter 65 of Day to Day.

(C) Cindi - today 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 64

Chapter 64

Jon arrived with Krystal on board Qantas flight 473 at 9:34am on Monday morning Sydney time. He was exhausted but insisted on going straight to the treatment rooms to see Megan. He assured her he would be there for the treatment and come hell or high water he was going to be there.

As the plane landed Jon put on his baseball cap on and tucked his fast growing hair underneath it, he pulled his sunnies out of his top pocket and waited to be escorted to the car that Krystal had pre-booked.

20 minutes later they pulled into the parking bay of Doctor Michael Lawsons medical practice and treatment facility.

Heading inside they stopped off at the reception desk to let the woman behind the desk know who they were there to see. She guided them through to where Megan was located. When they reached the room they saw Michael along with the nurse attending to Megan. As soon as they entered the room Megan stood and went over to hug her friend. They kissed and then she moved on to Jon who still had not removed his hat and glasses as yet.

They hugged for a long, long time and then he kissed her softly on the cheek.

"It’s so good to see you." she said.

"It’s good to see you too." he said. Michael picked up on the American accent but still didn’t know who the man in the hat was. "You look fantastic." he lied.

"Thank you Jon. Although I won't feel it tomorrow." she said as he took off is hat and glasses and for the first time Dr Michael Lawson came face to face with Jon Bon Jovi. He was star struck.

"Hello sir." He said as he extended his arm. "Welcome." He shook Jon’s hand and then said. "I love your music. I have all of your albums. This is a real honour. If there is anything you need during your time here just let one of the staff know."

"Thank you.” Jon said. "But I am here to see Megan through this treatment. So today I am no-one other than her friend Jon and don’t wish to be treated any other way."

"No problem sir, I mean Jon."

They closed the door and Megan’s treatment began. "Jon, if you don't mind me saying, you look like crap. What the hell have you been doing? How long has it been since you last slept?"

"Oh a couple of days I guess. I dozed on the plane but it’s not what I would call sleep."

"You look worse than I do."

"Well, thank you Ma'am." They all laughed. "Don’t you worry about me. I'll get a good night sleep tonight and all will be fine tomorrow."

The nurse and Dr Lawson left the room after her treatment was set up and Megan, Jon and Krystal could all relax and make the most of the situation. After several games of cards and eye spy and a short nap the long day drew to a close. Krystal and Jon left Megan in the care of the doctor and his assistant while they unhooked her tubes and cleaned her up.

The nurse had just unhooked the last tube and left the room when Michael said, "So I take it the wonderful mysterious friend who is helping you through this is the one and only Mr. Bon Jovi?"

"Yes." she said as she looked up into his brown eyes.

"Well." he said sadly, "I can't compete with that. So I guess he is also the one you have been having the vivid recollections of as well?" He said quoting what she had told him recently.

"Yes.” she repeated as she touched his hand. "Michael, I'm sorry I didn’t tell you. Jon and I have been friends for a very long time. We were not an item as such. Jon is married; it was just something that happened. There is nothing for you to compete with. I just don't think I am ready for anything more serious than friendship right now."

"So if he was single you would not pursue anything with him, or is it just me you aren't ready for?"

Megan knew the answer to that question. She knew if Jon was infact single a freight train fully loaded would not stop her from going to him."I can't reply to that question with an answer that would satisfy you Michael. We," she indicated to the two of them, "were a long time ago. And what we had was obviously a lot more special to me than it was to you. And I guess that is just something that you are going to have to live with. But if I may can I make one suggestion?"

"Sure what is it?"

"Get over it and move on. It was 20 years ago just let it go. We have both lived a life time since then. We were just kids."

"Yes you are right." He sat on the chair beside Megan and said as he looked into her hazel eyes and took her hand in his, "I made a mistake all those years ago Megan and I am so sorry. I have regretted it often. If I could have that time again I would not have treated you the way I did. I am sorry and if I could ever get a second chance at it I would treat you the way you deserve to be treated."

Yo are on Chapter 64 of Day to Day.

(C) 2008 CINDI - TODAY

Day to Day Chapter 63

Chapter 63

Megan showered and went to bed. Completely forgetting about Michael. The next morning when she awoke and went to the kitchen to get a glass of water she saw Michael sleeping on the lounge.

“Michael, what are you doing here still? I thought you left last night?”

“I didn’t know if you would need anything so I stayed.”

“Well that is very sweet, but honestly I am fine.”

Feeling a little embarrassed Michael got up from the lounge and ran his fingers through his graying hair, tucked his shirt in and said, “Well I guess I should get going then.”

“No, don’t be silly. Stay for breakfast. It’s the least I can do.”

Megan prepared some food for Michael and made herself a hot coffee.

“You’re not eating?”

“No, I can never keep anything down after treatment. I will be fine by lunch though. I’ll have something then.”

“How are you feeling Megan?”

“Pretty good really. Just the day after treatment is usually not good. I am tired and I feel unsettled in the stomach. Sort of like motion sickness. It’s not usually too bad. That’s all really. Other than that, I am fine.”

Michael finished his mouthful and said , “No. That’s not what I meant. I meant how are you feeling emotionally? Are you coping ok?”

“Yes I am.” She lied. She longed for Jon to be here with her. In the privacy of her own home he could comfort her and hold her and make love to her without anyone knowing what was going on between them. “I am doing the best I can. I will be much happier when Krystal comes back. She has been my rock during this whole ordeal. Well one of them anyway.” She corrected.

“Who else has been your support network Megan?” He was fishing for information. He wanted to know if there was a man that would be standing in his way.

“I have a friend who has also been there for me when I needed it. She didn’t want to tell him yet that it was Jon.

“A male friend?”

“Yes, a male friend.”

“A serious male friend?”

“No, not anymore.” she lied once again. “He is just my friend, that’s all”

“So he isn’t a boyfriend or someone you are romantically connected with.” He was fishing, not to be nosey but for his own satisfaction. He wanted to know if she was available or not.

“No”, she said taking a sip of her piping hot coffee.

“So does that mean you will have dinner with me anytime soon?” Michael could quite happily pick up their relationship right where it had been left off 20 years ago. He knew he had made a mistake by the way he treated her all those years ago and had kicked himself for many years afterwards.

“No, Michael thank you but I am going to say no. I have just come out of a coma not too long ago and have worked really hard on getting my memory back due to the amnesia and now this.” She indicated to her breast cancer. “And on top of that I am having vivid recollections of an affair I have had with…..” she nearly said his name before she stopped herself and said “with a wonderful man.”

“Is this wonderful man the mysterious friend?”Megan nodded.

“Ok. I guess that is a lot to have to deal with in a short space of time. But Megan it is only dinner. I have to eat, so do you. Is there any harm in us eating at the same restaurant at the same table on the same night?”

“No” she said putting her coffee down. “I guess there is no harm in it at all. I am just not ready for anything other than dinner at the moment Michael.”

“Ok, then. How about tomorrow night 7pm at the Sea Breeze?”

“Sounds perfect.”

*** *** ***

Megan dressed in a nice dress for dinner. Her figure was something to be admired at her age and she studied her image in the mirror for sometime until she heard the door bell ring. Collecting her purse she walked to the door. Her long hair falling behind her.

Dinner was delicious and she enjoyed Michaels company. Afterwards he took her home and after a night cap he left quietly without even pressing Megan for anything more.

After he left she retreated to the back deck with a glass of wine picking the phone up on her way. Sitting down in the cool night air she dialed the international code followed by the number and waited for Jon to answer. They talked for an extended period with him telling her that he would be there for her next treatment so that she wouldn’t be alone. Her next treatment was only 6 days away but as each day passed it seemed as though it was a marathon. She longed to see him. She longed to feel him. She longed to have him hold her. She longed to have him make love to her. Would that ever happen again? Megan felt that the time it happened in the hospital bed is something Jon may have regretted. He made no attempt to touch her intimately since. At this point in time she really had no idea where they stood. She would play it by ear and wait to see what unfolds.

*** *** ***

You are on Chapter 63 of Day to Day

(C) 2008 CINDI - TODAY

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 62

Chapter 62

“So Krystal Falcon, what have you been up to for the last 20 years or so? I have fond memories of you, you know?”

Megan who had said nothing, but took in every word of what was being said just sat patiently as the lines for her treatment to be administered through were being hooked up. Not waiting for Krystal to answer he looked up at Megan and said “I have fond memories of a young shy Megan too.”

“Oh I don’t believe I was that shy.” Megan spoke for the first time in several minutes.

“Um, yes you were. You were very shy. You hardly said boo.” Krystal said.

“And Megan, where I was concerned you, um how can I say it without offending you?”

Krystal cut him off and looking at Megan she said, “Well, you were fridget. The two of you had been a couple for the longest time and not once did you put out”

“Oh, so because I wasn’t a slut my boyfriend moved on to my best friend? Is that what you two are telling me?” She smiled.

Both Dr Michael and Krystal went bright red. The redness bringing out the freckles that had been hidden on Michaels handsome face.

“Now Megan don’t say it like that. I was young and I had hormones raging through my body. I didn’t know what to do with. Krystal was just there at the time. It only happened the once.” He lied. “And then we made sure it didn’t happen again. Isn’t that right Krystal.” He looked at her for reassurance.

Megan burst out in a fit of laughter to the shock and amazement of all present.

Looking Michael straight in the eyes she said, “Ok Michael. Yes I have been through an ordeal. Very traumatic let me tell you. But I am almost past that now and about to embark on the next faze of this journey. However my memory is almost perfectly restored. I remember you better than you would want me too, I can assure you of that. I knew who you were the minute you walked in the door. No, the second I heard your voice. I remember we went out as children, as teenagers. I know what you expected of me and I am sorry that I didn’t give you what you needed but I am glad I didn’t because to me that momentous occasion in my life was something I was saving for someone special. And yes when it happened it was special.” She remembered fondly before moving on. “But that didn’t mean you had to move on to my best friend, especially while we were still together. And I know you two did it more than one time Ellie Carter told me all those years ago. I have always known. I was just waiting for the right time to bring it up. So now that we have got that out of the way how about we get going here and cure me of cancer.”

Krystal and Michael sat in silence and slightly shocked for a moment before he said “Good Idea; lets go.”

“Oh and by the way Michael.” Krystal said, “its not Krystal Falcon anymore. For future refrence you can call me Mrs. Sambora.”

“Sambora? Just like Richie huh?”

“That’s right, just like Richie.” She smirked.

“So you are related to him then? By marriage I guess? It’s not a common name so I guess you must be somewhere along the line.”

“Yes, Michael. I am related to Richie.”

“Cool,” he said as he looked up from Megan and smiled at her, “how distantly?”

“Oh, he is just my husband.”

Dr Michael nearly chocked on his own saliva. “You are married to Richie Sambora?”


“Well aren’t you two full of surprises? Then I guess you’re gonna tell me you are married to Jon Bon Jovi huh?”

“Ha, no. I am still single. I’ve never been married.” Megan said as she and Krystal shared a secret smile. She may not be married to him but there was definitely a connection between the two.

Three hours later Megan’s first treatment was done and she slept for a bit before going home with Krystal.

The next 2 days were a wipe out for Megan. She was to quickly understand how sick she really was, and didn’t like the idea of going through this each and everytime. Michael assured her that it would get better and he was right, within four weeks of treatment she had either began to feel better or she was just so used to feeling awful that she didn’t notice it anymore.

Megan and Michael had had many conversations and had started to rekindle their friendship. They still had an awful lot in common. So much so that when it came time for Krystal to go back to Richie, Michael assured Krystal that he would be with Megan for her next installment of treatments. He promised to stay with her for the duration if she so needed it. Which is exactly what happened. Megan had her treatment and Michael stayed with her during the time it took and took her home afterwards.

You are on Chapter 62 of Day to Day

(C) Cindi - Today 2008

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Day to Day Chapter 61

Chapter 61

When they turned to see who it was both were relieved to see Krystal standing in the door way.

“Sheesh Megan, it’s hot in this room. Maybe you should leave the door open for a little while. Hi Jon.” Krystal said as she saw that familiar look pass between Jon and Megan. “Oh no.” She said as her hand rose up to cover her mouth in shock. “You two didn’t….” she stopped again not really wanting to say the words out loud but realised she needed to for her own satisfaction. She closed the door and continued “….. You two didn’t have sex, did you?” She whispered the word just incase anyone may have been in ear shot even though the door was firmly closed.

“Krystal, open the door it is a bit stuffy in here now that you have mentioned it.” Megan said. Jon just sat and smiled.

“Megan! Jon! I am shocked at both of you. You aren’t teenagers. You can’t go taking risks like that. Be more careful.”

“Oh look out Mother Teresa is speaking. Lets all listen intently.” Megan mocked.

All 3 in the room stopped laughing and noted that Megan had said that from memory.

“I have no idea where that came from. I just opened my mouth and the words came out.”

“You used to always call me that. Usually when I would call you up on some matter of moral. Heaven knows they were never very high on my list of priorities. Until I met Richie of course, so I guess you were well with in your rights to do so.”

The room erupted with more laughter and clapping which of course brought in the nursing staff.

*** *** *** ***

Megan had left the hospital and had gone home to her apartment in Sydney. Her memory was somewhat restored and she now had many great memories. She had spent many hours with Jon going over the information he had brought with him. And also with Krystal. She had brought in a lot of Megan’s personal belongings from home. Most of it was her old memories as she had based herself in the US for several years. But it was still a useful tool. Krystal had the old and Jon had the new, and together they had both worked very hard to jog Megan’s memory as much as possible. And it worked with great success.

Megan was to begin her treatment for her breast cancer in the next day or so. She had prepared herself as much as she possibly could and declared herself ready for what lay ahead.

*** *** *** ***

Jon had flown back to the US for business and personal matters that couldn’t be put on hold for any longer, but assured Megan he would return as soon as his schedule would allow him to do so.

Megan assured him that with Krystal present she is sure she would be fine. And that he was free to attend to what it was that he needed to for as long as it took.

On the morning of Megan’s first day of treatment she dressed in something comfortable and applied a small amount of makeup before tying her hair up in a French twist and fastening it with an alligator clip. Along with Krystal she drove silently through the city for the long drive to the offices of Dr Michael Lawson to commence her treatment.

Megan would begin with a briefing that turned out to be anything but brief. It was a long and drawn out explanation of the process she was about to under take. The staff went into great detail to explain every aspect of her procedure and how it may affect her emotionally and also physically. They stressed how important it was for her to be aware of these side effects to her treatment. She also needed to be made aware of the fact that the treatment she was about to undergo may not work. If that were the case she would have to undergo Chemotherapy. And then there was also the risk if this treatment didn’t work and required Chemo that she may well be too late. She too needed to be aware that she may need to undergo surgery to remove her breast.

So after a 2 hour briefing she was ready to begin. Megan was taken into the treatment area of the facility. Up until this point she had never come in contact with the Doctor who was to perform the treatment. She entered the room with Krystal and sat and waited nervously.

A few minutes later they could hear the Doctor and Nurse conversing out side the door and as they entered he said, “So who do we have here? Megan Johnson.” He read from her file.” Megan Johnson, I went to school with a Megan Johnson, many years ago. “As he looked up he stopped dead in his tracks. “Megan” he exclaimed with a smile. “It is you. What a coincidence.” He said as he took his hand in hers. He quickly noted the puzzled look on her face and said, “You don’t remember me do you?”

Krystal chimed in and smiling broadly explained to the Doctor that Megan had been through an ordeal and that she was recovering from her memory loss. Megan just sat and stared at him the whole time as yet she had not said a word. She couldn’t believe it was him.

“Wow that’s a lot to go through, how is she?”

“She is good.” The two spoke as though Megan were mute or not even in the room. “I remember you though Michael.”

For the first time he really looked at Krystal and took in her features and suddenly recognition hit and he laughed. “Krystal Falcon. Wow, who would have thought after all these years you two would still be friends. I can’t believe it, How long had it been? 20 years?”

“Why would Krystal and I not still be friends?”

Krystal and Doctor Michael Lawson shared a look and ignored her question said, “Well how about we get on with it then shall we?”

Megan had two options. One she could sit back and say nothing and see where it develops or two she could speak up and tell the Doctor that she does infact remember him. Megan chose option one for the time being, even though she knew there would be dire consequences when they realized she was faking it but also realized it to be the only way she would be able to get any information out of them. Megan remembered the Doctor as soon as he walked in the door. He had not changed much at all with the exception of his hair; it had begun to grey around the edges and a few salt and pepper flecks throughout his head. His skin was much lighter and it was obvious that there was evidence of a few freckles that no longer radiated from his handsome face. More than likely due to the fact that he stayed in doors now more so than out as he has done in his youth. He had hardly a line on his face. He was still in good shape and there was evidence of a strong rippling stomach under his pale blue Tee-shirt. Megan found herself comparing him to Jon. Michael was tall, dark, still very handsome, still in great shape. All in all a package that many a woman would have been proud to have attached to her arm.

Jon on the other hand was also tall, yet blonde, way beyond handsome, he was gorgeous. His blue eyes shone brightly, he could melt anyone with just a simple smile. He had a gorgeous body that women the world over adored.

As she thought Megan also listened to the conversation unfolding in front of her.

You are on Chapter 61 of day to day

(C) Cindi - today 2008
Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,

DAY TO DAY. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fiction

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21, Chapter 22, Chapter 23, Chapter 24, Chapter 25, Chapter 26, Chapter 27, Chapter 28, Chapter 29, Chapter 30, Chapter 31, Chapter 32, Chapter 33, Chapter 34, Chapter 35, Chapter 36, Chapter 37, Chapter 38, Chapter 39, Chapter 40, Chapter 41, Chapter 42, Chapter 43, Chapter 44, Chapter 45, Chapter 46, Chapter 47, Chapter 48, Chapter 49, Chapter 50, Chapter 51, Chapter 52, Chapter 53, Chapter 54, Chapter 55, Chapter 56, Chapter 57, Chapter 58, Chapter 59, Chapter 60, Chapter 61, Chapter 62, Chapter 63, Chapter 64, Chapter 65, Chapter 66,

CEST LA VIE. A story with a difference

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17,

The Contest. Jon Bon Jovi Fan Fic

Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3,
Esteban Guitar Lessons
Esteban Guitar Lessons
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